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Kubermatic ArgoCD Bridge

This Project builds a bridge between the Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform and ArgoCD, by auto importing UserClusters into KKP.

Project is under active Development

Getting Started


You need to have a existing Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform and ArgoCD Installation. The base configuration of the Helm Chart is designed for booth beeing installed on the same cluster together with the bridge. But it is possible to spread all 3 components to different clusters/locations.

How to use it

Helm Chart

We have a Helm Chart to deploy the bridge, which can be found here. The Helmchart will handle the commandline parameters and will create the required Serviceaccount and related Rbac if enabled


If you want to decouple this bridge from your kubernetes infrastructure or just want a quick dev/test environment, this also possible. If you dont wont to use the public image, you can build it yourself. Afterwards you can run it in your container environment for example docker:

docker run -v $HOME/.kube/config:/etc/kubeconfig -e KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubeconfig[version]

Anywhere else

It is possible to run this bridge anywhere outside kubernetes/containers by just running the compiled binary and providing it with kubeapi access for KKP and ArgoCD

You can obtain the binary by building it yourself or download if from the releases. After that, you can run the binary with the required parametes


Important: The following parameters are ment for docker or raw binary environments, when using the Helm Installtion, refer to our Helmchart for further customization

Parameter value default value description
-kkp-kubeconfig System Path "" Path to the kubeconfig, which should be used for the connection to KKP
-kkp-serviceaccount Boolean true If the default service account in your pod should be used for the connection to KPK
-argo-kubeconfig System Path "" Path to the kubeconfig, which should be used for the connection to ArgoCD
-argo-serviceaccount Boolean true If the default service account in your pod should be used for the connection to ArgoCD
-argo-namespace String argocd The ArgoCD namespace, where the secrets get managed
-refresh-interval Duration 60s How often the clusters should be synced
-cluster-secret-template System Path "" Path to the custom secret Template, to add addition information to your cluster secret, use the default as a starting point
-cleanup-removed-clusters Boolean false If enabled, UserClusters which no longer exist at their seed, get also removed from ArgoCD
-cleanup-timed-clusters Boolean false If enabled, UserClusters whose seed got removed or is not reachable, are remove after a specific timeout
-cluster-timeout-time Duration 30s After which duration clusters will be removed, if -cleanup-timed-clusters is enabled

Build it yourself

Docker Image

docker build -t [image name] .
docker push -t [image name]

Raw Binary

go mod download
cd cmd
go build -o kubermatic-argocd-bridge