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FsUnit makes unit-testing with F# more enjoyable. It adds a special syntax to your favorite .NET testing framework.


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FsUnit is a set of libraries that makes unit-testing with F# more enjoyable. It adds a special syntax to your favorite .NET testing framework. Project. FsUnit currently supports NUnit, MbUnit, and xUnit.

The goals of FsUnit are:

  • to make unit-testing feel more at home in F# , i.e., more functional.
  • to leverage existing test frameworks while at the same time adapting them to the F# language in new ways.


With FsUnit, you can write unit tests like this:

One object equals or does not equal another:

1 |> should equal 1

1 |> should not (equal 2)

One numeric object equals or does not equal another, with a specified tolerance:

10.1 |> should (equalWithin 0.1) 10.11

10.1 |> should not ((equalWithin 0.001) 10.11)

A string does or does not start with or end with a specified substring:

"ships" |> should startWith "sh"

"ships" |> should not (startWith "ss")

"ships" |> should endWith "ps"

"ships" |> should not (endWith "ss")

A List, Seq, or Array instance contains or does not contain a value:

[1] |> should contain 1

[] |> should not (contain 1)

A List or Array instance has a certain length (NUnit only):

anArray |> should haveLength 4

A Collection instance has a certain count (NUnit only):

aCollection |> should haveCount 4

A function should throw a certain type of exception:

(fun () -> failwith "BOOM!" |> ignore) |> should throw typeof<System.Exception>

A number of assertions can be created using the be keyword:

true |> should be True

false |> should not (be True)

"" |> should be EmptyString

"" |> should be NullOrEmptyString

null |> should be NullOrEmptyString

null |> should be Null

anObj |> should not (be Null)

anObj |> should be (sameAs anObj)

anObj |> should not (be sameAs otherObj)

11 |> should be (greaterThan 10)

9 |> should not (be greaterThan 10)

11 |> should be (greaterThanOrEqualTo 10)

9 |> should not (be greaterThanOrEqualTo 10)

10 |> should be (lessThan 11)

10 |> should not (be lessThan 9)

10.0 |> should be (lessThanOrEqualTo 10.1)

10 |> should not (be lessThanOrEqualTo 9)

0.0 |> should be ofExactType<float>

1 |> should not (be ofExactType<obj>)

[] |> should be Empty // NUnit only

[1] |> should not (be Empty) // NUnit only


The following are examples of FsUnit with MbUnit, xUnit, and NUnit respectively:


module Test.``Project Euler - Problem 1``

open MbUnit.Framework
open FsUnit.MbUnit

let GetSumOfMultiplesOf3And5 max =  
    seq{3..max-1} |> Seq.fold(fun acc number ->  
                        (if (number % 3 = 0 || number % 5 = 0) then   
                            acc + number else acc)) 0 

let ``When getting sum of multiples of 3 and 5 to a max number of 10 it should return a sum of 23`` () =  
    GetSumOfMultiplesOf3And5(10) |> should equal 23 

xUnit (Thanks to Keith Nicholas and "Julian" from hubFS for this example!

module BowlingGame.``A game of bowling``

open Xunit
open FsUnit.Xunit

let (|EndOfGame|IncompleteStrike|Strike|Normal|Other|) (l, frame) =
    match l with
    | _ when frame = 11            -> EndOfGame(0)
    | [10;s]                       -> IncompleteStrike(10+s+s)
    | 10::s::n::tail               -> Strike(10+s+n, s::n::tail)
    |  f::s::n::tail when f+s = 10 -> Normal(f+s+n,  n::tail)
    |  f::s::n::tail               -> Normal(f+s,    n::tail)
    | ls                           -> Other(List.fold (+) 0 ls)

let scoreBowls bowls =
    let rec scoreBowls' frame l current_score =
        let nextframe = scoreBowls' (frame+1)
        match (l, frame) with
        | EndOfGame(score)        -> current_score + score
        | IncompleteStrike(score) -> current_score + score
        | Strike(score, l)        -> nextframe l (current_score + score)
        | Normal(score, l)        -> nextframe l (current_score + score)
        | Other(score)            -> current_score + score
    scoreBowls' 1 bowls 0

let ``with simple scores should get the expected score.`` () =
    scoreBowls [1;2;3] |> should equal 6

let ``with a spare should get the expected score (spare).`` () =
    scoreBowls [2;8;1] |> should equal 12

let ``with a strike should get the expected score (strike).`` () =
    scoreBowls [10;1;2] |> should equal 16

let ``that is perfect should get a score of 300.``() =
    scoreBowls [for i in 1..18 -> 10] |> should equal 300

let ``with spares in the last frame should get the expected score (spare in last frame).`` () =
    scoreBowls ([for i in 1..18 -> 0] @ [2;8;1]) |> should equal 11

let ``with a strike in the last frame should get the expected score (strike in last frame).`` () =
    scoreBowls ([for i in 1..18 -> 0] @ [10;10;1]) |> should equal 21

let ``with double strikes should add the score of the first strike to the score of the second.`` () =
    scoreBowls [10;10;1] |> should equal 33

let ``that looks like an average bowler's game should get the expected score (example game).`` () =
    scoreBowls [1;4;4;5;6;4;5;5;10;0;1;7;3;6;4;10;2;8;6] |> should equal 133

NUnit (Note: NUnit can also be utilized without specifying a type as in the examples for MbUnit and xUnit):

namespace LightBulb.Tests

open NUnit.Framework
open FsUnit

type LightBulb(state) =
    member x.On = state
    override x.ToString() =
        match x.On with
        | true  -> "On"
        | false -> "Off"

type ``Given a LightBulb that has had its state set to true`` ()=
    let lightBulb = new LightBulb(true)

    [<Test>] member x.
     ``when I ask whether it is On it answers true.`` ()=
            lightBulb.On |> should be True

    [<Test>] member x.
     ``when I convert it to a string it becomes "On".`` ()=
            string lightBulb |> should equal "On"

type ``Given a LightBulb that has had its state set to false`` ()=
    let lightBulb = new LightBulb(false)

    [<Test>] member x.
     ``when I ask whether it is On it answers false.`` ()=
            lightBulb.On |> should be False

    [<Test>] member x.
     ``when I convert it to a string it becomes "Off".`` ()=
            string lightBulb |> should equal "Off"


FsUnit makes unit-testing with F# more enjoyable. It adds a special syntax to your favorite .NET testing framework.







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