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LDMS Monitoring Cluster Load Balancing Service

Maestro is a Python3 implementation of a service that load balances a cluster configuration across a number of configured Aggregators.

Aggregators are configured in groups, and groups are organized into a hierarchy. The lowest level of the hierarchy (level 1) communicate with the sampler daemons; 2nd level aggregators monitor 1st level aggregators, 3rd level aggregators monitor 2nd level aggregators and so on.

There are multiple goals of the maestro daemon:

  • Simplify the monitoring configuration of a large cluster
  • Create a more resilient and responsive monitoring infrastructure
  • Monitor the health and performance of aggregators in the cluster
  • Manage aggregator failure by rebalancing the distributed configuration across the remaining aggregators in a group

In this current release, Maestro does not start and start ldmsd daemons, however, this feature is planned for the future.

Install / Uninstall

$ pip3 install --upgrade --prefix /opt/ovis .
# This assumed that LDMS is installed with /opt/ovis prefix.
# Use `upgrade` option so that the existing installation will get upgrade
# from the source tree. Otherwise, the existing files/directories were left
# untouched.

# to uninstall
$ pip3 uninstall maestro


etcd3 can be downlaoded via pip3, or from source at:

Configuration Generation

A ldms cluster's configuration can be generated with the maestro_ctrl command. The current implementation of the generator will generate v4 ldmsd configuration files for each group in the ldmsd cluster config. The generator will automatically "balance" samplers across aggregators, if sampler's are loaded by multiple aggregators, effectively creating a unique configuration file for each aggregator in a group. The command to generate config files is listed below:

maestro_ctrl --cluster config/etcd.yaml --ldms_config config/ldms-config.yaml --prefix <cluster_name> --generate-config-path <config_directory_path>

Configuration Management

A cluster's configuration is mangaged in a distributed RAFT based key-value store called etcd. The etcd service is queried using the python etcd3 client interface.

There are two configuration files consumed by maestro:

  1. A file that defines the etcd cluster configuration
  2. A file that defines the LDMS Cluster Configuration

There are two principle commands, maestro and maestro_ctrl. maestro will run the load balancing daemon, as well as start/configure ldmsd's. maestro_ctrl parses a yaml ldms cluster configuration file, and loads it into a etcd key/value store. Both commands are demonstrated below:

maestro --cluster config/etcd.yaml --prefix orion

maestro_ctrl --cluster config/etcd.yaml --ldms_config config/orion.yaml --prefix orion

Sampler interval's and offsets can be configured during runtime, by updating the ldmsd yaml configuration file, and running the maestro_ctrl command to update the etcd cluster with the new configuration. Maestro will detect updates to sampler intervals and offsets, and make the proper configuration updates to the running samplers.

Balance Methods

Maestro can be run to distribute ldms sampler data by producer, or by metric set amongst its L1 aggregators. When balancing by producer, Maestro will attempt to balance producers (samplers) as evenly as possible across available aggregators. When balancing by metric set, Maestro will balance metric sets by "set weight" across first level aggregators. Set weight is calculated using the metric set size along with the update frequency of the set. Higher level aggregators (e.g. L2 and above) will still be balanced by producer, as additional set balancing at higher levels would be both redundant and more resource intensive.

The default mode for Maestro balancing is by producer, no additional arguments are required.

maestro --cluster config/etcd.yaml --prefix orion

To run Maestro to balance producers by metric set, run maestro with the argument "--rebalance sets"

maestro --cluster config/etcd.yaml --prefix orion --rebalance sets

Multi-Instance Maesro

Maestro can be run using RAFT protocol to split configuration and monitoring responsibilities across a cluster of Maestro instances. If a quorum of expected Maestro instances is not detected in the event of multi-node failue, Maestro will wait until it has quorum before continuing to monitor/configure ldmsds. Any configured ldmsd's will be left in their current state.

In this mode, balancing and configuration responsibilities are split amongst maestro instances.

In order to run maestro in RAFT mode, configure the etcd.yaml file with the maestro instance's host names and port numbers you'd like to use using the "maestro_members" keyword. An example is listed below in the ETCD Cluster Configuration section.

Currently Maestro does not support multiple instances on a single host.

ETCD Cluster Configuration

Maestro consumes configuration files in YAML format.

