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Update npc_shoot
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stanleyseow committed Aug 3, 2024
1 parent 8f5e602 commit 4940c4e
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Showing 2 changed files with 105 additions and 189 deletions.
28 changes: 15 additions & 13 deletions phaser/npc_shoot/game.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@

let config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
width: 800,
height: 600,
physics: {
default: 'arcade',
arcade: {
debug: true
type: Phaser.AUTO,
width: 1200,
height: 800,
physics: {
default: "arcade",
arcade: {
debug: true,
backgroundColor: '#000000',
scene: [ preloadScene, npcShoot ]

backgroundColor: "#000000",
scale: {
mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
scene: [preloadScene, npcShoot],

let game = new Phaser.Game(config);
let game = new Phaser.Game(config);
266 changes: 90 additions & 176 deletions phaser/npc_shoot/npcShoot.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,179 +1,93 @@
class npcShoot extends Phaser.Scene {
constructor() {
super({ key: 'npcShoot' });

preload() {

this.load.spritesheet('coin', 'assets/coin.png', { frameWidth: 32, frameHeight: 32 });
this.load.spritesheet('fire', 'assets/fire.png', { frameWidth: 40, frameHeight: 70 });

this.load.spritesheet('gen', 'assets/char-blank2-64x64.png', { frameWidth: 64, frameHeight: 64 });
this.load.spritesheet('gen-bow', 'assets/char-bow-64x64.png', { frameWidth: 64, frameHeight: 64 });

this.load.spritesheet('knifeImg', 'assets/knife-32x32.png', {frameWidth: 32, frameHeight: 32});

} // end of preload //

create() {

console.log("npc shoot knife")

key: 'gen-up',
frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('gen',
{ start: 105, end: 112 }),
frameRate: 5,
repeat: -1

key: 'gen-left',
frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('gen',
{ start: 118, end: 125 }),
frameRate: 5,
repeat: -1

key: 'gen-down',
frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('gen',
{ start: 131, end: 138 }),
frameRate: 5,
repeat: -1

key: 'gen-right',
frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('gen',
{ start: 144, end: 151 }),
frameRate: 5,
repeat: -1

key: 'gen-bow-up',
frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('gen-bow',
{ start: 105, end: 112 }),
frameRate: 5,
repeat: -1

key: 'gen-bow-left',
frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('gen-bow',
{ start: 118, end: 125 }),
frameRate: 5,
repeat: -1

key: 'gen-bow-down',
frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('gen-bow',
{ start: 131, end: 138 }),
frameRate: 5,
repeat: -1

key: 'gen-bow-right',
frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('gen-bow',
{ start: 144, end: 151 }),
frameRate: 5,
repeat: -1

key: 'gen-bow-shoot-left',
frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('gen-bow',
{ start: 221, end: 233 }),
frameRate: 5,
repeat: -1

key: "knifeAnim",
frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers("knifeImg", { start: 0, end: 15 }),
frameRate: 20,
repeat: -1,
constructor() {
super({ key: "npcShoot" });

preload() {
this.load.spritesheet("coin", "assets/coin.png", { frameWidth: 32, frameHeight: 32 });
this.load.spritesheet("fire", "assets/fire.png", { frameWidth: 40, frameHeight: 70 });

this.load.spritesheet("gen", "assets/char-blank2-64x64.png", {
frameWidth: 64,
frameHeight: 64,
this.load.spritesheet("gen-bow", "assets/char-bow-64x64.png", {
frameWidth: 64,
frameHeight: 64,

this.load.spritesheet("knifeImg", "assets/knife-32x32.png", {
frameWidth: 32,
frameHeight: 32,
} // end of preload //

create() {
console.log("npc shoot knife");

this.timer1 = this.time.addEvent({
delay: 3000,
callback: this.shootKnife,
callbackScope: this,
loop: true,

this.player = this.physics.add.sprite(200, 300, 'gen')

