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Security: stcbus/guacamole-website


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Security Reports

This page lists all security vulnerabilities fixed in released versions of Apache Guacamole. Each vulnerability is listed with a description of the problem, its associated CVE number, and the Guacamole release in which the vulnerability was fixed.

Reporting new vulnerabilities

If you believe you have discovered a security problem in Apache Guacamole, please follow responsible disclosure practices and report discovered security issues privately, either to the private security mailing list of the ASF Security Team or the [email protected] mailing list, before disclosing or discussing the issue in a public forum.

Is Apache Guacamole affected by CVE-2021-44228? {#not-affected-by-cve-2021-44228}

No, CVE-2021-44228 does not affect Apache Guacamole. Guacamole uses Logback as its logging backend, not Log4j.

{% assign releases = site.releases | where: 'released', 'true' | sort: 'date' %} {% for release in releases reversed %}

{% assign reports = | where: 'fixed', release.title | sort: 'title' %}
{% capture title %} Fixed in Apache Guacamole {{ release.title }} {% endcapture %}
{% include cve-list.html title=title reports=reports %}

{% endfor %}

{% assign releases = site.legacy-releases | sort: 'date' %} {% for release in releases reversed %}

{% assign reports = | where: 'fixed', release.title | sort: 'title' %}
{% capture title %} Fixed in Guacamole {{ release.title }} (pre-Apache release) {% endcapture %}
{% include cve-list.html title=title reports=reports %}

{% endfor %}

{% assign reports = | where: 'fixed', '0.6.3' | sort: 'title' %} {% capture title %} Fixed in Guacamole 0.6.3 (pre-Apache release) {% endcapture %} {% include cve-list.html title=title reports=reports %}

There aren’t any published security advisories