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This repository contains Ansible roles; mostly as a learning experience to get familiar with Ansible. These roles are usable for me, however might not be usable for others. Feedback is welcome, and I will try to incorporate changes on best effort basis.

The idea behind these roles is to have some automation to prepare Virtual Machine for various test purposes in automated way; i.e. the process would be:

  • Tear down VM
  • Restore backup of VM with basic setup; i.e. just OS installed with Ansible user and SSH keys prepared
  • Run specific roles against VM
  • Do whatever testing might be required

Ansible version: 2.10.8


Role Description
os_setup First system update and some "hardening" activities
oracle_19c_sw_only Installs Oracle 19c binaries.
oracle_19c_db_create Creates single instance database (non-PDB)

Role execution: ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts [role_name].yml --ask-vault-password

These roles are executed against the VM with Oracle Linux 7.7+ as an operating system.


This section details any specific changes which should be performed before using role.


  • Download binaries for Linux from Oracle web site and place them to ./roles/oracle_19c_sw_only/files/

  • Update group vars for hosts group:

    Variable Description Example
    ora_default_pass default password for DBCA
    ora_oracle_user user who owns binaries oracle
    ora_install_group group for binaries; typically oinstall
    ora_root_directory root directory to be created /u01/app
    ora_scripts_dir folder where various scripts will be copied /u01/app/script
    ora_oracle_base folder where binaries should be installed /u01/app/oracle
    ora_oracle_inventory folder for oracle inventory /u01/app/oraInventory"
    ora_oracle_home oracle home location /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1"
    ora_data_dir folder for data files
    ora_binaries_zip filename of donwloaded binaries


  • Update group vars for hosts group:

    Variable Description Example
    ora_memory_target memory for DB in MB 1536
    ora_sid SID for DB ORCL
    ora_redo_log_files number of redo logs to be created
    ora_redo_logs_in_group number of redo logs in one thread
    ora_redo_size redo logs size in MB

    In example if you specify ora_redo_log_files = 6 and ora_redo_logs_in_group = 3, database will be created with 3 redo logs in thread 1 and 3 redo logs in thread 2.


Repository with Ansible roles mostly for Oracle.



