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Author: [email protected]

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convert your javascript code into functional-programming way


Convert ANY javascript programms into one line, without semicolons and braces.


python input_file output_file

Convertion Example:

// Eight Queens problem
// Raw Programm
var nQueen;
for(nQueen = 1; nQueen <= 13; nQueen += 1) {
    console.log("Queen ", nQueen, solve(nQueen));

function solve(n) {
    var colAva = [];
    var croAva = [];
    var ncrAva = [];

    initArray(colAva, n, true);
    initArray(croAva, n + n - 1, true);
    initArray(ncrAva, n + n - 1, true);

    var put = function(row) {
        if(row === n)
            return 1;

        var col, ret = 0;
        for(col = 0;col < n;col += 1) {
            if(colAva[col] && croAva[row + col] && ncrAva[row - col + n - 1]) {
                colAva[col] = false;
                croAva[row + col] = false;
                ncrAva[row - col + n - 1] = false;

                ret += put(row + 1);

                colAva[col] = true;
                croAva[row + col] = true;
                ncrAva[row - col + n - 1] = true;

        return ret;

    return put(0);

function initArray(arr, n, val) {
    var i;
    for(i = 0;i < n;i += 1) {
        arr[i] = val;

// Converted
((__Y,__OC)=>((initArray,nQueen,solve)=>(solve=(n)=>((colAva,croAva,ncrAva,put)=>((colAva=[]),(croAva=[]),(ncrAva=[]),initArray(colAva,n,true),initArray(croAva,((n)+(n))-(1),true),initArray(ncrAva,((n)+(n))-(1),true),(put=(row)=>((col,ret)=>(((__T,__A)=>(__T?((1)):((__A()))))((row)===(n),(()=>((ret=0),((__WA,__WN)=>(col=0,__Y((__W)=>(((__T,__A)=>(__T?((colAva[col]=false,croAva[(row)+(col)]=false,ncrAva[(((row)-(col))+(n))-(1)]=false,ret+=put((row)+(1)),colAva[col]=true,croAva[(row)+(col)]=true,ncrAva[(((row)-(col))+(n))-(1)]=true,__A())):((__A()))))(((colAva[col])&&(croAva[(row)+(col)]))&&(ncrAva[(((row)-(col))+(n))-(1)]),(()=>(__WN(__W,__WA))))))))((()=>(ret)),(__W,__WA)=>(col+=1,((col)<(n))?__W():__WA())))))))()),put(0)))(),initArray=(arr,n,val)=>((i)=>(undefined,((__WA,__WN)=>(i=0,__Y((__W)=>(arr[i]=val,__WN(__W,__WA)))))((()=>undefined),(__W,__WA)=>(i+=1,((i)<(n))?__W():__WA()))))(),undefined,((__WA,__WN)=>(nQueen=1,__Y((__W)=>(console.log("Queen ",nQueen,solve(nQueen)),__WN(__W,__WA)))))((()=>undefined),(__W,__WA)=>(nQueen+=1,((nQueen)<=(13))?__W():__WA()))))())((F)=>((G)=>G(G))((self)=>F(()=>self(self))),(o, ro)=>(ro=new Object(),o.forEach((i)=>(ro[i[0]]=i[1])),ro));


Sequential Statements

Just linked with comma ,

For example:

a = 1;
b = 2;
c = a + b;

will convert into

(a = 1, b = 2, c = a + b)


Return statements will be disscussed later.

Just rewrite functions into ES6's lambda style, then we can omit all braces.

Object Literals

Beacause we cannot use braces, object Literal is build by a Object Constructor Function __OC

(o, ro)=>(ro=new Object(),o.forEach((i)=>(ro[i[0]]=i[1])),ro)

Variable declarations

Whenever enter a scope (Programm, Function Statement, Function Expression), we first do a DFS on AST to collect all variables in this scope, and declare them at the TOP OF THE SCOPE.

BUT, we cannot use var in expressions (i.e., (var a = 1, a + 1) is illegal), so we have to find another way to declare variables.

The answer is wrapping the scope with a immediate call function expression, and declare variables as function's arguments.

For example:

function func(c) {
  var a = 1, b;
  return a + c; 

will convert to

function func(c) {
  // NOTE must wrap inside the func,
  // Or will buggy on recursion functions
  return (function(a, b) {
    a = 1;
    return a + c;

and then the fragment can rewrite with ES6


IF Statement

Conditional Expression is well enough

Loop And Recursion

Loop can be convert into Recursion.

So the left problem is how to implement Recursions in functional-programming way. This is the most hard problem I have to solve. The answer is to use Y-combinator

In detail, first we have a recursion function like factorial:

var fact = function(n) {
  if(n === 0)
    return 1;
  return fact(n - 1) * n;

And we have the Y-combinator:

var Y = function(F) {
  return (function(G) {
    return G(G);
  })(function(self) {
    F(function() {
      self(self).apply(this, arguments);

Rewrite with ES6(require --harmony_rest_parameters when run with node):

var Y = (F)=>((G)=>G(G))((self)=>F((...args)=>self(self).apply(this, args)));

Then, we have to wrap the function fact to use Y-combinator:

var fact = Y(function(fact) {
  return function(n) {
    if(n === 0)
      return 1;
    return fact(n - 1) * n;

then we get the recursion function fact

fact(10); // return 3628800

but we only need Y-combinator for loops, so the arguments is useless, the simplified Y-combinator is

var Y = function(F) {
  var G = function(self) {
    return F(function() {
      return self(self);

  return function() {

And if we need it to run at once, we can change it to

var Y = function(F) {
  var G = function(self) {
    return F(function() {
      return self(self);

  return G(G);

rewrite with ES6


Then we can implemented LOOPs

break, continue And return


Function Statement



This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


a horrible code converter







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