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This is the official JavaScript client library for the V2 REST API.


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seatsio-js, the official JS SDK

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This is the official JavaScript client library for the V2 REST API.


❗️ Read This First!

seatsio-js requires your secret key. This key carries many privileges, including creating events, booking and releasing seats, and more. If you use this lib in a browser, you are exposing your secret key to your user.

This means you can only use seatsio-js:

  • on the server (Node), just like any other API client library
  • in the browser, in a secure, password-protected backoffice application for administrators. Never, ever on pages that are accessible by your customers or ticket buyers.

👉 Only use this in browser code if you know what you're doing. You have been warned :)


For Node, you can install using yarn or npm:

yarn add seatsio
# or
npm install seatsio --save


General instructions

To use this library, you'll need to create a SeatsioClient:

import { SeatsioClient, Region } from 'seatsio'

let client = new SeatsioClient(Region.EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>)

You can find your workspace secret key in the settings section of the workspace. It is important that you keep your secret key private and not expose it in-browser calls unless it is password protected.

The region should correspond to the region of your account:

  • Region.EU(): Europe
  • Region.NA(): North-America
  • Region.SA(): South-America
  • Region.OC(): Oceania

If you're unsure about your region, have a look at your company settings page.

Creating a chart and an event

import { SeatsioClient, Region } from 'seatsio'

let client = new SeatsioClient(Region.EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>)
let chart = await client.charts.create()
let event = await
console.log(`Created a chart with key ${chart.key} and an event with key: ${event.key}`)

Creating multiple events

import { SeatsioClient, Region, Events } from 'seatsio'

let client = new SeatsioClient(Region.EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>)
let chart = await client.charts.create()
let events = await, [ Events.eventCreationParams(), Events.eventCreationParams('aSpecificEventKey') ])
for (const event of events) {
    console.log(`Created an event with key: ${event.key}`)

Booking objects

Booking an object changes its status to booked. Booked seats are not selectable on a rendered chart.

import { SeatsioClient, Region } from 'seatsio'

let client = new SeatsioClient(Region.EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>)
await<AN EVENT KEY>, ['A-1', 'A-2'])

Booking objects that are on HOLD

import { SeatsioClient, Region } from 'seatsio'

let client = new SeatsioClient(Region.EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>)
await<AN EVENT KEY>, ["A-1", "A-2"], <A HOLD TOKEN>)

Booking general admission (GA) areas


import { SeatsioClient, Region } from 'seatsio'

let client = new SeatsioClient(Region.EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>)
await<AN EVENT KEY>, ["GA1", "GA1", "GA1"])


import { SeatsioClient, Region } from 'seatsio'

let client = new SeatsioClient(Region.EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>)
await<AN EVENT KEY>, {"objectId": "GA1", "quantity" : 3})

Releasing objects

Releasing objects changes its status to free. Free seats are selectable on a rendered chart.

import { SeatsioClient, Region } from 'seatsio'

let client = new SeatsioClient(Region.EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>)
await<AN EVENT KEY>, ["A-1", "A-2"])

Changing object status

Changes the object status to a custom status of your choice. If you need more statuses than just booked and free, you can use this to change the status of a seat, table or booth to your own custom status.

import { SeatsioClient, Region } from 'seatsio'

let client = new SeatsioClient(Region.EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>)
await<AN EVENT KEY>, ["A-1", "A-2"], "unavailable")

Listing status changes

statusChanges method returns a Lister. You can use statusChanges().all(), which returns an AsyncIterator, in a for await loop to iterate over all status changes.

for await (let statusChange of<AN EVENT KEY>).all()) {
    //Do something with the status change

You can alternatively use the paginated methods to retrieve status changes. To list status changes that comes after or before a given status change, you can use statusChanges().pageAfter() and statusChanges().pageBefore() methods.

await<AN EVENT KEY>).firstPage(<OPTIONAL parameters>, <OPTIONAL pageSize>)
await<AN EVENT KEY>).pageAfter(<A STATUS CHANGE ID>, <OPTIONAL parameters>, <OPTIONAL pageSize>) 
await<AN EVENT KEY>).pageBefore(<A STATUS CHANGE ID>, <OPTIONAL parameters>, <OPTIONAL pageSize>) 

You can also pass an optional parameter to filter, sort or order status changes. For this parameter, you can you use the helper class called StatusChangesParams.

