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MassBank of North America (MoNA) is a metadata-centric, auto-curating repository designed for efficient storage and querying of mass spectral records. The MoNA server is a set of Spring microservices written in Scala and Java utilizing MongoDB and ElasticSearch for data storage and RabbitMQ for messaging. The front-end is an Angular 10 web appli…


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MassBank of North America Application


  • Highly Recommended to use Linux OS (Preferably Ubuntu LTS 18.04 or 20.04)
  • Ensure you have the following installed
    • Node Version Manager(NVM)
    • Docker Engine (And Docker-Compose)
    • NPM (Node Package Manager)
    • Angular CLI 10.2.3
    • IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
    • Maven 3 (Should be baked into IntelliJ)
    • Git
    • AWS CLI (for ECR to pull docker images)
    • Java 1.8_292 (open_jdk x64)
    • Scala 2.13
      • Installs in IntelliJ
      • Right-click the main 'mona' project and click 'Add Framework Support'
  • Gain Access to the following
    • Internal mona-config private repo
      • You'll need admin access and will need to generate a Personal Access Token (
      • Then open your ~/.bash_rc and set the following variables, 'GIT_USER' and 'GIT_PASS' to your github username and new personal access token. This allows the discovery service to work as intended
      • Note: You'll need to set these tokens on the IPA and GOSE servers as they expire every year (you can configure how quickly these expire).
    • Access to AWS account and ability to push to ECR
    • Admin access to public mona repo
    • You'll need a settings.xml file for your maven 'User Settings File' this will include the nexus profile and all the necessary repo's for pulling down libraries. Please ask a developer on the team for this config and store file at ~/.m2

Starting Development:

  • There are 3 scripts in the project to easily start development
    • ./
      • Solves CORS issues when connecting the frontend to the microservices
    • ./
      • Starts all necessary docker microservices
    • ./
      • Starts the Angular 10 frontend with ng serve to develop on the fly

PROD Deployment:

  • Production deployment is simple with docker
    • Bring down the application with: docker stack rm mona
    • Bring the application back up with docker stack deploy -c docker-compose-prod.yml
    • Note: You may need to force the newest images to pull down with docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml pull

Running Test Suite With IntelliJ and Maven:

  • Using the built-in Maven tab, we can run the full scala test suite
    • Make sure the following Maven profiles are selected (and only those): nexus, scala, scala-test
    • Run the following docker-compose file: docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yml -d
    • Finally, run mvn clean install on the 'backend(root)'

Generate new Docker Images:

  • Make sure the following Maven profiles are selected (and only those): nexus, scala, docker
  • The following services can be built into docker images: discovery, bootstrap, webhooks-server,curation-scheduler, repository, persistence-server, auth-server, similarity, proxy, download-scheduler, and curation-runner
  • mvn clean install will build a local docker image for the corresponding service
  • mvn clean deploy will build the docker image and deploy it to ECR (make sure you signed in to AWS CLI)
    • default tag is 'test' you can easily configure that in the main mona pom.xml
  • NOTE: For the proxy service pom.xml, you'll need to configure the 'ng.env' variable to 'staging' or 'prod' depending on if the build is for IPA('staging') or GOSE('prod');

Important Development Notes:

  • Make sure project sdk/jdk is set to Java 1.8_292
  • Make sure to configure Maven in IntelliJ IDEA to use the same project jdk which should be Java 1.8_292
  • Make sure you added framework support for scala 2.13 in IntelliJ for the mona project
  • When making a new branch for git, naming convention should typically have a ticket number (i.e. FIEHN-1234) following a slash and a description of the ticket (i.e. FIEHN-1234/ThisIsATicket).
  • If your having issues pulling packages with maven, you can troubleshoot with deleting your ~/.m2/repository directory. Additionally, ensure you have the correct 'settings.xml' file in ~/.m2. If problems still persist, try the 'Invalidate Caches' under File tab in IntelliJ IDEA.

ports for cluster service nodes:

  • persistence svr: 2222
  • configuration svr: 1111
  • discovery service: 8761
  • auth server: 3333
  • proxy service: 8080 (entry point)

ports for in-memory node:

  • postgresql db : 5432


MassBank of North America (MoNA) is a metadata-centric, auto-curating repository designed for efficient storage and querying of mass spectral records. The MoNA server is a set of Spring microservices written in Scala and Java utilizing MongoDB and ElasticSearch for data storage and RabbitMQ for messaging. The front-end is an Angular 10 web appli…







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