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Simple demonstrations of basic use of OpenCV

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Simple demonstrations of basic use of OpenCV

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3D to 2D Projection Equation

Many of the functions of the calib3d module relate to the pinhole camera model found in the Detailed Description on the Camera Calibration page and below. Often, you'll have some of the values and want to know which function to use to solve for the unknown. The table below shows inputs in italic and outputs in bold.

  | u |    | fx   0  cx || R R R Tx|| X |
s | v |  = |  0  fy  cy || R R R Ty|| Y |
  | 1 |    |  0   0   1 || R R R Tz|| Z |
                                    | 1 |
Function objPts pts1/2 M distort R T E F H R1/R2 P1/P2 Q misc
calibrateCamera X 1 X X X X
projectPoints X 1 X X X X
stereoCalibrate X 1&2 1&2 1&2 X X X X
findEssentialMat 1&2 foc/pp X
findFundamentalMat 1&2 X
findHomography 1&2 X
stereoRectify 1&2 1&2 X X 1&2 1&2 X
stereoRectifyUncalibrated 1&2 X 1&2
computeCorrespondEpilines 1 X
reprojectImageTo3D disparity X image3d
decomposeEssentialMat 1&2 X X
decomposeHomographyMat X(K) multiple multiple X
decomposeProjectionMatrix X X X P
recoverPose 1&2 foc/pp X X X
triangulatePoints 1&2 P1&P2 points4D
solvePnP X 1 X X X X
solvePnPRansac X 1 X X X X
core Operations on Arrays
perspectiveTransform X X points
Function objPts pts1/2 M distort R T E F H R1/R2 P1/P2 Q misc
imgproc Geometric Image Transformations
initUndistortRectifyMap X X X X mapx/y
remap srcImg mapx/ydstImg
undistort srcImg X X dstImg
undistortPoints X X X X X points
warpPerspective srcImg X dstImg

Mat Types

Type C1 C2 C3 C4
CV_8U 0 8 16 24
CV_8S 1 9 17 25
CV_16U 2 10 18 26
CV_16S 3 11 19 27
CV_32S 4 12 20 28
CV_32F 5 13 21 29
CV_64F 6 14 22 30


Simple demonstrations of basic use of OpenCV






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