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Bulk cloning of a react-native based project to support similar applications. Language English / Russian



brew install node


brew install yarn


Produced at the root of the react-native base project

yarn add simple-react-native-clone --dev

You need to create a config file next to package.json


Basic configuration example clone.config.js


Add quick start scripts to package.json

"scripts": {
    "clone": "simple-rn-clone clone",
    "build": "simple-rn-clone build"

Clone base project for all clone configurations

yarn clone

Clone base project for one clone configuration named name

yarn clone "name"
yarn clone name     // name without spaces

Build project for all clone configuration

yarn build

Build a project for one configuration named name

yarn build "name"
yarn build name     // name without spaces

Additional launch options -i-ios -a-android

yarn build -a         // collect everything, only for the android platform
yarn build name -i    // build one clone for the ios platform
yarn build -ai        // prepare for build, but not build


Specify the data of the base project from which the cloning will be performed.

base: {
        folder: '../rn_starter',    // the relative location of the project folder
        name: 'rn_starter',         // his current name
        package: 'com.rn_starter',  // package name

Setting up an array of clones

clone: [
        folder: '../rn_starter_company',    // the relative location of the clone folder
        name: 'New AppName',                // new project name and displayName
        package: '',  // change package name

When cloning, exclude this data, according to template rsync -av --exclude=PATTERN

exclude: [


Copy files or directories to each clone. The paths are set relative. You need to write the paths as it would work for the base project. The variable ${clone.nameProject} will be replaced with the name of the clone, if the clone has the name "New AppName", then the variable clone.nameProject=NewAppName, This means that the base project must have a folder ./ios/rn_starter/Images_NewAppName.xcassets, which will replace the folder in the clone ./ios/rn_starter/Images.xcassets

All copied files or folders are included in exclude, so that there is no extra data in the clone. Those. the clone will contain only the data that was intended for it.

⚠️ Copying the .git folder from the base project is prohibited by default, each new clone creates its own repository.

copy_global: [
        from: './ios/rn_starter/Images_${clone.nameProject}.xcassets',
        to: './ios/rn_starter/Images.xcassets',
        from: './android/app/src/main/res_${clone.nameProject}',
        to: './android/app/src/main/res',

The same principle of copying works for each individual clone, if you need to apply copying not for everyone, but only for a particular case.

clone: [
        folder: '../rn_starter_company',
        name: 'New AppName',
        package: '',
        copy: [
              from: './android/app/src/main/res_${clone.nameProject}',
              to: './android/app/src/main/res',

Copy rules are implemented by the module copy-dir


Replacing lines within files or all files in the target directory, for all clones.

replace_global: [
        files: './android/app/build.gradle',       // target file or folder to change
        from: '/(applicationId\\s*")(.+)(")/giu',  // RegExp for search
        to: ['$1${clone.package}$3'],              // what to replace

Replacement rules are implemented by the module replace-in-file It works the same way for a specific clone.

Build all clones

The commands for each clone are sequentially executed, they can be changed for your tasks.

build_ios: ['npx react-native run-ios --configuration "Release"'],
build_android: [
    'cd ./android',
    // './gradlew cleanBuildCache',
    './gradlew assembleRelease',


Bulk cloning а react-native project







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