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Code for the ICRA 2023 paper “Finding Things in the Unknown: Semantic Object-Centric Exploration with an MAV”

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Finding Things in the Unknown: Semantic Object-Centric Exploration with an MAV

WORK-IN-PROGRESS. Check again in a few days for the full source code.

This repository contains the code and simulator for the ICRA 2023 paper “Finding Things in the Unknown: Semantic Object-Centric Exploration with an MAV”.

animation of top-down view of exploration top-down view of reconstruction and individual objects

In this work we broaden the scope of autonomous exploration beyond just uncovering free space into creating a map with semantic and object-level information, useful for higher-level robotic tasks. We study the task of both finding specific objects in unknown space as well as reconstructing them to a target level of detail while exploring an unknown environment. We evaluate our framework on complex environments in our MAV simulator based on Habitat and on-board a real-world MAV. For more information see the paper and video.


The code has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS Noetic. Install the ros-noetic-desktop-full package by following the ROS Noetic installation instructions and then install the dependencies:

sudo apt-get install cmake g++ git libcgal-dev libeigen3-dev libompl-dev libopencv-dev libyaml-cpp-dev python3-catkin-tools

Create and initialize a new catkin workspace:

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
mkdir -p ~/exploration_ws/src
cd ~/exploration_ws
catkin init

Clone this repository and all submodules inside the workspace:

cd ~/exploration_ws/src
git clone --recurse-submodules

Build all ROS packages in the workspace:

catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
source ~/exploration_ws/devel/setup.bash

Dataset download

To download the Matterport3D dataset for use with Habitat-Sim follow the instructions from here. In short:

  1. Get the official Matterport3D download script from here.

  2. Run it as follows (requires Python 2):

    python --task habitat -o path/to/download


Using habitat_mav_sim

To run on the 2t7WUuJeko7 sequence of the Matterport3D dataset modify the scene_file key in semanticeight-ros/config/matterport3d/2t7WUuJeko7.yaml to point to the downloaded .glb file and run:

roslaunch semanticeight_ros habitat.launch config:='$(find semanticeight_ros)/config/matterport3d/2t7WUuJeko7.yaml' rviz:=true

Using Gazebo + RotorS

After installing Gazebo and building the RotorS simulator in the same workspace as this project run:

roslaunch semanticeight_ros gazebo.launch world:=maze rviz:=true

The possible values for the world argument are: apartment, maze and powerplant. To add another Gazebo world, say, just place the file in semanticeight-ros/worlds and create an office.yaml file in semanticeight-ros/config/gazebo. You can then run on the office world using:

roslaunch semanticeight_ros gazebo.launch world:=office rviz:=true

Project structure

This repository consists of several ROS packages:

  • semanticeight_ros: The mapping and exploration planning node.
  • habitat_mav_sim: The MAV simulator using the Habitat-Sim simulator.
  • mav_comm: Message definitions needed when using the RotorS simulator.


If you found the code in this repository useful in your work you can use the following BibTeX entry to cite it:

  author    = "Papatheodorou, Sotiris and Funk, Nils and Tzoumanikas, Dimos and Choi, Christopher and Xu, Binbin and Leutenegger, Stefan",
  title     = "Finding Things in the Unknown: Semantic Object-Centric Exploration with an {MAV}",
  booktitle = "IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation",
  address   = "London, United Kingdom",
  year      = "2023",
  month     = "May",


Copyright 2020-2023 Smart Robotics Lab, Imperial College London, Technical University of Munich
Copyright 2020-2023 Sotiris Papatheodorou
Copyright 2020-2022 Nils Funk
Copyright 2021-2022 Dimos Tzoumanikas

See the individual submodules for their license terms. Most code is distributed under the BSD 3-clause license.


Code for the ICRA 2023 paper “Finding Things in the Unknown: Semantic Object-Centric Exploration with an MAV”







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