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Releases: r-dbi/RMariaDB

RMariaDB 1.3.2

29 May 01:51
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  • Improve enforcement of SSL for dbConnect() and the output when printing connections (@d-hansen, #328).
  • Breaking change: Avoid appending a numeric suffix to duplicate column names (#321, #327).
  • Breaking change: Deprecate dbConnect(groups = ) in favor of dbConnect(group = ), with a warning and compatibility code (@rorynolan, #258).

Bug fixes

  • dbWriteTable() and dbAppendTable() on a connection with load_data_local_infile = TRUE uses the utf8mb4 instead of the more restricted utf8mb3 encoding (@ecoffingould, #332, #333).
  • dbConnect() can enable SSL based on client_flag again (@d-hansen, #322).
  • Fix dbQuoteIdentifier() for Id() objects (#323).


  • Improve dbQuoteIdentifier() for Id() objects (#324).
  • Avoid deprecated mysql_ssl_set() (#319).

Continuous integration

  • Turn off Windows for now (#326).



RMariaDB 1.3.1

30 Oct 04:46
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  • Support dbSendStatement(immediate = TRUE) and dbExecute(immediate = TRUE), needs CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS (#147, #312).

Bug fixes

  • Fix memory leak (#309, #311).
  • Fix compilation on CentOS 7 (#310).
  • dbConnection(groups = ) works as documented again, regression introduced in RMariaDB 1.3.0 (@pekkarr, #306).


  • Update docs for client flags (#313).

RMariaDB 1.3.0

14 Oct 01:59
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  • Connections now inherit from "MySQLConnection" if a MySQL server is detected (server version < 10.0 or server description contains "MariaDB"). The new mysql argument to dbConnect() allows overriding the autodetection (#303).
  • Use string as default for JSON (#296) and all unknown column types (@LeeMendelowitz, #260).
  • Support TIME columns with subsecond precision (@renkun-ken, #288, #289).


  • Better MAX_NO_FIELD_TYPES error message.


  • Update Windows libs to new location (#301).
  • Replace Rcpp by cpp11 (@Antonov548, #286).
  • Add decor as a dependency.


  • Skip tests if packages are not available (#304).
  • Use testthat edition 3 (#285).

RMariaDB 1.2.2

19 Jun 04:57
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Bug fixes

  • Actually enable LOAD LOCAL INFILE by setting the MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE flag (#265, #267).

RMariaDB 1.2.1

20 Dec 06:01
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  • Upgrade to mariadb-connector-c 3.2.5 on Windows, with built-in support for the caching_sha2_password plugin (#134, #248, @jeroen).


  • Make method definition more similar to S3. All setMethod() calls refer to top-level functions (#250).

RMariaDB 1.2.0

12 Dec 12:56
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  • BLOBs are returned as blob::blob() objects (#126, #243).
  • dbWriteTable() and dbAppendTable() are much faster thanks to LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE. To activate this, load_data_local_infile = TRUE must be passed to dbConnect(). The readr package is required (#11, #223).

Bug fixes

  • Writing dates prior to 1970 no longer crashes on Windows (#232, #245).


  • Add test for reading and writing JSON data type as string (#127, #246).
  • Update for compatibility with DBItest 1.7.2 (#228).

RMariaDB 1.1.2

06 Sep 08:33
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  • RMariaDB is now licensed under the MIT license (#213).


  • dbConnect() normalizes all input paths (#197, @twentytitus).
  • dbDataType() returns TIME(6) for difftime, and DATETIME(6) for POSIXt columns, to create columns with microsecond precision by default (#214).


  • Now referring to the libmariadb-dev Debian/Ubuntu package in documentation and configuration scripts (#219).
  • ?dbConnect gains a section on secure passwords and the .mylogin.cnf file (#156).


  • Test MySQL and MariaDB Server and client libraries in all combinations on GitHub Actions (#224).

  • The configure script now queries the RMARIADB_FORCE_MARIADBCONFIG and RMARIADB_FORCE_MYSQLCONFIG environment variables to force use of mariadb_config or mysql_config, respectively (#218).

RMariaDB 1.1.1

13 Apr 16:54
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  • BIT(1) columns are returned as logical (#84). NULL is mapped to NA for bit(1) columns (#201, @dirkschumacher).
  • dbConnect() now supports timezone_out argument. Explicitly setting timezone to NULL tries to detect the database time zone (#116).

Bug fixes

  • Timestamp values are now written correctly if the database connection uses a time zone other than UTC. Deviations still might occur at DST boundaries, therefore it is still safer to use UTC as the database connection (#116).
  • Timestamp roundtrip no longer fails on Windows i386 (#117).


  • Remove BH dependency by inlining the header files (#208).

RMariaDB 1.1.0

07 Jan 07:38
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  • dbConnect() now supports timezone_out argument. Explicitly setting timezone to NULL tries to detect the database time zone (#116).
  • BIT(1) columns are returned as logical (#84).
  • dbQuoteLiteral() now correctly quotes difftime values (#188).

Bug fixes

  • Timestamp values are now written correctly if the database connection uses a time zone other than UTC. Deviations still might occur at DST boundaries, therefore it is still safer to use UTC as the database connection (#116).
  • Timestamp roundtrip no longer fails on Windows i386 (#117).
  • dbBind() also works for "Date" values that are stored as integers (#187).

RMariaDB 1.0.11

16 Dec 08:07
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  • Windows: update to libmariadbclient 3.1.11
  • Add timezone argument to dbConnect() (#184, @ycphs).
  • dbWriteTable() and dbBind() correctly interpret difftime values with units other than "secs".


  • ./configure no longer requires bash (@jeroen).
  • Switch to GitHub Actions (#185, thanks @ankane).