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eJSONPath - jsonpath for erlang

eJSONPath is pure-erlang implementation of JSONPath. It supports both map() and jiffy JSON structure ({[ {key(), value()}, ...]} for kv-objects) and implements most of the JSONPath description (I don't say specification, because there is no such thing like jsonpath spec).

  • Robust extensible parser (leex + yecc).
  • Extensible by custom functions.
  • No dependencies (but you may want jiffy or any other json parser).


{ok, Bin} = file:read_file("test/doc.json").
Doc = jsx:decode(Bin, [return_maps]).

%% return 1'st book author
{[<<"Nigel Rees">>], ["$['store']['book'][0]['author']"]} = ejsonpath:q("$[0].author", Doc).

%% return 1'st book categody and author
{[<<"reference">>,<<"Nigel Rees">>],
  "$['store']['book'][0]['author']"]} = ejsonpath:q("$[0]['category','author']", Doc).

%% return only reference book authors
%% `Funs' is a map or propist of `Name` and `Fun` pairs (see Fun spec in the sources)
Funs = #{
 filter_category =>
  fun({Map, _Doc}, [CategoryName]) ->
     case maps:find(<<"category">>, Map) of
         {ok, CategoryName} -> true;
         _ -> false
{[<<"Nigel Rees">>],["$['store']['book'][0]['author']"]} = ejsonpath:q("$[?(filter_category('reference'))].author", Doc, Funs).

%% update only item id == 0
O = #{
  <<"items">> => [
    #{<<"id">> => 0, <<"value">> => yyy},
    #{<<"id">> => 1, <<"value">> => yyy}

ejsonpath:tr("$.items[?( == 0)].value", O, fun(_) -> {ok, xxx} end).
  #{<<"items">> =>
       [#{<<"id">> => 0,<<"value">> => xxx},
        #{<<"id">> => 1,<<"value">> => yyy}]},

% delete item if query match
Opts = [].
ejsonpath:tr("$.items[?( == 0)]", O, fun (_) -> delete end, Funcs, Opts).
  #{<<"items">> => [#{<<"id">> => 1,<<"value">> => yyy}]},

% delete item if query not matched
ejsonpath:tr("$.key", O, fun (_) -> delete end, Funcs, [handle_not_found]).
  #{<<"items">> => [#{<<"id">> => 1,<<"value">> => yyy}]},

% create element (query not matched)
MatchFun = fun ({not_found, _Path, Key, #{node := OldMap}}) -> {ok, maps:put(Key, xxx, OldMap)} end.
ejsonpath:tr("$.key", O, MatchFun, Funcs, [handle_not_found]).
% result is the new document modified and the "jsonpath"
{#{<<"items">> =>
       [#{<<"id">> => 0,<<"value">> => yyy},
        #{<<"id">> => 1,<<"value">> => yyy}],
   <<"key">> => xxx},

More examples in tests.

JSONPath coverage

Since there is no such thing as JSONPath specification, every implementer create it's own variations. But I try to follow description from JSONPath as close as possible.

| Feature               | Example                |Implemented|
|Dot filtering          |`$.one.two`             | Y         |
|Brace filtering        |`$['one']['two']`       | Y         |
|Array slicing          | `$[1,2,3]` `$.o[2]`    | Y         |
|Hash slicing           | `$['one', 'two']`      | Y         |
|Asterisk (hash, array) | `$.one.*` `$.one[*]`   | Y         |
|Python-slicing         | `$[1:-1:2]`            | Partial*  |
|Eval binary filter     | `$[?(true)]`           | Partial** |
|                       | `$[?( != 'mew')]` |           |
|Eval index             | `$[('one')]`           | Partial** |
|Recursive descent      | `..`                   | Y         |

* Only step=1 supported now
** Limited scripting language: string, integer, binary operators and function calls

Most of the missing features can be implemented as custom functions

$.one[?( custom_function_call('arg1', 42) )]
$.two[( custom_function_call() )]


  • Implement missing features
  • Python slicing step support. (Currently only step==1 supported)
  • Eval filter / index - allow path expressions and operators $[?(@.category)]

Other implementations


Apache v2