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Stax is a collection of open source libraries and experimental evm based packages and apps by roninjin10.

Currently being developed

The current project being developed is a forge inspired clientside library codenamed ts-sol.

  1. Write a forge-like script
// src/TransferAllMutation.s.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;

import { ERC20 } from '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol';
import { Script } from '@ts-sol/contracts/Script';

contract TransferAllMutation is Script {
  function run() external {
    uint256 signerPublicKey = vm.envUint('SIGNER');
    ERC20 tokenContract = new ERC20(vm.envUint('TOKEN_ADDRESS'));
    uint256 tokenBalance = tokenContract.balanceOf(signerPublicKey);
    uint256 to = vm.envUint('TO');

    tokenContract.transfer(signer, tokenBalance);
  1. Now execute that script in your clientside typescript code
// src/index.ts
import { TransferAllMutation } from './TransferAllMutation.s.sol'
import { prepareMutate, mutate } from '@ts-sol/core'
import detectEthereumProvider from '@metamask/detect-provider'
import addresses from './my-constants/addresses'

const signer = await detectEthereumProvider()

const prepareConfig = await prepareMutate(TransferAllMutation, {
  env: {
    SIGNER: signer,
    TOKEN_ADDRESS: addresses.myToken,
    TO: addresses.someOtherWallet,


const result = await mutate(prepareConfig)


See docs/ts-sol for more.

Getting started with monorepo


  1. Node18 or use NVM
  2. pnpm install with npm i pnpm --global
  3. Forge

Just pnpm and forge is enought o run much of the monorepo. To be able to run action and service you should also download the following:

  1. docker and docker-compose
  2. Rust

Alternatively, the dev environment can be ran as a docker container by targeting monorepo target in the Dockerfile. Rust

Orchestrating monorepo

Install deps

Install node modules with pnpm. Pnpm is approximately the same api as npm

pnpm i


This monorepo is orchestrated with nx. You can build lint or test entire monorepo using nx. There is also a vscode extension for nx.


Consider adding an alias to your bashrc or zshrcalias nx="pnpm nx"


There is a readonly access token for access to the nx cache in the nx.json. Nx will also cache locally with no setup.

Nx help

pnpm nx --help

Do everything

pnpm nx run-many --targets=build,test,lint,typecheck

Build everything

pnpm nx run-many --target=build

Test everything

pnpm nx run-many --target=test

Lint/prettier everything

pnpm nx run-many --target=lint

Run only tests that have changed vs origin/main

pnpm nx affected --target=test

So all tooling is fast we treat typechecking as a seperate lint step. No other pipeline including the production build runs the typechecker.

pnpm nx run-many --target=typecheck`

To build an individual package like typesafe-growthbook

pnpm nx build @roninjin10/typesafe-growthbook

You can also generate a new package with nx generate. For example pnpm nx generate @nxrs/cargo:app new-rust-package will generate a new rust app named new-rust-package. See nx generator documentation for more information. Usually you will be better off copy pasting a similar package.

Nx provides a uniform interface to build and test all packages regardless of language but all code can be run directly too using pnpm forge or cargo.


All the applications can also be run as docker containers. This is the best way to approximate what the apps will run like once deployed. To run in docker run docker-compose up my-service. See docker-compose file for what services are available or omit a service to run everything.

The dockerbuild is a multistage build that first builds the monorepo and then creates smaller production images for individual services.



Web apps, servers, and rust cli tools as well as their e2e tests


External libraries and git submodules


Packages, npm libraries, and shared components


All ci/cd workflows are in the github workflows folder. Npm packages are published on release events. Docker images are pushed every commit. Most workflows can also be triggered manually by going to the actions tab in github.


MIT © 2023 roninjin10