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Projects Using SIMDe

Michael R. Crusoe edited this page May 10, 2024 · 29 revisions

The following projects are known to use SIMDe:

  • Bowtie 2 — an ultrafast and memory-efficient tool for aligning sequencing reads to long reference sequences.
  • HH-SUITE ­— an open-source software package for sensitive protein sequence searching based on the pairwise alignment of hidden Markov models (HMMs).
  • LightZone — professional-level digital darkroom and photo editor for Mac, Windows, and Linux. It includes RAW processing and editing.
  • MACS — Model-based Analysis for ChIP-Seq
  • MMseqs2 — ultra fast and sensitive sequence search and clustering suite
  • OBS Studio — free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording
  • parasail — Pairwise Sequence Alignment Library
  • pbcopper — The pbcopper library provides a suite of data structures, algorithms, and utilities for PacBio C++ applications.
  • plink2 — whole-genome association analysis toolset
  • Spoa ­— c++ implementation of the partial order alignment algorithm which is used to generate consensus sequences
  • Surge — an open source digital synthesizer
  • wabt - The WebAssembly Binary Toolkit, a suite of tools for WebAssembly
  • scikit-bio - Python package providing data structures, algorithms, and educational resources for bioinformatics.
  • vg - variation graph data structures, interchange formats, alignment, genotyping, and variant calling methods
  • Emscripten - a complete compiler toolchain to WebAssembly, using LLVM, with a special focus on speed, size, and the Web platform.
  • Raptor - pre-filter for querying very large collections of nucleotide sequences\
  • SuperTuxKart - 3D arcade racer with a variety of characters, tracks, and modes to play
  • rna-star - ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner
  • abPOA - a SIMD-based C library for fast partial order alignment using adaptive band
  • hhsuite - sensitive protein sequence searching based on HMM-HMM alignment
  • Boxedwine - an emulator that runs Windows applications
  • VVdeC - H.266/VVC software decoder
  • VVenC - H.266/VVC software encoder
  • Klein - an implementation of P(R*_{3, 0, 1}), aka 3D Projective Geometric Algebra
  • sfizz - SFZ parser and synth c++ library, providing AU / LV2 / VST3 plugins and JACK standalone client
  • Foldseek - protein structure search
  • Firefox - builds libsoundtouch, lz4, and RLBox for WASM via SIMDe translation of SSE instrinsics to WASM SIMD128.
  • vectorscan - A portable fork of the high-performance regular expression matching library
  • OpenAirInterface - 5G Wireless Implementation
  • Kitty - Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal
  • FASTA - tools for searching collections of biological sequences
  • webkit - the browser engine used by Safari, Mail, App Store and many other applications on macOS, iOS and Linux.

If you are using SIMDe, please add your project to the list.

Additionally, distro patches exist for several additional projects; see Debian's wiki for an incomplete list.

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