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WASM fixes for autonomi API #6735

WASM fixes for autonomi API

WASM fixes for autonomi API #6735

Workflow file for this run

name: PR Benchmarks
on: pull_request
CLIENT_DATA_PATH: /home/runner/.local/share/safe/client
NODE_DATA_PATH: /home/runner/.local/share/safe/node
# benchmark-cli:
# name: Compare sn_cli benchmarks to main
# # right now only ubuntu, running on multiple systems would require many pushes...\
# # perhaps this can be done with one consolidation action in the future, pulling down all results and pushing
# # once to the branch..
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v4
# - uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@stable
# with:
# components: rustfmt, clippy
# - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
# continue-on-error: true
# ########################
# ### Setup ###
# ########################
# - run: cargo install cargo-criterion
# - name: install ripgrep
# run: sudo apt-get -y install ripgrep
# - name: Download 95mb file to be uploaded with the safe client
# shell: bash
# run: wget
# # As normal user won't care much about initial client startup,
# # but be more alerted on communication speed during transmission.
# # Meanwhile the criterion testing code includes the client startup as well,
# # it will be better to execute bench test with `local-discovery`,
# # to make the measurement results reflect speed improvement or regression more accurately.
# - name: Build sn bins
# run: cargo build --release --bin safe --bin safenode --features local-discovery
# timeout-minutes: 30
# - name: Build faucet bin
# run: cargo build --release --bin faucet --features local-discovery --features gifting --no-default-features
# timeout-minutes: 30
# - name: Start a local network
# uses: maidsafe/sn-local-testnet-action@main
# env:
# SN_LOG: "all"
# with:
# action: start
# interval: 2000
# node-path: target/release/safenode
# faucet-path: target/release/faucet
# platform: ubuntu-latest
# build: true
# - name: Check SAFE_PEERS was set
# shell: bash
# run: echo "The SAFE_PEERS variable has been set to $SAFE_PEERS"
# #########################
# ### Upload large file ###
# #########################
# - name: Fund cli wallet
# shell: bash
# run: target/release/safe --log-output-dest=data-dir wallet get-faucet
# env:
# SN_LOG: "all"
# - name: Start a client instance to compare memory usage
# shell: bash
# run: target/release/safe --log-output-dest=data-dir files upload --retry-strategy quick
# env:
# SN_LOG: "all"
# - name: Cleanup uploaded_files folder to avoid pollute download benchmark
# shell: bash
# run: rm -rf $CLIENT_DATA_PATH/uploaded_files
# ###########################
# ### Client Mem Analysis ###
# ###########################
# - name: Check client memory usage
# shell: bash
# run: |
# client_peak_mem_limit_mb="1024" # mb
# client_avg_mem_limit_mb="512" # mb
# peak_mem_usage=$(
# rg '"memory_used_mb":[^,]*' $CLIENT_DATA_PATH/logs --glob safe.* -o --no-line-number --no-filename |
# awk -F':' '/"memory_used_mb":/{print $2}' |
# sort -n |
# tail -n 1
# )
# echo "Peak memory usage: $peak_mem_usage MB"
# if (( $(echo "$peak_mem_usage > $client_peak_mem_limit_mb" | bc -l) )); then
# echo "Client peak memory usage exceeded threshold: $client_peak_mem_limit_mb MB"
# exit 1
# fi
# total_mem=$(
# rg '"memory_used_mb":[^,]*' $CLIENT_DATA_PATH/logs --glob safe.* -o --no-line-number --no-filename |
# awk -F':' '/"memory_used_mb":/ {sum += $2} END {printf "%.0f\n", sum}'
# )
# num_of_times=$(
# rg "\"memory_used_mb\"" $CLIENT_DATA_PATH/logs --glob safe.* -c --stats |
# rg "(\d+) matches" |
# rg "\d+" -o
# )
# echo "num_of_times: $num_of_times"
# echo "Total memory is: $total_mem"
# average_mem=$(($total_mem/$(($num_of_times))))
# echo "Average memory is: $average_mem"
# if (( $(echo "$average_mem > $client_avg_mem_limit_mb" | bc -l) )); then
# echo "Client average memory usage exceeded threshold: $client_avg_mem_limit_mb MB"
# exit 1
# fi
# # Write the client memory usage to a file
# echo '[
# {
# "name": "client-peak-memory-usage-during-upload",
# "value": '$peak_mem_usage',
# "unit": "MB"
# },
# {
# "name": "client-average-memory-usage-during-upload",
# "value": '$average_mem',
# "unit": "MB"
# }
# ]' > client_memory_usage.json
# - name: check client_memory_usage.json
# shell: bash
# run: cat client_memory_usage.json
# - name: Alert for client memory usage
# uses: benchmark-action/github-action-benchmark@v1
# with:
# name: "Memory Usage of Client during uploading large file"
# tool: "customSmallerIsBetter"
# output-file-path: client_memory_usage.json
# # Where