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How to use formr with mturk

Ruben C. Arslan edited this page Nov 18, 2017 · 1 revision

How to use formr with mturk (or other panel providers)

It is very easy to set up an mturk project with formr:

  1. Create a new project on mturk and choose "survey link". Change the description and the survey link.
  2. Your mturkers need a unique survey completion code. Luckily, formr generates one by default: the sessionID. You can refer to it with survey_run_sessions$session.
  3. Include the sessionID on your Stop Button. This can look like this:

`r survey_run_sessions$session` is your unique survey code that you have to paste to the box in the survey advertisement. You can close the window after you have copied and pasted the code successfully.