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Khazak edited this page Jun 11, 2024 · 9 revisions

This documentation is a part of the TCI reference.

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Note: the standard output mentioned on this page is the console output, not your report.

Combat logs

  • log (scope: global; default: 0), when different from zero, will force the application to print a human-readable log on the standard output. It is easier to read than the wow combat log. Enabling this setting will force iterations to 1.
 # Here is how we enable the log.

 # It may also be a good idea to print it out on a file rather than the standard output:
  • output (scope: global; default: "") can be used to specify a file to redirect most of the standard output to. The logs, notable, will be redirected to this output. When debugging (through debug), the options listing will be redirected while some other things will remain on the standard output.
 # We can put the log in the current working directory (see the relevant section)

 # Or we can explicity specify the path (windows example)
  • log_spell_id (scope: global; default: 0) output spell data ids when logging actions or buffs.


  • html (scope: global; default: "") can be used to specify a file to write a html report to.
  • xml (scope: global; default: "") can be used to specify a file to write a xml report to. It uses a custom format. You can use those reports with a xslt or anything else but you should be aware it has gone unmaintained and may disappear in the future.
 # We can put those files in the current working directory (see the relevant section)

 # Or we can explicity specify the path (windows example)
  • json (DEPRECATED) (scope: global; default: "") can be used to specify a file to write a json report to. This option is deprecated, please use json2
  • json2 (scope: global; default: "") can be used to specify a file to write a json report to.
  • report_details (scope: global; default: 1), when different from zero, will change the abilities list in the html report so that abilities can be expanded to display the static data extracted from the DBC game files, and modified by your glyphs, talents and such.
 # I don't care and I want my html reports to be smaller.
  • report_precision (scope: global; default: 3) is the number of digits to display after the decimal point for the scale factors in the reports.
  • report_rng (scope: global; default: 0), when different from zero, will make the application include the maximum dps deviation, expressed as a percentage of the average dps, in the summary section of the html report.
 # Add in the maximum dps deviation in the report.
  • report_pets_separately (scope: global; default: 0), when different from zero, will force the pets to be reported as players, with their own charts, actions list, etc.
  • buff_uptime_timeline (scope: global; default: 1), when set, will record uptime timelines of all non-constant buffs. This will be reported to the buff's JSON output as "stack_uptime". If used in conjunctions with report_details=1 the HTML report will display the buff uptime timeline chart in the details pane of each buff.

  • buff_stack_uptime_timeline (scope: global; default: 1), when set in conjunction with buff_uptime_timeline=1, will record uptime timelines as above but multiply the value by their current stack. This will be reported in the same manner as above.

  • hosted_html (scope: global; default: 0), when different from zero, will have the javascript and css contents removed from the html reports and hosted on There will be no visible changes but you will need to be able to connect to our website to correctly view the report.



  • reference_player (scope: global; default: "") can be used to specify the name of a reference player. This will force the application to print on the standard output, and for each player, the dps difference, expressed as a percentage, in respect to the reference player.

Massive profiles exportation

  • save_profiles (scope: global; default: 0), when different from zero, will force the application to save every player profile under a .simc file. The file name will be: <prefix><playername>.simc.
  • save_prefix! (scope: global; default: "") can be used to specify to prefix to add to all of the profiles saved through save_profiles (and only this option).
 # This will export John's profile to test_john.simc

Per-character profile exportation

  • save (scope: current character; default: "") can be used to specify a file to write a complete profile to.
 # This example will export John's profile. Bill won't be affected.
  • save_gear (scope: current character; default: "") can be used to specify a file to write a profile to. This profile will only contain the current character's gear.
  • save_talents (scope: current character; default: "") can be used to specify a file to write a profile to. This profile will only contain the current character's talents.
  • save_actions (scope: current character; default: "") can be used to specify a file to write a profile to. This profile will only contain the current character's actions list.
 # This example will export John's gear, talents and actions to three different simc files.


  • dps_plot_debug (scope: global; default: 0), when different from zero, will force the application to output a full report (on the standard output stream) for every run made for stats plotting.
  • debug (scope: global; default: 0), when different from zero, will output debugging informations for developers. Many informations will be displayed, including a complete trace of events occurring during the simulation. Enabling this setting will also enable log and will force the iterations setting to 1.
  • debug_scale_factors (scope: global; default: 0), when different from 0 and scale factors are computed, will force the application to print on the standard output a full report at the end of every performed simulation (one report per scaled stat). It allows you, for example, to compare the spells and buffs details between the baseline simulation and the one with the inflated stat of your choice.
  • reforge_plot_debug (scope: global; default: 0), when different from 0 and reforge plots are generated, will force the application to print additional data about the computations done for every point.
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