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6. Discussions

macfeosfiamy edited this page Mar 31, 2021 · 1 revision

March 30, 2021


  • Stakehouse is now more of an umbrella than an individual project, will have several projects underneath it
  • There will likely be new people joining that would like to support with dev (or some other skill), and some people with new ideas
  • Will need to determine how we organize and move forward, i.e. collect ideas and prioritize team, aligning people with projects to help
  • High level goal – lower technical bar to staking, support ETH 2.0 network
  • Validator process – run command, spits out validator key file, need to configure that key file with your actual validator, then your validator uses the validator key as the signing key. That connects the deposit to the validator software.
  • Unvetica.eth is doing a community update tomorrow. He wants to know the best way to get involved in Stakehouse… need to tell him what the best way is.

Stakehouse project (i.e. One Click Installer):

  • Highest priority on Colfax’s to-do list are the key-gen and validator configuration parts (to use the key that was generated from the key-gen). Once this is done, mostly will be complete. Will then create a bundle to have a downloadable application. Second highest priority is the bundle so that it can truly be a one-click installer
  • Talk about overall next steps, how Sam can support, etc.
  • In short-term, need help with structure around the product to-dos
    • Come up with a new name for the product

Stakehouse as a community:

  • Set up a separate git hub org, for Stakehouse as a community (though someone is already using Stakehouse)
    • Need to decide what this org should be name. Might have to change the name if we can’t come up with good ideas/suggestions
    • Once determine new name, will be moving the one-click installer to the new org
    • Would like to create a separate repo for the community with a detailed readme about the community itself
      • i.e. welcome to Stakehouse, we’re an extension of the ethstaker community that is working to build tools to lower the technical bar to staking and promote the health of the beacon chain
      • Link to description
      • Collection of the projects that we’re working on, such as:
        • one-click installer, port checker, wizard
        • port checker – can hit a URL and it will tell you if you have the right ports open (this one could use some polish too)
  • Sam’s thoughts high level
    • Have a list of stuff the community owns/works on
    • Connect that list with people want to help
      • Onboarding process
      • Oversight/vision
      • Dev Support
        • Don’t want Stakehouse as a tool to make it more difficult to get resources. Don’t want to discourage people from doing their own innovation, even if it doesn’t align with something we’re directly working on within Stakehouse.
        • Don’t want to only be focused on specific tools that we’re developing – need to stay focused on the higher level vision, which is a community for everyone that is building tools within the objectives.
    • Community calls
  • Butta’s thoughts
    • Stakehouse is kind of like an app store
    • If we have fully working installer, someone new comes in, and they would like to just use one portion of the project (i.e. the key generation part)
    • Would like to have all of the components by themselves as standalone tools, each portion should be its own component, i.e. if someone wants to use the port checker or the key generation standalone
    • Provide both the individual components as well as the full tool itself
    • Right now, there aren’t many developers working on Stakehouse, so it’s critical to have the right priorities. If someone were to join right now, it’s difficult to point that person towards the right thing to work on