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Releases: skyjake/lagrange


26 Jul 15:18
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⚠️ A new TOFU trust store will be created. The old one is kept around but ignored.
⚠️ App state serialization format has been updated. Downgrading to a previous release will cause app state to be reset (e.g., tabs closed, navigation history cleared).
⚠️ New build dependencies: HarfBuzz and GNU FriBidi (see README).

New features:

  • Added support for bidirectional text and complex scripts. العالم متنوع
  • Right-to-left paragraphs are aligned to the right. Link icons and list/quote symbols are moved to the right margin.
  • Added support for Titan uploads. The data to upload can be entered via a text field or by dropping a file on the window.
  • Added a keybinding for opening the current page URL in the upload dialog (Ctrl+U/⌘U). This simply switches the page's URL scheme from gemini to titan.
  • Added a configuration file for defining the UI color palette (see Help, section 3.5).
  • Added settings for keyboard and mouse scrolling speeds.
  • Added setting for changing Return key behavior in input fields (line break vs. accept).
  • Added setting for adjusting line spacing.
  • Added link context menu item for deleting local files (e.g., downloads).

Changes and enhancements:

  • Improved TOFU: if the server certificate is not trusted, the connection is aborted at the TLS handshake stage. Previously, only a warning was shown and the page contents were fetched regardless.
  • Server certificate fingerprints are generated based on public keys, which allows servers to renew their certificates without losing trusted status.
  • Improved handling of expired server certificates. An error page is shown and the connection is aborted at the TLS handshake stage. The user can give a temporary exception to load the page.
  • Page contents are cached in presentation form for quicker restoring during back/forward navigation.
  • Inline images/audio will not get discarded during back/forward navigation. The Network > Memory Size setting determines the maximum memory usage for media. Setting the Memory Size to zero is equivalent to the previous behavior of discarding everything when the page changes.
  • Debug information includes RAM use in addition to cache size. This includes document layout and media stored in memory (e.g., raw pixel data of images).
  • Text input fields support larger amounts of content and expand vertically only up to a limit, after which they start scrolling.
  • Preferences have been reorganized. There is a new Fonts tab, and some General settings have been moved to the Style tab. All color-related settings are on the Colors tab, including UI theme colors.
  • Links opened on a page are updated to reflect visited status even when opening into a background tab or to the side.
  • Unicode Byte Order Mark is ignored in the beginning of a page.
  • Updated Smol Emoji with new characters.
  • Query/Feeds indicators have a smaller appearance in a narrow window to leave room for the URL.


  • Large lede paragraph font is not applied if the paragraph has too many lines.
  • Fixed minor kerning issues when using Nunito.
  • Fixed sizing of characters in the Noto Symbols fonts.
  • Improved internal handling of URLs. For example, some URLs were not being recognized as visited because of percent-encoding differences.
  • Fixed URL in the generated page for viewing a single image (spaces weren't encoded).
  • Input dialog is not dismissed unless the Cancel button is clicked or Escape is pressed.
  • Workaround for a potential hang during the closing of a socket.
  • TLS client certificates generated by the app have identical issuer and subject fields, including all the provided information and not just the Common Name.
  • Gopher: Improved detection of ASCII art.
  • Gopher: Show contents of unrecognized line types.
  • Gopher: Don't collapse preformatted blocks since everything is preformatted in the source.
  • Gopher: All preformatted blocks are unindented to avoid misaligned ASCII art.
  • macOS: ^⌘Space shows the system-provided symbols and Emoji character palette.
    NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.6.0.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


15 Jun 11:39
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  • Fixed pasting a PEM-formatted certificate and/or private key via clipboard in Import Identity.
  • Possible workaround for a visual glitch in the URL field.
  • Specify StartupWMClass in .desktop file.
  • Normalize page contents to avoid the most common issues with diacritics (Unicode NFC).
  • Expanded the set of recognized custom link icons.
  • Updated "Smol Emoji" font with new glyphs.
  • Allow use of TLS cipher "DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384".

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.5.2.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


06 Jun 12:56
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  • Updated UI translations.
  • Updated "Smol Emoji" font with new and improved glyphs.

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.5.1.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


30 May 11:37
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  • Added "Smol Emoji" and "Noto Sans Symbols" fonts, removed Symbola.
    ⚠️ Many Emoji and pictographs defined in the last five years are currently missing.
  • Added document footer buttons: on certain pages (e.g., error messages) show relevant actions in the bottom of the page. For example, if a certificate is required for viewing a page, show buttons for creating a new identity and showing the Identities sidebar.
  • Error pages include the human-readable text sent by the server.
  • Disregard old feed entries whose unread status would have been forgotten.
  • Added UI language: Polish.

Identity management:

  • Revised New Identity dialog. An option is provided to automatically use the new identity on the current domain/page. The additional fields are hidden by default.
  • Improved usability of Identities sidebar. No more accidental activations: left-clicking an identity opens the context menu without making any changes. The context menu shows each active URL as a menu item for easy access. Identity icons reflect the usage status: all identities used on the current domain get highlighted in addition to the currently used one.
  • Identities can be exported: certificate and private key are opened in a new tab in plain text PEM format.
  • Fixed issues with identity usage: a higher-up URL overrides and deactivates all contained URLs to avoid redundant activation.

Text input:

  • Revised text input widgets: added support for multiple lines, and when entering user response to a query, show how many bytes are remaining for the response URL about to be submitted. In dialogs, input fields expand vertically instead of scrolling their content horizontally.
  • Input widgets allow inserting newlines using Shift+Return.
  • Disallow sending query responses that are too long (1024 bytes maximum).
  • Shift-click to select a range of text in input widgets (i.e, without dragging).