Here's an example of an etcd cluster configuration:

cluster: voltrino
  - host:
    port: 2379
  - host:
    port: 2379
  - host:
    port: 2379
cluster: voltrino
  - host:
    port: 2379
  - host:
    port: 2379
  - host:
    port: 2379

  - host:
    port: 4411
  - host:
    port: 4411
  - host:
    port: 4411

###LDMS Cluster Configuration The primary configuration groups are daemons - defines LDMS daemons, their hosts, ports, and endpoints aggregators - defines aggregator configuration ldmsd's samplers - defines sampler configuration for ldmsd's stores - defines the various stores for aggregators

###Example LDMS Configuration

  - names : &samplers "sampler-[1-10]"
    hosts : &node-hosts "node-[1-10]"
    endpoints :
      - names : &sampler-endpoints "node-[1-10]-[10002]"
        ports : &sampler-ports "[10002]"
        maestro_comm : True
        xprt  : sock
        auth  :
           name : ovis1 # The authentication domain name
           plugin : ovis # The plugin type
           conf : /opt/ovis/maestro/secret.conf

      - names : &sampler-rdma-endpoints "node-[1-10]-10002/rdma"
        ports : *sampler-ports
        maestro_comm : False
        xprt  : rdma
        auth  :
          name : munge1
          plugin : munge

  - names : &l1-agg "l1-aggs-[11-14]"
    hosts : &l1-agg-hosts "node-[11-14]"
    endpoints :
      - names : &l1-agg-endpoints "node-[11-14]-[10101]"
        ports : &agg-ports "[10101]"
        maestro_comm : True
        xprt  : sock
        auth  :
          name : munge1
          plugin : munge

  - names : &l2-agg "l2-agg"
    hosts : &l2-agg-host "node-15"
    endpoints :
      - names : &l2-agg-endpoints "node-[15]"
        ports : "[10104]"
        maestro_comm : True
        xprt  : sock
        auth  :
          name : munge1
          plugin : munge

  - daemons   : *l1-agg
    prdcr_listen : # Producer section should be ignored if using advertise feature. Producers that are not using
                   # advertise can be added in conjunction with those that are.
      - names : *sampler-endpoints
        reconnect : 20s
        # All of the following are optional arguments
        #regex    : # Regular expression matching sampler hostnames
        #rail     :
        #credits  :
        #rx_rate  :

    peers     :
      - endpoints : *sampler-endpoints
        reconnect : 20s
        type      : active
        credits   : -1 # Optional. Send credits the aggregator advertises to the producer. Default -1 is unlimited.
        rx_rate   : -1 # Optional. Receive rate (bytes/sec) limit for this connection. Default -1 is unlimited
        rail      : 1 # Optional. The number of rail endpoints for the producer
        updaters  :
          - mode     : pull
            interval : "1.0s"
            offset   : "0ms"
            sets     :
              - regex : .*
                field : inst
    subscribe :
      - stream  : kokkos-perf-data # Stream name or regular expression
        regex   : .* # Regular expression matching producer names
        rx_rate : -1 # Optional. The receieve rate (bytes/sec) limit for the matching streams. Default -1 is unlimited

  - daemons   : *l2-agg
    peers     :
      - endpoints : *l1-agg-endpoints
        reconnect : 20s
        type      : active
        updaters  :
          - mode : pull
            interval : "1.0s"
            offset   : "0ms"
            sets     :
              - regex : .*
                field : inst

  - daemons : *samplers
    advertise: # Uses endpoints defined in the daemons section to determine who to advertise to
      - names : *sampler-endpoints
        to    : *l1-agg-endpoints # The endpoint transport information to advertise to
        reconnect : 20s
        # The following are optional arguments
        #credits  :
        #rx_rate  :
    plugins :
      - name        : meminfo # Variables can be specific to plugin
        interval    : "1.0s" # Used when starting the sampler plugin
        offset      : "0ms"
        config      : # Config is a list of dictionaries or strings that defines a plugin configuration
                      # A config command will be submitted for each string/dictionary in the list
          - schema       : meminfo
            component_id : ${LDMS_COMPONENT_ID} # uses an environment variable to set the component_id
            producer     : ${HOSTNAME}
            instance     : ${HOSTNAME}/meminfo
            perm         : "0o777"

      - name        : vmstat
        interval    : "1.0s"
        offset      : "0ms"
        config      :
          - "schema=vmstat producer=${HOSTNAME} instance=${HOSTNAME}/vmstat perm=0o777"

      - name        : procstat
        interval    : "1.0s"
        offset      : "0ms"
        config      : [ "schema=vmstat producer=${HOSTNAME} instance=${HOSTNAME}/procstat perm=0o777" ] 

  - name      : sos-meminfo
    daemons   : *l2-agg
    container : ldms_data
    schema    : meminfo
    flush     : 10s
    plugin : # Store plugin have the same configuration format as sampler plugins e.g. list of strings and or dictionaries
      name   : store_sos
      config : [ { path : /DATA } ]

  - name      : sos-vmstat
    daemons   : *l2-agg
    container : ldms_data
    schema    : vmstat
    flush     : 10s
    plugin :
      name   : store_sos
      config : [ { path : /DATA } ]

  - name      : sos-procstat
    daemons   : *l2-agg
    container : ldms_data
    schema    : procstat
    flush     : 10s
    plugin :
      name   : store_sos
      config : [ { path : /DATA } ]

  - name : csv
    daemons   : *l2-agg
    container : ldms_data
    schema    : meminfo
    plugin :
      name : store_csv
      config :
        - path        : /DATA/csv/
          altheader   : 0
          typeheader  : 1
          create_uid  : 3031
          create_gid  : 3031