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refactor: update chunk payments contract naming to data payments #8652

refactor: update chunk payments contract naming to data payments

refactor: update chunk payments contract naming to data payments #8652

Workflow file for this run

name: Memory Check
# tests must run for a PR to be valid and pass merge queue muster
# on main, we want to know that all commits are passing at a glance, any deviation should help bisecting errors
# the merge run checks should show on master and enable this clear test/passing history
branches: [ main, alpha*, beta*, rc* ]
branches: [ "*" ]
SAFE_DATA_PATH: /home/runner/.local/share/safe
CLIENT_DATA_PATH: /home/runner/.local/share/safe/client
NODE_DATA_PATH: /home/runner/.local/share/safe/node
BOOTSTRAP_NODE_DATA_PATH: /home/runner/.local/share/safe/bootstrap_node
RESTART_TEST_NODE_DATA_PATH: /home/runner/.local/share/safe/restart_node
FAUCET_LOG_PATH: /home/runner/.local/share/safe/test_faucet/logs
# jobs:
# memory-check:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Checkout code
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# - name: Check we're on the right commit
# run: git log -1 --oneline
# - name: Install Rust
# uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@stable
# - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
# continue-on-error: true
# - name: install ripgrep
# shell: bash
# run: sudo apt-get install -y ripgrep
# - name: Build binaries
# run: cargo build --release --bin safe --bin safenode
# timeout-minutes: 30
# - name: Build faucet binary with gifting
# run: cargo build --release --bin faucet --features gifting
# timeout-minutes: 30
# - name: Build tests
# run: cargo test --release -p sn_node --test data_with_churn --test verify_routing_table --no-run
# timeout-minutes: 30
# - name: Start a node instance that does not undergo churn
# run: |
# ./target/release/safenode --first \
# --root-dir $BOOTSTRAP_NODE_DATA_PATH --log-output-dest $BOOTSTRAP_NODE_DATA_PATH --local --owner=bootstrap &
# sleep 10
# env:
# SN_LOG: "all"
# - name: Set SAFE_PEERS
# run: |
# safe_peers=$(rg "Local node is listening .+ on \".+\"" $BOOTSTRAP_NODE_DATA_PATH -u | \
# rg '/ip4.*$' -m1 -o | rg '"' -r '')
# echo "SAFE_PEERS=$safe_peers" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# - name: Check SAFE_PEERS was set
# shell: bash
# run: echo "The SAFE_PEERS variable has been set to $SAFE_PEERS"
# - name: Start a node instance to be restarted
# run: |
# ./target/release/safenode \
# --root-dir $RESTART_TEST_NODE_DATA_PATH --log-output-dest $RESTART_TEST_NODE_DATA_PATH --local --owner=restart &
# sleep 10
# env:
# SN_LOG: "all"
# - name: Start a local network
# env:
# SN_LOG: "all"
# uses: maidsafe/sn-local-testnet-action@main
# with:
# action: start
# build: true
# faucet-path: target/release/faucet
# interval: 2000
# join: true
