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October 25, 2019 Status

Kayla Cinnamon edited this page Oct 29, 2019 · 1 revision

Recent News / Releases

  • Announced dynamic profiles and cascading settings
  • New tabs from WinUI

Terminal v0.6

  • These look very much like our original mockups from March :)

Terminal Mockup

Current Status

Plan for 1911 is in place

  • Accessibility improvements
  • Suppress application title
  • Progress on search functionality
  • UI tweaks
  • Bug fixes
  • (Fewer features because of Ignite)

Cascadia Code

  • Features currently in scope:
    • UFO conversion
    • Character extensions (Cyrillic, Greek, and Vietnamese)

Ignite Session

  • Carlos and Kayla are delivering a 45-minute breakout session at Ignite