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The Skylight Website

Jekyll Deploy

This repo is for our public-facing site, which is hosted on

The site is built with the Twitter Bootstrap front-end framework (for now), and uses Jekyll to generate static pages, which are served through GitHub Pages.


  1. If you’re using a Mac, install homebrew (see
  2. After installing git (brew install git), cd to the directory where you want to check out the site, and then clone it (git clone
  3. Install rvm (\curl -sSL | bash -s stable), and then install a new version of ruby (rvm install 3.0.1).
  4. Install the bundler gem, then use bundler to install other project dependencies (gem install bundler && bundle install).
  5. Install node (brew install node -v7.10.0), and then run npm install to install the local dependencies listed in package.json.

Mac users with an M1 chip should follow these instructions instead.


  1. In the directory you checked out the website into, run jekyll serve to start the web server.
  2. Navigate to http://localhost:4000 in your browser to see your changes.


  1. To execute lint tests, run the npm run-script <script> command in the console. Available scripts include: scss-lint, html-lint, and js-lint.
  2. To check test for accessibility, HTML structure, and valid links, we use HTMLProofer. To run that, execute rake test in your local terminal.

Setup using Docker

  1. If you’re using a Mac, install homebrew (see
  2. Install docker.
  3. Install NPM brew install node.
  4. After installing git (brew install git), cd to the directory where you want to check out the site, and then clone it (git clone
  5. Enter the command npm run docker-run to start the server.
  6. Navigate to http://localhost:4000 in your browser.

Setup for Mac users with M1 chips

  1. Install homebrew (see
  2. After installing git (brew install git), cd to the directory where you want to check out the site, and then clone it (git clone
  3. Install asdf (brew install asdf).
  4. Install ruby with asdf by following the asdf ruby installation guide.
  5. Revert the version of ruby running in your working directory to 2.7.2 first with asdf install ruby 2.7.2 and then asdf local ruby 2.7.2.
  6. Install the bundler gem, then use bundler to install other project dependencies (gem install bundler && bundle install).
  7. Install NVM (brew install nvm).
  8. Follow instructions and update .zshr or .bash_profile.
  9. Restart terminal.
  10. Install Node 7.10.0, nvm install 7.10.0.
  11. Use Node 7.10.0, nvm use 7.10.0.
  12. Install node pacakges, npm install to install the local dependencies listed in package.json.
  13. Run site, jekyll serve.