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An action that bumps a Homebrew formula after a new release.

Minimal usage example:

    tags: 'v*'

    name: Bump Homebrew formula
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: mislav/bump-homebrew-formula-action@v1
          # A PR will be sent to to update this formula:
          formula-name: my_formula
          COMMITTER_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.COMMITTER_TOKEN }}

The COMMITTER_TOKEN secret is required because this action will want to write to an external repository. You can generate a new PAT here and give it public_repo (or repo if the homebrew tap repository is private) scopes.

Comprehensive usage example:

    tags: 'v*'

    name: Bump Homebrew formula
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: mislav/bump-homebrew-formula-action@v1
        if: "!contains(github.ref, '-')" # skip prereleases
          formula-name: my_formula
          homebrew-tap: Homebrew/homebrew-core
          base-branch: master
          commit-message: {{formulaName}} {{version}}
          COMMITTER_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.COMMITTER_TOKEN }}
          # GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

You should enable GITHUB_TOKEN only if the repository that runs this Action is private and if COMMITTER_TOKEN has the public_repo scope only. GITHUB_TOKEN will be used for verifying the SHA256 sum of the downloadable archive for this release.

How it works

Given a Homebrew formula Formula/my_formula.rb in the homebrew-core repo:

class MyFormula < Formula
  url ""
  sha256 "<OLDSHA>"
  # ...

After we push a v2.0.0 git tag to a project that has this action configured, the formula will be updated to:

class MyFormula < Formula
  url ""
  sha256 "<NEWSHA>"
  # ...

This action will update the following formula fields if they exist:

  • version
  • url
  • sha256 - for non-git download-url
  • tag - for git-based download-url
  • revision - for git-based download-url

If you need to customize the value of url to something other than the standard tarball URL, you can pass in the download-url input to this action.

To customize the git commit message used for updating the formula, you can pass a template or regular string in the commit-message input to this action. The following fields marked up with {{...}} will be expanded:

Field Description
formulaName the name of the formula supplied in formula-name
version the version number for this release

If the current COMMITTER_TOKEN doesn't have push access to the repo specified by the homebrew-tap input, the formula will be edited in a fork that is automatically created, and a pull request will be opened.

If the token has push access, but the default branch of the tap repo is protected, a pull request will be opened from a new branch in the same repo.

Otherwise, the formula will be edited via a direct push to the default branch.