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Veracode Static Analysis Pipeline Scan and SARIF import


Veracode Static Analysis Pipeline Scan and SARIF import


Veracode Static Analysis Pipeline Scan and SARIF import

Initiate a Veracode Static Analysis Pipeline Scan and convert the results file to a valid SARIF file


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Veracode Static Analysis Pipeline Scan and SARIF import

uses: veracode/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in veracode/veracode-pipeline-scan-results-to-sarif

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Veracode Static Analysis Pipeline scan and import of results to SARIF - GitHub Action

This action has a workflow which initiates a Veracode Static Analyis Pipeline Scan and takes the Veracode pipeline scan JSON result file as an input and transforms it to a SARIF format.

Add the -jo true to your Pipeline Scan command to generate the JSON result file. See details for the other pipeline scan attributes.

If your GitHub account allows code scanning alerts, you can then upload the sarif file to show the scan findings.

See Veracode pipeline scan example in GitHub action.



Required The path to the pipeline json result file.

Default value "results.json"


Optional The path to the SARIF format result file.

Default value "veracode-results.sarif"

source-base-path-1 (can go from 1 to 3)

Optional In some compilations, the path representation is not the same as the repository root folder. In order to add the ability to navigate back from the scanning issue to the file in the repository, a base path to the source is required. The input format is regex base ("[search pattern]:[replace with pattern]").

Default value ""


Optional The conversion rule from Veracode finding levels to Github levels.

  • Veracode levels: 5 = Very High, 4 = High, 3 = Medium, 2 = Low, 1 = Very Low, 0 = informational.
  • GitHub levels: error, warning, note.

Example values:

  • "4:3:0" => High and Very high will show as error, Medium as warning and the rest as note
  • "3:2:1" => Medium and above will show as error, Low as warning, Very Low as note, and informational will not show at all

Note: Only error level will fail pull request check

Default value "4:3:0"

Example usage

    needs: pipeline_scan
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: import pipeline results to sarif
      - name: Convert pipeline scan output to SARIF format
        id: convert
        uses: Veracode/[email protected]
          pipeline-results-json: results.json
          output-results-sarif: veracode-results.sarif
          source-base-path-1: "^com/veracode:src/main/java/com/veracode"
          source-base-path-2: "^WEB-INF:src/main/webapp/WEB-INF"
          finding-rule-level: "3:1:0"

      - name: upload sarif file to repository
        uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
        with: # Path to SARIF file relative to the root of the repository
          sarif_file: veracode-results.sarif