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This project provides a set of AssertJ assertions for the Arrow library. In detail, the project provides assertions for the following Arrow types:

  • Either<E, A>
  • Option<A>
  • Raise<E>.() -> A
  • NonEmptyList<A>

Maybe you're asking yourself: "Why do we need AssertJ assertions for Arrow types?". The answer is simple: We often use Kotlin and Arrow Kt inside a Java project using Spring Boot. In this case, we already have AssertJ in the classpath as an assertion library. So, why not use it to assert Arrow types?


The library is available on Maven Central. To use it, add the following dependency to your pom.xml file:


Otherwise, if you're using Gradle, add the following dependency to your build.gradle.kts file:


Assertions Guide

This section describes the assertions provided by the assertj-arrow-core library.


Use the in.rcard.assertj.arrowcore.OptionAssert class as an entry point to assert Option<A> instances.

Assertions Description
isEmpty Verifies that the actual Option is empty.
contains Verifies that the actual Option contains the given value.
containsInstanceOf Verifies that the actual Option contains a value that is an instance of the argument.
get Verifies that the actual Option is not null and not empty and returns an Object assertion that allows chaining (object) assertions on the optional value.
isDefined Verifies that there is a value present in the actual Option.

Either<E, A>

Use the in.rcard.assertj.arrowcore.EitherAssert class as an entry point to assert Either<E, A> instances.

Assertions Description
isRight Verifies that the actual Either is right.
isLeft Verifies that the actual Either is left.
containsOnRight Verifies that the actual Either is Either.Right and contains the given value.
containsRightInstanceOf Verifies that the actual right-sided Either contains a value that is an instance of the argument.
asRight Verifies that the actual Either is not null and contains a right-sided value and returns an Object assertion that allows chaining (object) assertions on the value.
containsOnLeft Verifies that the actual Either is Either.Left and contains the given value.
containsLeftInstanceOf Verifies that the actual left-sided Either contains a value that is an instance of the argument.
asLeft Verifies that the actual Either is not null and contains a left-sided value and returns an Object assertion that allows chaining (object) assertions on the value.

Raise<E>.() -> A

Use the in.rcard.assertj.arrowcore.RaiseAssert class as an entry point to assert Raise<E>.() -> A instances. There are many different entry points, all of them available boh for regular and suspend functions:

Entry Point Description
assertThat Entry point to assert a Raise<E>.() -> A instance.
assertThatThrownBy Verifies that the function in the Raise context throws an exception and let chaining assertion on the thrown exception
assertThatRaisedBy Verifies that the function in the Raise context raises a logic-typed error and let chaining assertion on the raised error

The available assertions are:

Assertions Description
succeedsWith Verifies that the function in the Raise context succeeds with the given value.
succeeds Verifies that the function in the Raise context succeeded. No check on the value returned by the function is performed.
raises Verifies that the function in the Raise context fails with the given error.
fails Verifies that the function in the Raise context fails, no matter the type of the logical error.
result Verifies that the actual function in the Raise context succeeds and returns an Object assertion that allows chaining (object) assertions on the returned value.
error Verifies that the actual function in the Raise context fails and returns an Object assertion that allows chaining (object) assertions on the raised error.


Use the in.rcard.assertj.arrowcore.NonEmptyListAssert class as an entry point to assert NonEmptyList<A> instances.

Assertions Description
shouldContain Verifies that the actual NonEmptyList contains the expected element.
shouldContainAll Verifies that the actual NonEmptyList contains all the expected elements.
shouldContainNoNulls Verifies that the actual NonEmptyList does not contain null.
shouldContainOnlyNulls Verifies that the actual NonEmptyList contains only null.
shouldContainNull Verifies that the actual NonEmptyList contains null.
shouldHaveDuplicates Verifies that the actual NonEmptyList contains at least one duplicate.
shouldBeSingleElement Verifies that the actual NonEmptyList has a single element which is expected element.
shouldBeSorted Verifies that the actual NonEmptyList is sorted.