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scales 1.1.0

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@hadley hadley released this 18 Nov 16:57
  • Axis breaks and labels have a new naming scheme: functions that generate
    breaks from limits are called breaks_; functions that generate labels
    from breaks are called labels_ (#226).

  • All breaks and labels examples have been overhauled to use new
    demo_continuous(), demo_discrete(), and demo_log10(), so you
    can see how to use scales functions with ggplot2.


  • All label functions preserve names (#202) and keep NAs as NAs instead of
    trying to convert to "NA" (@clauswilke, #187).

  • New label_bytes() replaces number_bytes_format() with a more
    convenient interface. It takes a single unit argument which can either be
    an SI unit (e.g. "kB"), a binary unit (e.g. "kIB"), or an automatic unit
    (either "auto_si" or "auto_binary").

    It always uses "B" as the symbol for bytes (#174), and checks that units
    are valid. Additionally, auto units are now used to determine the symbol
    separately for each value (@mikmart):

    #> [1] "1 kiB" "1 MiB" "1 GiB" 
  • New label_date_short() creates labels for a date axis that only show the
    components of the date that have changed since the previous label.
    For example, if you have Jan 10, Jan 20, Jan 30, and Feb 1,
    label_date_short() will use labels Jan 10, 20, 30, Feb 1 (#209).

  • label_dollar() now correctly formats negative numbers as (e.g.) -$200

  • label_math() now returns an expression vector, and doesn't coerce
    inputs to names.

  • label_number() takes scale into account when computing accuracy, if not
    supplied. This means that label_percent() should have better default
    accuracy in many cases (#192).

  • label_number() now picks the accuracy automatically by default. The
    underlying heuristic has been improved to use the distance between adjacent
    breaks (rather than the total range of the break).

  • New label_number_auto() automatically picks between number_format() and
    scientific_format() based on the range of the input. It should produce nice
    output over a very wide range of inputs (@paleolimbot, #208).

  • New label_number_si() formats numeric vectors with limited SI units.
    Individual values are scaled and labelled with abbreviations "K", "M", "B",
    or "T" dependent on magnitude (@dpseidel, #83).

  • label_parse() now generates an expression object that can be used to
    display formatted labels in ggplot2 (@agila5, #203).

  • label_pvalue() now reports values close to 1 (as determined by accuracy)
    as (e.g.) ">0.99". You can control the prefixes used with the new
    prefix argument (#213).


  • The built in breaks functions now returns a function that takes both a range
    and a desired number of breaks, making it possible to overwrite the defaults
    number of desired breaks given in the constructor call (@thomasp85).

  • breaks_log() has nicer behaviour when there are no finite inputs (#210).
    It also provides usable breaks even with very small ranges (@billdenney, #168)

  • New breaks_width() which allows you to specify a fixed distance between
    breaks (along with optional offset).


  • New yj_trans() implements the Yeo-Johnson transformation (@zamorarr, #196)

  • trans objects gets methods for plot() and lines(), and all numeric
    transformations get an example showing the transformation.

  • boxcox_trans() no longer throws an error when given NA values
    (@sflippl, #181).

Other bug fixes and minor improvements

  • scales now uses the farver package for colour manipulation instead of a
    combination of grDevices and hand-rolled C++ code (#223).

  • alpha() now preserves element names (@wibeasley, #195)

  • ContinuousRange and DiscreteRange methods now properly inherit and are
    fully mutable (@dpseidel).

  • col_numeric(), col_bin(), col_quantile(), and col_factor() now support
    viridis colors. Just pass a palette name ("magma", "inferno", "plasma",
    or "viridis") as the palette argument (@jcheng5, #191).

  • col_numeric(), col_bin(), col_quantile(), and col_factor() now have a
    reverse parameter, to apply color palettes in the opposite of their usual
    order (i.e. high-to-low instead of low-to-high) (@jcheng5, #191).

  • col_bin() and col_quantile() now take a right argument, which is passed
    to base::cut(); it indicates whether the bin/quantile intervals should be
    closed on the right (and open on the left), or vice versa (@jcheng5, #191).

  • col_factor() now tries to avoid interpolating qualitative RColorBrewer
    palettes. Instead, it attempts to assign a palette color to each factor level.
    Interpolation will still be used if there are more factor levels than
    available colors, and a warning will be emitted in that case (@jcheng5, #191).

  • dichromat_pal() documentation now builds without requiring suggested
    dichromat package to be installed (@dpseidel, #172).

  • date_breaks() now supports subsecond intervals (@dpseidel, #85).