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Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AttachmentDetail - SpamAssassin plugin to check attachment details


This plugin creates a new rule test type, called "attachment". These rules apply to all attachments found in the message. Any MIME part that has a filename is considered an "attachment" regardless of the content disposition.


loadplugin    Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AttachmentDetail

attachment    INVALID_HTML_TYPE       name =~ /\.s?html?/i type != text/html
attachment    GEEKSQUAD_IMAGE_SPAM    name =~ /^geek/i type =~ /^image\//
attachment    TRAILING_DOT            name =~ /\.$/
attachment    DOUBLE_EXTENSION        name =~ /\.[^.\/\s]{2,4}\.[^.\/\s]{2,4}$/i

body          __ATTACH_NONE             eval:check_attachment_count(0,0)
body          __ATTACH_SINGLE           eval:check_attachment_count(1,1)
body          __ATTACH_MULTI            eval:check_attachment_count(2,9999)

This plugin also creates the following eval rule:

body RULENAME  eval:check_attachment_count(<min>, <max>)
   min: minimum number of attachments
   max: maximum number of attachments

   Returns true if the number of attachments is between min and max (inclusive).

body RULENAME  eval:check_attachment_mime_error()
   Returns true if any attachments have MIME parsing errors.


Q: Can't I just use a mimeheader rule to check attachment details? For example, I already have this rule to look for HTML attachments with the wrong MIME type:

mimeheader  OBFU_HTML_ATTACH   Content-Type =~ m,\bapplication/octet-stream\b.+\.s?html?\b,i

A: There's a few problems with this approach. First, the filename is not always included in the Content-Type header. It can be included in the Content-Disposition header instead. For example:

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="document.html"

Second, the filename can be encoded and split across multiple lines using Parameter Value Continuation. For example:

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;

As of SA version 4.0.0, the mimeheader rule does not properly decode Parameter Value Continuation. This plugin does. For more information on Parameter Value Continuation, see RFC 2231.

Third, it's easy to make mistakes when writing regular expressions. For example, the above rule will match any filename that contains the string ".html" such as "" which may or may not be what you want. This plugin simplifies the process of writing rules for attachments, leading to fewer mistakes.


The format for defining a rule is as follows:

attachment SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME key1 =~ /value1/i  key2 == value2 ...

Supported keys are:

name is the suggested filename for the attachment. This is determined from the filename parameter in the Content-Disposition header or the name parameter in the Content-Type header. If both are present, then the Content-Disposition header takes precedence. If neither is present, then the filename is empty. Contrary to other SpamAssassin rules, the filename is NOT encoded in UTF-8. You will be dealing with Perl characters. Write your regexes accordingly.

ext is the file extension (e.g. html, pdf, docx, etc.) as determined from the filename

type is the attachment MIME type (e.g. image/png, application/pdf, etc.)

disposition is the content disposition (e.g. attachment or inline)

encoding is the content transfer encoding (e.g. 7bit, base64, quoted-printable, etc.)

charset is the character encoding (e.g. us-ascii, UTF-8, Windows-1251, ISO-8859-1, etc.) of the attachment body. (Note: NOT the character encoding of the filename)

Supported operators are:

== equal to

!= not equal to

=~ matches regular expression

!~ does not match regular expression

Regular expressions should be delimited by slashes and can optionally include modifiers after the terminating slash. Text values may be enclosed in single or double quotes. Quotes may be omitted as long as the text does not contain any spaces.

If more than one condition is specified on a single rule, then ALL conditions must be true for the test to hit (i.e. logical AND).


This plugin adds the following tags:

ATTACHMENT_COUNT is the number of attachments found in the message

ATTACHMENT_TYPES is a comma-separated list of all the MIME types found in the message

ATTACHMENT_EXTS is a comma-separated list of all the file extensions found in the message

You can add custom headers to the message by adding the following to your

add_header all Attachment-Count _ATTACHMENT_COUNT_
add_header all Attachment-Types _ATTACHMENT_TYPES_
add_header all Attachment-Exts _ATTACHMENT_EXTS_

This will add headers to the message like this:

X-Spam-Attachment-Count: 2
X-Spam-Attachment-Types: image/png, application/pdf
X-Spam-Attachment-Exts: png, pdf


This plugin was modeled after the URIDetail plugin


Email::MIME::ContentType 1.022 or later


Kent Oyer [email protected]


Copyright (C) 2023 MXGuardian LLC

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file included with this distribution for more information.

This plugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


SpamAssassin plugin to check attachment details







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