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Frequently asked questions

kjetilly edited this page Mar 20, 2014 · 3 revisions

What is Tinia?

Tinia is a framework for developing applications in which the main computational logic is done on a server, while the results is displayed on a client.

Through Tinia the application programmer can specify a GUI which Tinia may convert to either a QT GUI or a JavaScript GUI (using the Dojo toolkit).

Tinia is well suited for OpenGL and GPGPU programming.

Tinia aims to provide high interactivity even in situations with high latency and low bandwidth.

What is Tinia not?

  • Tinia is not a subtitute for Remote Desktop, OnLive, Gaikai or similar services.
  • Tinia is not QT, GTK or any other toolkit framework.
  • Tinia is not ready for production use.

What is a Job in Tinia?

A Job is the core of a Tinia program. A Job by itself does not constitute a full program, but by using the Tinia program it becomes a full program.

Is the ExposedModel thread safe?

Yes. All access to the ExposedModel is kept synchronized through an internal mutex. You can alter the ExposedModel from whichever thread you'd like. We make sure GUI updating is done in the correct thread.