the previous data file is stored
# external-data-json-path: ./cache/client-mem-usage.json
# # Workflow will fail when an alert happens
# fail-on-alert: true
# # GitHub API token to make a commit comment
# github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# # Enable alert commit comment
# comment-on-alert: true
# # 200% regression will result in alert
# alert-threshold: "200%"
# # Enable Job Summary for PRs
# summary-always: true
# ########################
# ### Benchmark ###
# ########################
# - name: Bench `safe` cli
# shell: bash
# # Criterion outputs the actual bench results to stderr "2>&1 tee output.txt" takes stderr,
# # passes to tee which displays it in the terminal and writes to output.txt
# run: |
# cargo criterion --features=local-discovery --message-format=json 2>&1 -p sn_cli | tee -a output.txt
# cat output.txt | rg benchmark-complete | jq -s 'map({
# name: (.id | split("/"))[-1],
# unit: "MiB/s",
# value: ((if .throughput[0].unit == "KiB/s" then (.throughput[0].per_iteration / (1024*1024*1024)) else (.throughput[0].per_iteration / (1024*1024)) end) / (.mean.estimate / 1e9))
# })' > files-benchmark.json
# timeout-minutes: 15
# - name: Confirming the number of files uploaded and downloaded during the benchmark test
# shell: bash
# run: |
# ls -l $CLIENT_DATA_PATH/uploaded_files
# ls -l $CLIENT_DATA_PATH/safe_files
# - name: Store benchmark result
# uses: benchmark-action/github-action-benchmark@v1
# with:
# # What benchmark tool the output.txt came from
# tool: "customBiggerIsBetter"
# output-file-path: files-benchmark.json
# # Where the previous data file is stored
# external-data-json-path: ./cache/benchmark-data.json
# # Workflow will fail when an alert happens
# fail-on-alert: true
# # GitHub API token to make a commit comment
# github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# # Enable alert commit comment
# comment-on-alert: true
# # 200% regression will result in alert
# alert-threshold: "200%"
# # Enable Job Summary for PRs
# summary-always: true
# - name: Start a client to carry out download to output the logs
# shell: bash
# run: target/release/safe --log-output-dest=data-dir files download --retry-strategy quick
# - name: Start a client to simulate criterion upload
# shell: bash
# run: |
# ls -l target/release
# target/release/safe --log-output-dest=data-dir files upload target/release/faucet --retry-strategy quick
# #########################
# ### Stop Network ###
# #########################
# - name: Stop the local network
# if: always()
# uses: maidsafe/sn-local-testnet-action@main
# with:
# action: stop
# log_file_prefix: safe_test_logs_benchmark
# platform: ubuntu-latest
# build: true
# - name: Upload Faucet folder
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@main
# with:
# name: faucet_folder
# path: /home/runner/.local/share/safe/test_faucet
# continue-on-error: true
# if: always()
# #########################
# ### Node Mem Analysis ###
# #########################
# # The large file uploaded will increase node's peak mem usage a lot
# - name: Check node memory usage
# shell: bash
# run: |
# node_peak_mem_limit_mb="250" # mb
# peak_mem_usage=$(
# rg '"memory_used_mb":[^,]*' $NODE_DATA_PATH/*/logs/* -o --no-line-number --no-filename |
# awk -F':' '/"memory_used_mb":/{print $2}' |
# sort -n |
# tail -n 1
# )
# echo "Memory usage: $peak_mem_usage MB"
# if (( $(echo "$peak_mem_usage > $node_peak_mem_limit_mb" | bc -l) )); then
# echo "Node memory usage exceeded threshold: $peak_mem_usage MB"
# exit 1
# fi
# # Write the node memory usage to a file
# echo '[
# {
# "name": "node-memory-usage-through-safe-benchmark",
# "value": '$peak_mem_usage',
# "unit": "MB"
# }
# ]' > node_memory_usage.json
# - name: check node_memory_usage.json
# shell: bash
# run: cat node_memory_usage.json
# - name: Alert for node memory usage
# uses: benchmark-action/github-action-benchmark@v1
# with:
# tool: "customSmallerIsBetter"
# output-file-path: node_memory_usage.json
# # Where the previous data file is stored
# external-data-json-path: ./cache/node-mem-usage.json
# # Workflow will fail when an alert happens
# fail-on-alert: true
# # GitHub API token to make a commit comment
# github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# # Enable alert commit comment
# comment-on-alert: true
# # Comment on the PR
# comment-always: true
# # 200% regression will result in alert
# alert-threshold: "200%"
# # Enable Job Summary for PRs
# summary-always: true
# ###########################################
# ### Swarm_driver handling time Analysis ###
# ###########################################
# - name: Check swarm_driver handling time
# shell: bash
# run: |
# num_of_times=$(
# rg "SwarmCmd handled in [0-9.]+ms:" $NODE_DATA_PATH/*/logs/* --glob safe.* -c --stats |
# rg "(\d+) matches" |
# rg "\d+" -o
# )
# echo "Number of long cmd handling times: $num_of_times"
# total_long_handling_ms=$(
# rg "SwarmCmd handled in [0-9.]+ms:" $NODE_DATA_PATH/*/logs/* --glob safe.* -o --no-line-number --no-filename |
# awk -F' |ms:' '{sum += $4} END {printf "%.0f\n", sum}'
# )
# echo "Total cmd long handling time is: $total_long_handling_ms ms"
# average_handling_ms=$(($total_long_handling_ms/$(($num_of_times))))
# echo "Average cmd long handling time is: $average_handling_ms ms"
# total_long_handling=$(($total_long_handling_ms))
# total_num_of_times=$(($num_of_times))
# num_of_times=$(
# rg "SwarmEvent handled in [0-9.]+ms:" $NODE_DATA_PATH/*/logs/* --glob safe.* -c --stats |
# rg "(\d+) matches" |
# rg "\d+" -o
# )
# echo "Number of long event handling times: $num_of_times"
# total_long_handling_ms=$(
# rg "SwarmEvent handled in [0-9.]+ms:" $NODE_DATA_PATH/*/logs/* --glob safe.* -o --no-line-number --no-filename |
# awk -F' |ms:' '{sum += $4} END {printf "%.0f\n", sum}'
# )
# echo "Total event long handling time is: $total_long_handling_ms ms"
# average_handling_ms=$(($total_long_handling_ms/$(($num_of_times))))
# echo "Average event long handling time is: $average_handling_ms ms"
# total_long_handling=$(($total_long_handling_ms+$total_long_handling))
# total_num_of_times=$(($num_of_times+$total_num_of_times))
# average_handling_ms=$(($total_long_handling/$(($total_num_of_times))))
# echo "Total swarm_driver long handling times is: $total_num_of_times"
# echo "Total swarm_driver long handling duration is: $total_long_handling ms"
# echo "Total average swarm_driver long handling duration is: $average_handling_ms ms"
# total_num_of_times_limit_hits="30000" # hits
# total_long_handling_limit_ms="400000" # ms
# average_handling_limit_ms="20" # ms
# if (( $(echo "$total_num_of_times > $total_num_of_times_limit_hits" | bc -l) )); then
# echo "Swarm_driver long handling times exceeded threshold: $total_num_of_times hits"
# exit 1
# fi
# if (( $(echo "$total_long_handling > $total_long_handling_limit_ms" | bc -l) )); then
# echo "Swarm_driver total long handling duration exceeded threshold: $total_long_handling ms"
# exit 1
# fi
# if (( $(echo "$average_handling_ms > $average_handling_limit_ms" | bc -l) )); then
# echo "Swarm_driver average long handling time exceeded threshold: $average_handling_ms ms"
# exit 1
# fi
# # Write the node memory usage to a file
# echo '[
# {
# "name": "swarm_driver long handling times",
# "value": '$total_num_of_times',
# "unit": "hits"
# },
# {
# "name": "swarm_driver long handling total_time",
# "value": '$total_long_handling',
# "unit": "ms"
# },
# {
# "name": "swarm_driver average long handling time",
# "value": '$average_handling_ms',
# "unit": "ms"
# }
# ]' > swarm_driver_long_handlings.json
# - name: check swarm_driver_long_handlings.json
# shell: bash
# run: cat swarm_driver_long_handlings.json
# - name: Alert for swarm_driver long handlings
# uses: benchmark-action/github-action-benchmark@v1
# with:
# tool: "customSmallerIsBetter"
# output-file-path: swarm_driver_long_handlings.json
# # Where the previous data file is stored
# external-data-json-path: ./cache/swarm_driver_long_handlings.json
# # Workflow will fail when an alert happens
# fail-on-alert: true
# # GitHub API token to make a commit comment
# github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# # Enable alert commit comment
# comment-on-alert: true
# # Comment on the PR
# comment-always: true
# # 200% regression will result in alert
# alert-threshold: "200%"
# # Enable Job Summary for PRs
# summary-always: true
name: Compare sn_transfer benchmarks to main
# right now only ubuntu, running on multiple systems would require many pushes...\
# perhaps this can be done with one consolidation action in the future, pulling down all results and pushing
# once to the branch..
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@stable
components: rustfmt, clippy
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
continue-on-error: true
### Setup ###
- run: cargo install cargo-criterion
- name: install ripgrep
run: sudo apt-get -y install ripgrep
### Benchmark ###
- name: Bench `sn_transfers`
shell: bash
# Criterion outputs the actual bench results to stderr "2>&1 tee output.txt" takes stderr,
# passes to tee which displays it in the terminal and writes to output.txt
run: |
cargo criterion --message-format=json 2>&1 -p sn_transfers | tee -a output.txt
cat output.txt