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pyconomics is a python client/abstraction for the e-conomic API (


Install SUDS: pip install suds

pip install pyconomic

Basic Usage

# startup
>>> import pyconomic
>>> from pyconomic import models
>>> pycon = pyconomic.Pyconomic(agreement_nr, user_id, password)

# get / create base models
>>> random_account = pycon.find(models.DebtorGroup)[0].account
>>> terms = pycon.get(models.TermOfPayment, name='Net 8 days')
>>> debtor_group = pycon.get_or_create(models.DebtorGroup, name='Test Group', number=123, account=random_account)
>>> currency = pycon.get_or_create(models.Currency, code='DKK')

# create debtor - you can also use "pycon.create(models.Debtor, ..)", all "create_" methods are facade methods to help construct all the input
>>> john = pycon.create_debtor(debtor_group, 'John Doe', terms, pyconomic.VatZone.Domestic, currency, address='Somewhere', city='LongAgo', country='FarFarAway')

# pyconomic will cache all instances, so the john-instance should be in the any new query of debtors from the server
>>> debtors = pycon.find(models.Debtor, partial_name='John*')
>>> john in debtors and debtors[0].name == 'John Doe'

# create products
>>> product_group = pycon.find(models.ProductGroup)[0]  # use a random product group
>>> service = pycon.create_product('1000', product_group, 'Consulting Service', 300, description='I Do Stuff')
>>> thing = pycon.create_product('1001', product_group, 'Thing', 1200, description='Thing in black')

# create orders
>>> order1 = pycon.create_order(john, products=[service, thing])

# first time accessing a list-property like "orders" will do a server-call, and cache result for next access
>>> john.orders
[<Order ...>]

# which means that any new orders will not show up on the orders property
>>> order2 = pycon.create_order(john, products=[thing])
>>> len(john.orders)

# use fetch to ask the server for new data
>>> john.orders.fetch()
[<Order ...>, <Order ...>]
>>> len(john.orders)

# instances also has a fetch.. Reload the product data of the first order-line in the first of johns orders (for the fun of it):
>>> john.orders[0].lines[0].product.fetch()
<Product ...>

# updating data - pycon.commit() will send all changes to server
>>> orderline = john.orders[0].lines[0]
>>> orderline.quantity = 3
>>> pycon.get_all_changes()[models.OrderLine]
[<Changes <OrderLine ...> {'quantity': 3}>]
>>> pycon.commit()
>>> pycon.get_all_changes()[models.OrderLine]
>>> orderline.quantity

# upgrade order to invoice (must not be sent)
>>> pycon.upgrade_to_invoice(order1)
<CurrentInvoice ...>

# send order
>>> order2.is_sent
>>> pycon.send_order(order2)
>>> order2.fetch().is_sent

# save order-pdf to the file "orderpdf.pdf" in the current working directory

# delete everything again, orders seems be deleted as the debtor is deleted
>>> john.delete()
>>> service.delete()
>>> thing.delete()


  • Model instances are cached and reused based on their handle
  • The "find", "get", and "get_or_create" requires available "TYPE_FindBy[X]" server-method, and will make multiple server-calls if needed
  • Once a single instance needs its data, it will fetch the data of all instances in the cache by that type
  • List properties require a separate server-call: [debtor.invoices for debtor in debtors] would be as many server-calls as there's debtors, while getting attribute "name" is only 1 server-call to get all names
  • Changes in data is only saved on pycon.commit() except for Create and Delete which saves immediately


  • add "updated since" query
  • create more facade methods, only has a few (create_order, create_products, ...) - use pycon.create([Model], **arguments) for the rest
  • update cache on create; doing create_orderline should update all the "order.lines" properties - use ".fetch()" to update data instead
  • properties are missing a "read_only" state, so the user wont try to change data that cannot be saved
  • see if possible to create a data-model that is more IDE auto-complete friendly
  • add missing enums, only got for VatZone


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