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Releases: skyjake/lagrange


17 Jan 11:15
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New features:

  • macOS: Trackpad swipe navigation.
  • Customizable navbar actions. Right-click on a button to change its action. (Identity and hamburger buttons cannot be changed.)
  • Identity toolbar menu can be used to switch between alternate identities. If you have used multiple identities on one site, this makes it more convenient to switch between them.
  • Added "Edit Page with Titan": opens the upload dialog with current page's content prefilled.
  • Added "Paste Preceding Line" in the input prompt dialog. Potential use cases include user-editable sections on a page and suggested/example input values.
  • Added footer action to open file in another app when the media type is unsupported.
  • Added option to disable cursor blinking in input fields.
  • Added ANSI SGR codes for light and regular font weights (2, 10).
  • macOS: Added "Show in Finder" in the Identities sidebar.

Changes and enhancements:

  • Improved image inlining: all responses with an image media type can get inlined, regardless of the file extension in the URL.
  • Inline image metadata goes under the image instead of possibly overlapping the label text.
  • Inline downloads have a context menu for relevant actions, and clicking on the download opens the file.
  • Improved highlighting of open pages. The highlight no longer goes under the side elements on the page.
  • Entry dates in feed links are de-emphasized for improved readability.
  • Revised link hover popup. None of the information appears on the same line any more (which was problematic if there wasn't enough space). Instead, everything is shown in a popup at the bottom/top of the view, including the identity that will be used when opening the link and the date of last visit.
  • Revised layout of the Upload dialog. There is a new edit field that lets you modify the file path of the URL. Identity names are in bold.
  • Optimized UI layout procedure and memory use during UI event processing.
  • Audio subsystem is only initialized when actually needed.
  • Prevent state file corruption if the app happens to get killed while state is being saved.
  • Gempub: Open books in 1:2 split mode instead of 1:1.
  • Minor improvements in page caching.
  • Detect when text is Bengali, Devanagari, Oriya, or Tamil.


  • Fixed a history caching issue: if there were multiple instances of the same URL in history, only the latest one's content would be used when navigating back/forward.
  • Fixed handling of reserved characters in URLs (cf. RFC 3986, section 2.2).
  • Fixed the copy/paste context menu not showing in input fields.
  • Fixed duplicated warnings showing in the page banner.
  • Fixed very narrow input fields causing the app to hang.
  • Fixed initial scroll position in multiline input fields.
  • Fixed layout issues in the sidebar on empty Feeds and Identities tabs.
  • Fixed lookup results list becoming too narrow.
  • Fixed glitches when a widget has multiple simultanous animations.
  • Fixed mixed-language CJK word wrapping.
  • Fixed parsing Atom feed dates with leading whitespace.
  • Windows: Fixed installing individual TrueType fonts via drag and drop.
  • macOS: Fixed high CPU usage during audio playback and UI animations.
  • macOS: Line breaks inside menu items (e.g., info about current identity).

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.10.0.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04. The armhf AppImage has been built on Raspbian 10 (Buster).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


05 Jan 07:25
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  • Fixed misshapen button borders (SDL 2.0.16 line drawing workaround).
  • Fixed actions being triggered when navigating via home row keys.
  • macOS: Fixed native menu items being triggered when navigating via home row keys.
  • macOS: Fixed native menu items triggering when changing key bindings.

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.9.5.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04. The armhf AppImage has been built on Raspbian 10 (Buster).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


04 Jan 07:39
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  • Fixed crash when a link is missing both URL and label (just a =>).
  • Fixed handling of foreground color escapes in the simple text renderer.
  • Updated UI translations.
  • Upgraded SDL to 2.0.18.

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.9.4.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04. The armhf AppImage has been built on Raspbian 10 (Buster).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


24 Dec 08:08
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  • Added UI language for Dutch.
  • Updated UI translations.
  • Fixed the simple text renderer (build error, hanging).
  • Fixed time zone of the "valid from" time in created client certificates.
  • macOS: Fixed selecting scope for a newly created identity.

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.9.3.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04. The armhf AppImage has been built on Raspbian 10 (Buster).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


07 Dec 07:15
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  • Windows: Use the correct version number for update checks.
  • Fixed possible crash when switching Feeds sidebar filter mode via the popup menu.
  • Shorter label for "Mark All as Read" in Feeds sidebar actions.
  • In popup menus, differentiate between selected item and hover item.
  • Updated UI translations.

