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cfpb-atomic-component 0.17.9

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @cfpb/cfpb-atomic-component@0.17.9
Install via package.json:
"@cfpb/cfpb-atomic-component": "0.17.9"

About this version

@cfpb/atomic-component Build Status npm

Design System atomic component micro-framework

This component can be used by itself, but it was made for Design System, a front end framework developed at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

How to use this component

Detailed instructions can be found at the Design System documentation site.

Utility descriptions


Utility used to copy Javascript object properties from one or more source objects to a target object


var assert = require( 'assert' );
import { assign } from '../utilities/object-assign.js';
var testObjectA = {
    str:  'test',
    func: function() { return 'testStr'; },
    num:  1
 var testObjectB = {
    obj:   { test: 2 },
    arr:   [ 3 ],
   	_null: null
 assign( testObjectA, testObjectB );
 assert( testObjectA.hasOwnProperty( 'obj' ), true ) ;
 assert( testObjectA.hasOwnProperty( 'arr' ) );
 assert( testObjectA.hasOwnProperty( '_null' ), true );

Type Checkers

Utility functions for checking Javascript types and primitives.


var assert = require( 'assert' );
import typeCheckers from '../utilities/type-checkers.js';


var date = new Date( 2011, 7, 21 );

function func() {
  return true;

var object = {
  a: '1',
  b: '2',
  c: '3'

assert.equal( typeCheckers.isUndefined( UNDEFINED ), true );
assert.equal( typeCheckers.isObject( object ), true );
assert.equal( typeCheckers.isFunction( func ), true );
assert.equal( typeCheckers.isDate( date ), true );

Getting involved

We welcome your feedback and contributions.

Open source licensing info

  1. TERMS
  3. CFPB Source Code Policy



  • cfpb-atomic-component-0.17.9.tgz

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