# node-path: target/release/safenode
# owner-prefix: node
# platform: ubuntu-latest
# set-safe-peers: false
# # In this case we did *not* want SAFE_PEERS to be set to another value by starting the testnet
# - name: Check SAFE_PEERS was not changed
# shell: bash
# run: echo "The SAFE_PEERS variable has been set to ${SAFE_PEERS}"
# - name: Create and fund a wallet to pay for files storage
# run: |
# echo "Obtaining address for use with the faucet..."
# ./target/release/safe --log-output-dest=data-dir wallet create --no-password
# address=$(./target/release/safe --log-output-dest=data-dir wallet address | tail -n 1)
# echo "Sending tokens to the faucet at $address"
# ./target/release/faucet --log-output-dest=data-dir send 5000000 $address > initial_balance_from_faucet.txt
# cat initial_balance_from_faucet.txt
# cat initial_balance_from_faucet.txt | tail -n 1 > transfer_hex
# cat transfer_hex
# ./target/release/safe --log-output-dest=data-dir wallet receive --file transfer_hex
# env:
# SN_LOG: "all"
# timeout-minutes: 15
# - name: Move faucet log to the working folder
# run: |
# echo "SAFE_DATA_PATH has: "
# echo "test_faucet foder has: "
# ls -l $SAFE_DATA_PATH/test_faucet
# echo "logs folder has: "
# ls -l $SAFE_DATA_PATH/test_faucet/logs
# mv $FAUCET_LOG_PATH/faucet.log ./faucet_log.log
# continue-on-error: true
# if: always()
# timeout-minutes: 1
# - name: Download 95mb file to be uploaded with the safe client
# shell: bash
# run: wget
# # The resources file we upload may change, and with it mem consumption.
# # Be aware!
# - name: Start a client to upload files
# # -p makes files public
# run: |
# ls -l
# ./target/release/safe --log-output-dest=data-dir files upload "./" --retry-strategy quick -p
# env:
# SN_LOG: "all"
# timeout-minutes: 25
# # this check needs to be after some transfer activity
# - name: Check we're warned about using default genesis
# run: |
# git log -1 --oneline
# cat $RESTART_TEST_NODE_DATA_PATH/safenode.log
# - name: Check we're warned about using default genesis
# run: |
# git log -1 --oneline
# cat $BOOTSTRAP_NODE_DATA_PATH/safenode.log
# - name: Check we're warned about using default genesis
# run: |
# git log -1 --oneline
# ls -la $NODE_DATA_PATH
# shell: bash
# # Uploading same file using different client shall not incur any payment neither uploads
# # Note rg will throw an error directly in case of failed to find a matching pattern.
# - name: Start a different client to upload the same file
# run: |
# pwd
# ls -l $SAFE_DATA_PATH/client_first
# mkdir $SAFE_DATA_PATH/client
# mv $SAFE_DATA_PATH/client_first/logs $CLIENT_DATA_PATH/logs
# cp ./ ./
# ./target/release/safe --log-output-dest=data-dir wallet create --no-replace --no-password
# ./target/release/faucet --log-output-dest=data-dir send 5000000 $(./target/release/safe --log-output-dest=data-dir wallet address | tail -n 1) > initial_balance_from_faucet_1.txt
# cat initial_balance_from_faucet_1.txt
# cat initial_balance_from_faucet_1.txt | tail -n 1 > transfer_hex
# cat transfer_hex
# ./target/release/safe --log-output-dest=data-dir wallet receive --file transfer_hex
# ./target/release/safe --log-output-dest=data-dir files upload "./" --retry-strategy quick -p > second_upload.txt
# cat second_upload.txt
# rg "New wallet balance: 5000000.000000000" second_upload.txt -c --stats
# env:
# SN_LOG: "all"
# timeout-minutes: 25
# - name: Stop the restart node
# run: kill $( cat $RESTART_TEST_NODE_DATA_PATH/ )
# - name: Start the restart node again
# run: |
# ./target/release/safenode \
# --root-dir $RESTART_TEST_NODE_DATA_PATH --log-output-dest $RESTART_TEST_NODE_DATA_PATH --local --owner=restarted &
# sleep 10
# env:
# SN_LOG: "all"
# - name: Assert we've reloaded some chunks
# run: rg "Existing record loaded" $RESTART_TEST_NODE_DATA_PATH
# - name: Chunks data integrity during nodes churn
# run: cargo test --release -p sn_node --test data_with_churn -- --nocapture
# env:
# SN_LOG: "all"
# timeout-minutes: 30
# - name: Check current files
# run: ls -la
# - name: Check safenode file
# run: ls /home/runner/work/safe_network/safe_network/target/release
# - name: Check there was no restart issues
# run: |
# if rg 'Failed to execute hard-restart command' $NODE_DATA_PATH; then
# echo "Restart issues detected"
# exit 1
# else
# echo "No restart issues detected"
# fi
# - name: Verify the routing tables of the nodes
# run: cargo test --release -p sn_node --test verify_routing_table -- --nocapture
# env:
# timeout-minutes: 10
# - name: Verify restart of nodes using rg
# shell: bash
# timeout-minutes: 1
# # get the counts, then the specific line, and then the digit count only
# # then check we have an expected level of restarts
# # TODO: make this use an env var, or relate to testnet size
# run: |
# restart_count=$(rg "Node is restarting in" $NODE_DATA_PATH -c --stats | \
# rg "(\d+) matches" | rg "\d+" -o)
# echo "Restart $restart_count nodes"
# peer_removed=$(rg "PeerRemovedFromRoutingTable" $NODE_DATA_PATH -c --stats | \
# rg "(\d+) matches" | rg "\d+" -o)
# echo "PeerRemovedFromRoutingTable $peer_removed times"
# if [ $peer_removed -lt $restart_count ]; then
# echo "PeerRemovedFromRoutingTable times of: $peer_removed is less than the restart count of: $restart_count"
# exit 1
# fi
# node_count=$(ls $NODE_DATA_PATH | wc -l)
# echo "Node dir count is $node_count"
# # TODO: reenable this once the testnet dir creation is tidied up to avoid a large count here
# # if [ $restart_count -lt $node_count ]; then
# # echo "Restart count of: $restart_count is less than the node count of: $node_count"
# # exit 1
# # fi
# - name: Verify data replication using rg
# shell: bash
# timeout-minutes: 1
# # get the counts, then the specific line, and then the digit count only
# # then check we have an expected level of replication
# # TODO: make this use an env var, or relate to testnet size
# # As the bootstrap_node using separate folder for logging,
# # hence the folder input to rg needs to cover that as well.
# run: |
# sending_list_count=$(rg "Sending a replication list" $NODE_DATA_PATH -c --stats | \
# rg "(\d+) matches" | rg "\d+" -o)
# echo "Sent $sending_list_count replication lists"
# received_list_count=$(rg "Received replication list from" $NODE_DATA_PATH -c --stats | \
# rg "(\d+) matches" | rg "\d+" -o)
# echo "Received $received_list_count replication lists"
# fetching_attempt_count=$(rg "FetchingKeysForReplication" $NODE_DATA_PATH -c --stats | \
# rg "(\d+) matches" | rg "\d+" -o)
# echo "Carried out $fetching_attempt_count fetching attempts"
# if: always()
# - name: Start a client to download files
# run: |
# ./target/release/safe --log-output-dest=data-dir files download --retry-strategy quick
# ls -l $CLIENT_DATA_PATH/safe_files
# downloaded_files=$(ls $CLIENT_DATA_PATH/safe_files | wc -l)
# if [ $downloaded_files -lt 1 ]; then
# echo "Only downloaded $downloaded_files files, less than the 1 file uploaded"
# exit 1
# fi
# env:
# SN_LOG: "all"
# timeout-minutes: 10
# # Download the same files again to ensure files won't get corrupted.
# - name: Start a client to download the same files again
# run: |
# ./target/release/safe --log-output-dest=data-dir files download --show-holders --retry-strategy quick
# ls -l $CLIENT_DATA_PATH/safe_files
# downloaded_files=$(ls $CLIENT_DATA_PATH/safe_files | wc -l)
# if [ $downloaded_files -lt 1 ]; then
# echo "Only downloaded $downloaded_files files, less than the 1 file uploaded"
# exit 1
# fi
# file_size1=$(stat -c "%s" ./
# file_size2=$(stat -c "%s" $CLIENT_DATA_PATH/safe_files/
# if [ $file_size1 != $file_size2 ]; then
# echo "The downloaded file has a different size $file_size2 to the original $file_size1."
# exit 1
# fi
# env:
# SN_LOG: "all"
# timeout-minutes: 10
# - name: Audit from genesis to collect entire spend DAG and dump to a dot file
# run: |
# ./target/release/safe --log-output-dest=data-dir wallet audit --dot --sk-str 49113d2083f57a976076adbe85decb75115820de1e6e74b47e0429338cef124a > spend_dag_and_statistics.txt
# echo "=============================================================================="
# cat spend_dag_and_statistics.txt
# env:
# SN_LOG: "all"
# timeout-minutes: 5
# if: always()
# - name: Ensure discord_ids decrypted
# run: |
# rg 'node_' ./spend_dag_and_statistics.txt -o
# timeout-minutes: 1
# if: always()
# - name: Check nodes running
# shell: bash
# timeout-minutes: 1
# continue-on-error: true
# run: pgrep safenode | wc -l
# if: always()
# - name: Wait before verifying reward forwarding
# run: sleep 300
# - name: Stop the local network and upload logs
# if: always()
# uses: maidsafe/sn-local-testnet-action@main
# with:
# action: stop
# log_file_prefix: safe_test_logs_memcheck
# platform: ubuntu-latest
# build: true
# - name: Check node memory usage
# shell: bash
# # The resources file and churning chunk_size we upload may change, and with it mem consumption.
# # This is set to a value high enough to allow for some variation depending on
# # resources and node location in the network, but hopefully low enough to catch
# # any wild memory issues
# # Any changes to this value should be carefully considered and tested!
# # As we have a bootstrap node acting as an access point for churning nodes and client,
# # The memory usage here will be significantly higher here than in the benchmark test,
# # where we don't have a bootstrap node.
# run: |
# node_peak_mem_limit_mb="300" # mb
# peak_mem_usage=$(
# rg '"memory_used_mb":[^,]*' $NODE_DATA_PATH/*/logs/* -o --no-line-number --no-filename |
# awk -F':' '/"memory_used_mb":/{print $2}' |
# sort -n |
# tail -n 1
# )
# echo "Node memory usage: $peak_mem_usage MB"
# if (( $(echo "$peak_mem_usage > $node_peak_mem_limit_mb" | bc -l) )); then
# echo "Node memory usage exceeded threshold: $peak_mem_usage MB"
# exit 1
# fi
# if: always()
# - name: Check client memory usage
# shell: bash
# # limits here are lower that benchmark tests as there is less going on.
# run: |
# client_peak_mem_limit_mb="1024" # mb
# client_avg_mem_limit_mb="512" # mb
# peak_mem_usage=$(
# rg '"memory_used_mb":[^,]*' $CLIENT_DATA_PATH/logs --glob safe.* -o --no-line-number --no-filename |
# awk -F':' '/"memory_used_mb":/{print $2}' |
# sort -n |
# tail -n 1
# )
# echo "Peak memory usage: $peak_mem_usage MB"
# if (( $(echo "$peak_mem_usage > $client_peak_mem_limit_mb" | bc -l) )); then
# echo "Client peak memory usage exceeded threshold: $client_peak_mem_limit_mb MB"
# exit 1
# fi
# total_mem=$(
# rg '"memory_used_mb":[^,]*' $CLIENT_DATA_PATH/logs --glob safe.* -o --no-line-number --no-filename |
# awk -F':' '/"memory_used_mb":/ {sum += $2} END {printf "%.0f\n", sum}'
# )
# num_of_times=$(
# rg "\"memory_used_mb\"" $CLIENT_DATA_PATH/logs --glob safe.* -c --stats |
# rg "(\d+) matches" |
# rg "\d+" -o
# )
# echo "num_of_times: $num_of_times"
# echo "Total memory is: $total_mem"
# average_mem=$(($total_mem/$(($num_of_times))))
# echo "Average memory is: $average_mem"
# if (( $(echo "$average_mem > $client_avg_mem_limit_mb" | bc -l) )); then
# echo "Client average memory usage exceeded threshold: $client_avg_mem_limit_mb MB"
# exit 1
# fi
# - name: Check node swarm_driver handling statistics
# shell: bash
# # With the latest improvements, swarm_driver will be in high chance
# # has no super long handling (longer than 1s).
# # As the `rg` cmd will fail the shell directly if no entry find,
# # hence not covering it.
# # Be aware that if do need to looking for handlings longer than second, it shall be:
# # rg "SwarmCmd handled in [^m,µ,n]*s:" $NODE_DATA_PATH/*/logs/* --glob safe.* -c --stats
# run: |
# num_of_times=$(
# rg "SwarmCmd handled in [0-9.]+ms:" $NODE_DATA_PATH/*/logs/* --glob safe.