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.9.2.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04. The armhf AppImage has been built on Raspbian 10 (Buster).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


29 Nov 16:53
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  • Added "24-Hour Time" preference. Currently it only affects the page timestamp in the bottom left corner.
  • Heading level 3 is indented like regular text lines, making the difference to level 2 evident.
  • Fixed crash when creating a top-level bookmark.
  • Fixed drawing the page timestamp.
  • Fixed layout of tab buttons and other resizing widgets so all available space is used.
  • Fixed tab close buttons preventing activation of very short tab buttons. The close buttons only appear if there is room for them.
  • Fixed very short tab labels not getting truncated.
  • Fixed the New Tab button not staying at the right edge of the window, depending on how many tabs are open.

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.9.1.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04. The armhf AppImage has been built on Raspbian 10 (Buster).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


27 Nov 06:58
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New features:

  • Added a toolbar button for toggling the left sidebar.
  • Added an unsplit button in the toolbar when in split view mode.
  • Choose parent folder when creating or editing a bookmark.
  • Support for 24-bit RGB ANSI color sequences.
  • Support for ANSI background color escapes (disabled by default).
  • macOS: Automatic updates using the Sparkle framework.
  • Windows: Automatic updates using the WinSparkle library.
  • UI language for Turkish.

Changes and enhancements:

  • Adjusted font styles of heading levels 2 and 3.
  • Sidebar context menus also appear when clicking over the sidebar background. In this case the menu contains general functions not related to any item.
  • Feeds tab in the sidebar has a redesigned action toolbar with "Mark All as Read", and dropdown menu and keyboard shortcuts for changing the filter mode.
  • Feeds tab remembers the unread/all filter mode persistently.
  • ANSI foreground colors are modified to match colored theme backgrounds (e.g., Sepia).
  • Navigating back and forward in history will skip input query prompts (status 1x), showing only the query results.
  • Ctrl+A now selects all text in input fields (except on macOS, where it remains the Emacs-style jump to start/end of line).
  • The resource bundle (resources.lgr) is now a regular ZIP archive. This allows it to do double duty as a fontpack containing the built-in fonts. The archive contains a version number to avoid use of obsolete resources.


  • Fixed layout issues related to footer action buttons. Sometimes the buttons would overlap page content.
  • Fixed handling duplicate feed entries: if multiple entries in a feed have the same URL, only use the first one.

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.9.0.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04. The armhf AppImage has been built on Raspbian 10 (Buster).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


21 Nov 13:56
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  • Fixed clicking on UI elements that are over the page top banner. The banner would always get clicked instead.
  • Titan upload identity is remembered as a site-specific setting. It is no longer affected by selections in the Identities sidebar.
  • macOS: Fixed updating items in native menus, e.g., upload identity selection.

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.8.3.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04. The armhf AppImage has been built on Raspbian 10 (Buster).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


13 Nov 05:53
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  • Fixed encoding of + characters in URLs as per RFC 3986.
  • Fixed crash when fontpack.ini specifies a file that cannot be found.
  • Fixed incorrect title of some error messages (was showing response meta info).
  • Fixed ambiguous font dropdown menu items if some fonts have the same name. Now the unique font ID will be included in these cases.
  • Made it possible to manually trust a certificate whose subject doesn't match domain name.
  • Updated UI translations.

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.8.2.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Linux AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04. The armhf AppImage has been built on Raspbian 10 (Buster).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.


06 Nov 10:21
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  • Added UI translations: Hungarian, Czech.
  • Added the zip utility as a build requirement. It is used for making fontpacks.
  • Fixed build failure with the simple text renderer, i.e., when HarfBuzz is disabled.
  • Fixed issues scrolling tall popup menus (e.g., UI language selection).
  • Fixed a line spacing artifact in long headings. With some fonts, the lines were clipping each other so the spacing was restored to normal.
  • Fixed a socket I/O issue that caused received data to be ignored when the peer closed the connection prematurely.
  • macOS: Tab close buttons are on the left side (platform UI convention).
  • Gopher: Recognize both LF and CRLF line endings in page content.

NOTE: When compiling from source, get the lagrange-1.8.1.tar.gz tarball because it contains all the required source files. The "Source Code (ZIP/TAR.GZ)" items below are generated by Gitea and contain only this repository (the_Foundation is required as well).

The Intel Mac binaries require macOS 10.13 or later, and the Apple Silicon binaries require macOS 11.0 or later.

The Linux x86_64 AppImage has been built on Ubuntu 18.04. The armhf AppImage has been built on Raspbian 10 (Buster).

The Windows binaries require 64-bit Windows 7 or later. The portable ZIP archive can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory.