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Running Slic3r from git on OS X

cakeller98 edited this page Dec 11, 2012 · 3 revisions

This page contains instructions on how to run the latest Slic3r from git on Apple OS X. The instructions have been verified to work on OS X Lion (10.7) and OS X Mountain Lion (10.8). Please notice that following these instructions are not needed for running the binary releases of Slic3r for OS X available from

Installing the necessary command line tools

There are two ways to install the necessary command line tools (git, cc, ...) for installing Slic3r and its dependencies on OS X. Both require creating a free Apple ID.

Installing Xcode + Command Line Tools

One option is to install the full, graphical Xcode IDE (version 4.3 or later), which includes an option to install the necessary command line tools:

  • Download and install Xcode from the Mac App Store
  • Launch
  • Open Preferences and install the Command Line Tools from the Downloads tab

Installing the stand-alone Command Line Tools

Another option is to install the stand-alone Command Line Tools for Xcode:

Installing Slic3r dependencies as non-root

To install the Slic3r dependencies as non-root, first download and unpack local::lib and execute the following commands within the newly unpacked local-lib directory:

perl Makefile.PL --bootstrap
make test && make install
echo 'eval $(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib)' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Your environment is now set up for installing perl modules under ~/perl5/ (the above instructions assume you are using /bin/bash as your shell, please see the local::lib documentation for csh/zsh instructions). Next, execute the following commands to install the Slic3r dependencies:

git clone git://
cd Slic3r
perl Build.PL # Answer yes to installing Growl::GNTP and Wx, no to installing Net::DBus

Updating locally installed modules

An easy way to update only your locally installed modules is to parse the output of perldoc perllocal and pass the names of the locally installed modules to cpan -i:

perldoc -t perllocal | grep Module | sed -e 's/^.* "Module" //' -e 's/-/::/g' | sort | uniq | xargs cpan -i

Growl support

In order for Slic3r to use Growl you need to install the suggested Growl::GNTP module. If you neglected to install it when running perl Build.PL, install it by executing the following:

cpan Growl::GNTP

Installing Slic3r dependencies as root

To instead install the Slic3r dependencies as root (not recommended), execute the following steps:

git clone git://
cd Slic3r
sudo perl Build.PL # Answer yes to installing Growl::GNTP and Wx, no to installing Net::DBus