* -c --stats |
# rg "(\d+) matches" |
# rg "\d+" -o
# )
# echo "Number of long cmd handling times: $num_of_times"
# total_long_handling_ms=$(
# rg "SwarmCmd handled in [0-9.]+ms:" $NODE_DATA_PATH/*/logs/* --glob safe.* -o --no-line-number --no-filename |
# awk -F' |ms:' '{sum += $4} END {printf "%.0f\n", sum}'
# )
# echo "Total cmd long handling time is: $total_long_handling_ms ms"
# average_handling_ms=$(($total_long_handling_ms/$(($num_of_times))))
# echo "Average cmd long handling time is: $average_handling_ms ms"
# total_long_handling=$(($total_long_handling_ms))
# total_num_of_times=$(($num_of_times))
# num_of_times=$(
# rg "SwarmEvent handled in [0-9.]+ms:" $NODE_DATA_PATH/*/logs/* --glob safe.* -c --stats |
# rg "(\d+) matches" |
# rg "\d+" -o
# )
# echo "Number of long event handling times: $num_of_times"
# total_long_handling_ms=$(
# rg "SwarmEvent handled in [0-9.]+ms:" $NODE_DATA_PATH/*/logs/* --glob safe.* -o --no-line-number --no-filename |
# awk -F' |ms:' '{sum += $4} END {printf "%.0f\n", sum}'
# )
# echo "Total event long handling time is: $total_long_handling_ms ms"
# average_handling_ms=$(($total_long_handling_ms/$(($num_of_times))))
# echo "Average event long handling time is: $average_handling_ms ms"
# total_long_handling=$(($total_long_handling_ms+$total_long_handling))
# total_num_of_times=$(($num_of_times+$total_num_of_times))
# average_handling_ms=$(($total_long_handling/$(($total_num_of_times))))
# echo "Total swarm_driver long handling times is: $total_num_of_times"
# echo "Total swarm_driver long handling duration is: $total_long_handling ms"
# echo "Total average swarm_driver long handling duration is: $average_handling_ms ms"
# - name: Verify reward forwarding using rg
# shell: bash
# timeout-minutes: 1
# run: |
# min_reward_forwarding_times="100"
# reward_forwarding_count=$(rg "Reward forwarding completed sending spend" $NODE_DATA_PATH -c --stats | \
# rg "(\d+) matches" | rg "\d+" -o)
# echo "Carried out $reward_forwarding_count reward forwardings"
# if (( $(echo "$reward_forwarding_count < $min_reward_forwarding_times" | bc -l) )); then
# echo "Reward forwarding times below the threshold: $min_reward_forwarding_times"
# exit 1
# fi
# if: always()
# - name: Upload payment wallet initialization log
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@main
# with:
# name: payment_wallet_initialization_log
# path: initial_balance_from_faucet.txt
# continue-on-error: true
# if: always()
# - name: Move faucet log to the working folder
# run: |
# echo "current folder is:"
# pwd
# echo "SAFE_DATA_PATH has: "
# echo "test_faucet foder has: "
# ls -l $SAFE_DATA_PATH/test_faucet
# echo "logs folder has: "
# ls -l $SAFE_DATA_PATH/test_faucet/logs
# mv $FAUCET_LOG_PATH/*.log ./faucet_log.log
# env:
# SN_LOG: "all"
# continue-on-error: true
# if: always()
# timeout-minutes: 1
# - name: Move bootstrap_node log to the working directory
# run: |
# mv $BOOTSTRAP_NODE_DATA_PATH/safenode.log ./bootstrap_node.log
# continue-on-error: true
# if: always()
# timeout-minutes: 1
# - name: Upload faucet log
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@main
# with:
# name: memory_check_faucet_log
# path: faucet_log.log
# continue-on-error: true
# if: always()
# - name: Upload bootstrap_node log
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@main
# with:
# name: memory_check_bootstrap_node_log
# path: bootstrap_node.log
# continue-on-error: true
# if: always()
# - name: Upload spend DAG and statistics
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@main
# with:
# name: memory_check_spend_dag_and_statistics
# path: spend_dag_and_statistics.txt
# continue-on-error: true
# if: always()