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Special Fields

Rati Wannapanop edited this page Aug 4, 2017 · 3 revisions

Special Fields

Special fields are predefined field for specific purpose and their names are always started with double underscore characters __.

Vuetable currently have the following special fields

You can see the usage of these special fields in the Vuetable-2 Tutorial - Using special fields.

# __sequence

If you would like to display the sequence number of the records based on the pagination information, you can do that using __sequence special field.

Note __sequence special field only work in API Mode (:api-mode="true") as it requires pagination information to work correctly.

The generated HTML output will be like this

<th class="vuetable-th-sequence">

<td class="vuetable-sequence">

# __handle

This special field can be used to display CSS-class icon.

This allow you to use external library like Sortable.js with Vuetable.

The generated HTML output will be like this

<td class="vuetable-handle">
    <i class="handle-icon [css.handleIcon]"

The css.handleIcon can be overriden using css prop.

See also: css

# __checkbox

Events emitted

  • vuetable:checkbox-toggled -- when the user check/uncheck the checkbox in each row
  • vuetable:checkbox-toggled-all -- when the user check/uncheck the checkbox on the table header

The __checkbox special field will display checkbox column for each row and also on the header row to allow select/unselect all functionality.

In order for Vuetable to keep track of the checkbox state of each data row. By default, __checkbox will use id field as row identifier as it usually unique for each row. That also means your data will have to have id column.

But if you do not have id column in your data structure, or you want to use another available field that could also uniquely identify each data row, you can use track-by prop to specify it.

For example, if you want to use item_code field as you row identifier, you can do so like this.

<vuetable ref="vuetable"

The row identifier of the selected row will be store in selectedTo prop. If you ref to define reference as the above code, you can access it using using Vue's refs property.


The generated HTML output will be like this

<th class="vuetable-th-checkbox-[track-by]">
<td class="vuetable-checkboxes">
    <input type="checkbox">

See also:

# __component:<name>

The __component special field allow you to create a component to handle the display of the row data as you want.

<name> is the name of the component registered globally using Vue.component that will be used to handle the rendering of the column data.

Vuetable will pass 3 props to the component

  • row-data -- the data of the current row being rendered
  • row-index -- the current row index
  • row-field -- the current sortField in field definition

You can see a sample use of __component special field in the Vuetable-2 Tutorial -- Using special fields

The generated HTML output will be like this

<th class="vuetable-th-component-[track-by]">
<td class="vuetable-component">
    ...component code..

# __slot:<name>

The __slot special field allows you to use Vue's scoped slot inside Vuetable.

Scoped Slots is availble in Vue 2.1.0 onward. Please make sure you use at least the specified version of Vue.js.

Vuetable will pass 3 props to the slot

  • row-data -- the data of the current row being rendered
  • row-index -- the current row index
  • row-field -- the current sortField in field definition

You can see a sample use of __slot special field in the Vuetable-2 Tutorial -- Using special fields

The generated HTML output will be like this

<th class="vuetable-th-slot-[field-name]">
<td class="vuetable-slot">