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First GitHub PR 🎉
First GitHub PR :tada:
This is a user's first pull request, EVER
First RfG PR ❤️
First RfG PR :heart:
This is a user's first pull request with Ruby for Good
Good First Issue 💯
Good First Issue :100:
Good for newcomers
Help Wanted 🆘
Help Wanted :sos:
Extra attention is needed
Needs: Copy/Content 💬
Needs: Copy/Content :speech_balloon:
Add text
Needs: More Discussion 🗣️
Needs: More Discussion :speaking_head:
Further information is needed
Priority: Immediate Need 🚨
Priority: Immediate Need :rotating_light:
Highest priority
Status: Blocked 🚫
Status: Blocked :no_entry_sign:
Something else is blocking this
Status: Duplicate 2️⃣
Status: Duplicate :two:
This issue or pull request already exists
Status: On Hold ✋
Status: On Hold :hand:
Waiting on a decision or review
Don't forget this!
Type: Accessibility ♿
Type: Accessibility :wheelchair:
Follow a11y best practices
Type: Architecture 🏛️
Type: Architecture :classical_building:
Changes to code architecture
Type: Bug 🐛
Type: Bug :bug:
Something isn't working
Type: Chore 🧹
Type: Chore :broom:
Type: Content Change ✏️
Type: Content Change :pencil2:
Concerning text and literals
Type: Dependencies 🌳
Type: Dependencies :deciduous_tree:
Updates a dependency
Type: Documentation 📑
Type: Documentation :bookmark_tabs:
Improvements or additions to documentation
Type: Feature/Redesign ✨
Type: Feature/Redesign :sparkles:
New feature or request
Type: Question ❔
Type: Question :grey_question:
Further information is requested
Type: Security 🔒
Type: Security :lock:
Implement a security patch
Type: Testing ✅
Type: Testing :white_check_mark:
Add test specs
Type: UX/UI 💄
Type: UX/UI :lipstick:
Frontend changes