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Stephan Hageboeck edited this page Feb 17, 2023 · 14 revisions

Some information on the GPU-capable CI runner for github.

Checking on the github runners:

List runners

On itscrd-vgpu*,

$ systemctl --type=service | grep actions
  actions.runner.madgraph5-madgraph4gpu.vGPU-Alma9-1.service loaded active running GitHub Actions Runner (madgraph5-madgraph4gpu.vGPU-Alma9-1)
  actions.runner.madgraph5-madgraph4gpu.vGPU-Alma9-2.service loaded active running GitHub Actions Runner (madgraph5-madgraph4gpu.vGPU-Alma9-2)

Start / stop / query status of the runner

$ systemctl status actions.runner.madgraph5-madgraph4gpu.vGPU-Alma9-1
● actions.runner.madgraph5-madgraph4gpu.vGPU-Alma9-1.service - GitHub Actions Runner (madgraph5-madgraph4gpu.vGPU-Alma9-1)
     Loaded: loaded (...)
     Active: active (running) since Fri 2023-02-17 14:41:18 CET; 37min ago

Go to the working directory of the runners:

  • Add yourself to the group CI on itscrd-vgpu*
  • Go to cd /home/CI/runner[12]/_work

How to create a GPU-capable Github Runner on Alma9

  • Download actions runner from github
  • