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A sample Orleans application for demonstrating a race-condition in the PersistentStreamPullingAgent when it is paired with a SimpleQueueCache that causes events to get dropped

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There appears to be a race when registering an implicit stream producer when it has multiple consumers that negotiate stream setup at different speeds. A Consumer can process an entire batch of events and become Inactive before the other Consumers finish handling the initial stream handshake. Subsequent batches that occur in the interim are effectively dropped for the faster Consumer. This issue is masked when using cache implementations that support rewind and time-based eviction like MemoryPooledCache, but is expressed dangerously when using the SimpleQueueCache which is designed to purge cache items as soon as they have been handled by all Consumers.

The Bug

When PersistentStreamPullingAgent starts registering itself as the producer of an Implicit stream for the first time it statically resolves the Consumers from the mappings in the ImplicitStreamPubSub.

It starts stream cursors for each of these consumers and waits for all of them to be finished (perform initial stream handshake) before setting a state flag on the StreamConsumerCollection.StreamRegistered.

The bug occurs when both these things happen:

  1. There are multiple Consumers and the time it takes them to initialize and perform the stream handshake differs.
  2. Additional batches of messages are pulled off the queue while this happens (i.e. while the producer is still registering).

This is the sequence:

  1. First batch pulled off the cache gets processed

  2. No stream data exists in the pubSubCache so the agent registers itself as the producer of the stream and starts the initial cursors

        RegisterStream(streamId, startToken, now).Ignore(); // if this is a new stream register as producer of stream in pub sub system
  3. First Consumer (ConsumerFast) performs the initial handshake and processes the first batch to completion, making the cursor Inactive again. (e.g. StreamSequenceToken=1, Events=1,2,3)

  4. Second Consumer (ConsumerSlow) is still activating and doing the handshake

  5. Second batch (e.g. StreamSequenceToken=2, Events=4,5,6) is pulled off the queue but because stream registration has started but not completed and the ConsumerFast's cursor is Inactive, ReadFromQueue effectively does nothing.

                $"Pulled new messages in stream {streamId} from the queue, but pulling agent haven't succeeded in" +
                                                $"RegisterStream yet, will start deliver on this stream after RegisterStream succeeded");
  6. ConsumerSlow finishes handshake, the stream is registered, StreamConsumerCollection.StreamRegistered is set to True.

  7. Third batch (StreamSequenceToken=3, Events=7,8) is pulled off the queue, inactive cursors are woken up since the stream is now registered.

    if (streamData.StreamRegistered)
            startToken); // if this is an existing stream, start any inactive cursors
  8. When activating ConsumerFast cursor it refreshes the startToken first with the latest batch token (e.g. StreamSequenceToken=3 from the third batch).

    if (consumerData.State == StreamConsumerDataState.Inactive)
        // wake up inactive consumers
  9. The implementation for a SimpleQueueCacheCursor will set the token internally because it had been unset after completely processing the initial batch (StreamSequenceToken=1).

    // SimpleQueueCacheCursor.cs
    if (!IsSet)
        cache.RefreshCursor(this, sequenceToken);
  10. The cursor is then run from event 7. Events 4-6 have been skipped.


The code sample rips off the implementation of the MemoryStream stack, plugging in a SimpleQueueCache in the TestStreamAdapterFactory rather than the MemoryPooledCache. It then uses three grains to re-create the race condition described above:

  1. ProducerGrain
  2. ConsumerGrain
  3. SlowConsumerGrain

The ConsumerGrain and SlowConsumerGrain have an Implicit subscription on ProducerGrain.

ProducerGrain is told to emit events 1-10 in order, ConsumerGrain writes out to the console as it sees each event and warns of any breaks in the event sequence.

SlowConsumerGrain introduces a delay when activating to prolong the stream registration in the PersistentStreamPullingAgent.cs.

NOTE: The race is obviously highly dependent on timings so an element of randomness has been added to the emit-events loop in the ProducerGrain and the SlowConsumerGrain delayed activation to try and capture the race on other systems as well. The repro is run 20 times to account for environment/random-delay variability, but on my machine these conditions produce dropped events in about 80% of the runs.

Expected Output (x20):

Emitting events...
Updated last observed event to: 1.
Updated last observed event to: 2.
Updated last observed event to: 3.
Updated last observed event to: 4.
Updated last observed event to: 5.
Updated last observed event to: 6.
Updated last observed event to: 7.
Updated last observed event to: 8.
Updated last observed event to: 9.
Updated last observed event to: 10.

Actual Output:

Emitting events...
Updated last observed event to: 1.
Updated last observed event to: 2.
Updated last observed event to: 3.
Skipped events detected. Last observed event is 3 but received event is 7.
Updated last observed event to: 7.
Updated last observed event to: 8.
Updated last observed event to: 9.
Updated last observed event to: 10.


Initially I thought we could change the SimpleQueueCache to fix the problem by changing the way it unsets the stream token after becoming inactive, but after poking around the cache implementation more I don't think that's actually the problem here.

Seems to me it's the PersistentStreamPullingAgent at fault because it's letting batches slip through the cracks and is also breaking the fundamental principal around independent consumer cursor progression. Just because the stream isn't fully registered doesn't mean there aren't some cursors ready to process more batches.

As a potential solution I was thinking you could add a third state to StreamConsumerDataState called Registering or something and initialize the StreamConsumerData in that state rather that Inactive. Then, when a batch is being pulled off the queue, instead of doing nothing if the stream is still registering, try to start the inactive cursors anyway. Those that are Registering won't be disturbed while they're in the handshake flow, but those that have already completed the handshake and become Inactive will be allowed to process more batches while stream registration is still in progress meaning we won't skip batches on fast Consumers:

if (pubSubCache.TryGetValue(streamId, out streamData))

    StartInactiveCursors(streamData, startToken); // if this is an existing stream, start any inactive cursors

    RegisterStream(streamId, startToken, now).Ignore(); // if this is a new stream register as producer of stream in pub sub system

Just a thought though, haven't followed all the details through or tried it out - interested to get opinions/alternatives!


A sample Orleans application for demonstrating a race-condition in the PersistentStreamPullingAgent when it is paired with a SimpleQueueCache that causes events to get dropped






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