  • Animate showing and hiding of sidebars and dialogs. Animations are enabled by default, by can be disabled with Preferences > Interface > Animations.
  • Added setting for a custom TrueType symbol font for any missing characters. Note: Must be a .TTF file — OpenType and bitmap fonts are not supported.
  • Link navigation shortcut icons (home row and numbered) are drawn with a consistent appearance.
  • Improved icon alignment in lists.
  • Reduced line gap between word-wrapped top-level headings.
  • Modal dialog background dimming fades in/out smoothly.
  • macOS: Workaround for an issue that causes UI refresh to pause occasionally for ~100 ms.

Split view:

  • Added keybindings for split view menu items.
  • Changed default split view keys to conform to Emacs (3 for horizontal, 2 for vertical split).
  • Fixes and improvements for touch screen event handling in split view mode.

Command line:

  • Added --url-or-search (-u) command line option. Depending on the parameter, either open an URL or make a search query.
  • Open all URLs/files specified on the command line in new tabs, and raise the window if the app is already running. (Kudos to Alyssa Rosenzweig.)


  • Linear navigation through the book with Left/Right arrow keys and via footer buttons. The navigation order is determined by links on the Gempub index page.

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.5.0.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


22 May 08:51
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  • Fixed UI colors being all black on the first run.
  • Fixed right mouse click on an inactive split not having any effect.
  • Fixed action buttons showing under the Help link in an empty Identities sidebar.
  • Fixed potential crash at shutdown.
  • Fixed minor UI layout issues.

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.4.2.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


13 May 10:44
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  • Fixed removing the left side split by closing all its tabs. The URL input field got confused about which tab was currently open, and the wrong theme was active.
  • Fixed tab merging when unsplitting the window: keep the currently active tab open.
  • Fixed issue with sidebars sometimes becoming unresponsive.
  • Fixed font used for visited monospace Gopher links.
  • Fixed incorrectly shown/hidden ◧ indicator.
  • Fixed scrollbar in Preferences > Keys being hidden until the list is scrolled.

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.4.1.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


07 May 13:30
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  • Added split view modes: two tabs at once, horizontal/vertical split, 1:1/2:1/1:2 weights, merge tabs, swap sides. See section 1.8 in Help for details.
  • Split view pinning: keep a page pinned on one side while all opened links go to the other side.
  • "file://" URLs can be used for viewing contents of local directories and ZIP archives.
  • Basic Gempub support: a cover page is generated based on metadata, and there's an automatic split view for index and contents. On macOS, Lagrange is registered as a viewer of .gpub files.
  • Bold link styling is used for indicating which links are unvisited.
  • Page rendering was optimized: now each line of text is rendered into the view buffer only once, and whenever the view is stationary, content is prefilled in the available space outside the viewport. Previously, at least one line of text was rendered every frame when the viewport was moving, which was mostly redundant.
  • Added UI languages: Interlingua, Toki Pona.
  • Added "New"/"Import" buttons in the bottom of the Identities tab.
  • Added an "All"/"Unread" mode switch in the bottom of the Feeds tab.
  • Added toggles for special tags in the bookmark creation/editor dialog.
  • Added "Show Downloads" to the File/main menu.
  • Added "Open Downloaded File" to the file save dialog to make it easy to find the local copy of the file.
  • Updated the UI font to Source Sans 3. It now has all the styles and weights needed for page rendering, too.
  • Added a semibold Fira Sans weight (used for unvisited links).
  • Preferences: Reorganized the fonts dropdown menu.
  • Changed popup dismiss behavior so that a click outside just dismisses the popup and does not trigger further actions.
  • All lists support smooth scrolling.
  • Multitouch scrolling: each finger can scroll a different widget.
  • Adjustments to how display DPI affects UI scaling.
  • Fixed allocation of page rendering buffers. Previously, some buffers may have gone unused or were allocated erroneously to the same position, causing unnecessary work for the page renderer.
  • Fixed various issues in the UI layout.
  • Fixed parsing URI scheme (limited set of characters allowed).
  • Don't percent encode equal signs in URL paths.

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.4.0.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


26 Apr 09:53
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  • Allow server certificates with a *.tld subject wildcard.
  • Updated the French UI translation.
  • Fixed media type check in the audio player. Media types with parameters failed to be recognized.
  • Fixed crash after a redirect.
  • Fixed a rare issue with handling multiple rapid network requests.
  • Fixed a rare situation where a network connection would fail to open.
  • Minor stability improvements.

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.3.4.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


18 Apr 12:35
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  • Added UI languages: French, German. (Note that neither is 100% finished yet.)
  • Added build option to disable IPC for compatibility reasons.
  • Added environment variable LAGRANGE_OVERRIDE_DPI.
  • Back/forward navigation buttons are disabled if they have no more pages to switch to.
  • Minor UI color tuning.
  • Fixed possible crash when closing a tab.
  • Fixed possible crash when restoring application state at launch.
  • Fixed problems parsing and making requests with literal IPv6 addresses.

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.3.3.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


11 Apr 11:17
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  • Fixed crash after updating from v1.2 due to undefined CA file/path configuration.
  • Fixed conflation of pixel ratio and display DPI. Pixel ratio is now always separately detected so mouse events can be correctly positioned. You may find that adjusting the UI scale factor (Preferences > Interface) is necessary after upgrading.
  • Fixed sidebar width changing when moving the window to a different display.
  • Fixed inability to use Tab in keybindings.
  • Fixed opening Gopher URLs via drag-and-drop.
  • Fixed "Add bookmark..." on a feed entry.
  • Fixed keybindings list not being updated immediately when UI language changes.
  • Fixed trimming of link label text when a custom Emoji is used.
  • Windows: Fixed maximum window size being restricted to the initial display's size.

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.3.2.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.