const {StatusChangesParams} = require('seatsio')
let parameter = new StatusChangesParams().withFilter('testFilter')
let parameter = new StatusChangesParams().sortByObjectLabel()
let parameter = new StatusChangesParams().sortByDate()
let parameter = new StatusChangesParams().sortByStatus()
let parameter = new StatusChangesParams().sortDescending()
let parameter = new StatusChangesParams().sortAscending()

A combination of filter, sorting order and sorting option is also possible.

let parameter = new StatusChangesParams().withFilter('testFilter').sortByStatus().sortAscending()

Retrieving object category and status (and other information)

import { SeatsioClient, Region } from 'seatsio'

let client = new SeatsioClient(Region.EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>)
let objectInfos = await, ['A-1', 'A-2'])


Event reports

Want to know which seats of an event are booked, and which ones are free? That’s where reporting comes in handy.

The report types you can choose from are:

  • byStatus
  • byCategoryLabel
  • byCategoryKey
  • byLabel
  • byOrderId

import { SeatsioClient, Region } from 'seatsio'

let client = new SeatsioClient(Region.EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>)
await client.eventReports.byStatus(<AN EVENT KEY>, <OPTIONAL FILTER>)

Listing all charts

You can list all charts using listAll() method which returns an asynchronous iterator AsyncIterator. You can use for await loop to retrieve all charts.

import { SeatsioClient, Region } from 'seatsio'

let client = new SeatsioClient(Region.EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>)

for await(let chart of client.charts.listAll()){
    console.log(`Chart key: ${chart.key}`)

Listing charts page by page

E.g. to show charts in a paginated list on a dashboard.

Each page contains an items array of charts, and nextPageStartsAfter and previousPageEndsBefore properties. Those properties are the chart IDs after which the next page starts or the previous page ends.

// ... user initially opens the screen ...

let firstPage = client.charts.listFirstPage();
firstPage.items.forEach(chart => console.log(`Chart key: ${chart.key}`));
// ... user clicks on 'next page' button ...

let nextPage = client.charts.listPageAfter(firstPage.nextPageStartsAfter);
nextPage.items.forEach(chart => console.log(`Chart key: ${chart.key}`));
// ... user clicks on 'previous page' button ...

let previousPage = client.charts.listPageBefore(nextPage.previousPageEndsBefore);
previousPage.items.forEach(chart => console.log(`Chart key: ${chart.key}`));

Creating a workspace

import { SeatsioClient, Region } from 'seatsio'

let client = new SeatsioClient(Region.EU(), <COMPANY ADMIN KEY>)
await client.workspaces.create('a workspace');

Creating a chart and an event with the company admin key

import { SeatsioClient, Region } from 'seatsio'

let client = new SeatsioClient(Region.EU(), <COMPANY ADMIN KEY>, <WORKSPACE PUBLIC KEY>)
let chart = await client.charts.create()
let event = await
console.log(`Created a chart with key ${chart.key} and an event with key: ${event.key}`)

Listing categories

import { SeatsioClient, Region } from 'seatsio'

let client = new SeatsioClient(Region.EU(), <COMPANY ADMIN KEY>, <WORKSPACE PUBLIC KEY>)
let categoryList = await client.charts.listCategories("the chart key")
for (const category of categoryList) {

Updating a category

import { SeatsioClient, Region } from 'seatsio'

let client = new SeatsioClient(Region.EU(), <COMPANY ADMIN KEY>, <WORKSPACE PUBLIC KEY>)
await client.charts.updateCategory(chart.key, 1, new CategoryUpdateParams()
    .withLabel('New label').withColor('#bbbbbb').withAccessible(true))```

Error Handling

When an API call results in an error, a rejected promise is returned with a value that looks like

  "errors": [{ "code": "RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", "message": "Rate limit exceeded" }],
  "messages": ["Rate limit exceeded"],
  "requestId": "123456",
  "status": 429

Rate limiting - exponential backoff

This library supports exponential backoff.

When you send too many concurrent requests, the server returns an error 429 - Too Many Requests. The client reacts to this by waiting for a while, and then retrying the request. If the request still fails with an error 429, it waits a little longer, and try again. By default this happens 5 times, before giving up (after approximately 15 seconds).

To change the maximum number of retries, create the SeatsioClient as follows:

import { SeatsioClient, Region } from 'seatsio'

let client = new SeatsioClient(Region.EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>).setMaxRetries(3)

Passing in 0 disables exponential backoff completely. In that case, the client will never retry a failed request.


Since v76, this package contains TypeScript definitions.