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Uses kind to set up a local Kubernetes cluster for running a highly available service accessible via HTTP that interacts with a key-value store over the network.


  • Redis as key-value store
    • Master-slave configuration
      • 1 x read-write master
      • 3 x read-only slaves
  • router as HTTP API server
    • Stack: Python, FastAPI, uvicorn
    • /set talks to Redis master
    • /get, /search talk to Redis slaves
    • /metrics exposes basic HTTP related data
  • Prometheus
    • Scrapes Redis and router
  • Ingress
    • Routes incoming traffic at port 8080 to router
  • router tests
    • API correctness blackbox tests
    • API load tests
      • Also during rolling redeployment

Common operations in order

For maximum performance, consider: alias make='make -j`nproc`'

  • make: sets up cluster end to end
    • Fails fast if required tools are not available on PATH
  • make test-deploy-rollout
    • Runs API test suite and populates Redis
      • [Optional] make connect-redis: forwards Redis to local port and logs in
    • Starts API load test suite
    • Concurrently initiates redeployment rollout with image variant having same functionality
    • make view-fortio-reports: launches local web UI for viewing load testing reports
  • make forward-prometheus: forwards Prometheus to local port
    • Endpoint latency buckets: sum(http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{handler!~"/(healthz|metrics).*"}) by(handler, le)
    • HTTP status codes from endpoints: sum(http_requests_total{handler!~"/(healthz|metrics).*"}) by(handler, method, status)
    • Number of keys in DB: sum(redis_db_keys{db="db0"}) by(db)
  • make teardown: destroys cluster