this.npc1 = this.physics.add.sprite(600, 100, 'gen-bow').play("gen-bow-shoot-left")
this.npc2 = this.physics.add.sprite(600, 400, 'gen-bow').play("gen-bow-shoot-left")

this.knife1 = this.physics.add.sprite(580, 100, "knifeImg").play("knifeAnim")
this.knife2 = this.physics.add.sprite(580, 400, "knifeImg").play("knifeAnim")

this.timer1= this.time.addEvent({
delay: 2000,
callback: this.shootKnife,
callbackScope: this,
loop: true,

this.timer2= this.time.addEvent({
delay: 4000,
callback: this.resetKnife,
callbackScope: this,
loop: true,

this.cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();

} // end of create //

update() {

this.angle1= Phaser.Math.Angle.BetweenPoints(this.npc1, this.player);
this.angle2 = Phaser.Math.Angle.BetweenPoints(this.npc2, this.player);

if (this.cursors.left.isDown) {
this.player.setVelocityX(-160);'gen-left', true);
else if (this.cursors.right.isDown) {
this.player.setVelocityX(160);'gen-right', true);
else if (this.cursors.up.isDown) {
this.player.setVelocityY(-160);'gen-up', true);
else if (this.cursors.down.isDown) {
this.player.setVelocityY(160);'gen-down', true);
else {

} // end of update //

shootKnife (){
let deg1 = Phaser.Math.RadToDeg(this.angle1)
let deg2 = Phaser.Math.RadToDeg(this.angle2)
console.log("shoot knife degree: ",90-deg1, 90-deg2)

this.physics.velocityFromRotation(this.angle1, 300, this.knife1.body.velocity);
this.physics.velocityFromRotation(this.angle2, 300, this.knife2.body.velocity);


resetKnife() {
console.log("Reset knife location")
this.knife1.x = this.npc1.x
this.knife1.y = this.npc1.y
this.knife2.x = this.npc2.x
this.knife2.y = this.npc2.y
this.player = this.physics.add.sprite(100, 300, "gen");

this.npc1 = this.physics.add.sprite(1000, 100, "gen-bow").play("gen-bow-shoot-left");
this.npc2 = this.physics.add.sprite(1000, 600, "gen-bow").play("gen-bow-shoot-left");

this.knife1 = this.physics.add.sprite(this.npc1.x, this.npc1.y, "knifeImg").play("knifeAnim").setVisible(false);
this.knife2 = this.physics.add.sprite(this.npc2.x, this.npc2.y, "knifeImg").play("knifeAnim").setVisible(false);

this.cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
} // end of create //

update() {
this.angle1 = Phaser.Math.Angle.BetweenPoints(this.npc1, this.player);
this.angle2 = Phaser.Math.Angle.BetweenPoints(this.npc2, this.player);

this.physics.velocityFromRotation(this.angle1, 300, this.knife1.body.velocity);
this.physics.velocityFromRotation(this.angle2, 300, this.knife2.body.velocity);

if (this.cursors.left.isDown) {
this.player.setVelocityX(-160);"gen-left", true);
} else if (this.cursors.right.isDown) {
this.player.setVelocityX(160);"gen-right", true);
} else if (this.cursors.up.isDown) {
this.player.setVelocityY(-160);"gen-up", true);
} else if (this.cursors.down.isDown) {
this.player.setVelocityY(160);"gen-down", true);
} else {
} // end of update //

shootKnife() {
let deg1 = Phaser.Math.RadToDeg(this.angle1);
let deg2 = Phaser.Math.RadToDeg(this.angle2);
console.log("shoot knife degree: ", 90 - deg1, 90 - deg2);


// remove knife after 5 seconds
this.time.delayedCall(5000, this.resetKnife, [], this);

resetKnife() {
console.log("Reset knifes");
this.knife1.x = this.npc1.x;
this.knife1.y = this.npc1.y;
this.knife2.x = this.npc2.x;
this.knife2.y = this.npc2.y;

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