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zfswatcher 0.4.1

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@rouben rouben released this 07 May 00:51
· 44 commits to master since this release

Added the ability to specify root directory for when you want to deploy ZFS watcher with other apps on a web server. Normally ZFSwatcher expects to be run on its own dedicated domain name; with this new feature you can have it deployed on a subdirectory of your web server's root path, such as /zfswatcher or /zfsstatus instead of being forced to run it on a different port. Full credit to @timoid for this feature, I am just the packager!

This release also includes @skrzepto's fix for the Ubuntu/Debian ZFS on Linux package dependencies with the more recent releases of these OSs.

NOTE: this was built on an Ubuntu 17.04 amd64 box. I tested the deb, but not the RPM! If you'd like to help with this, let me know.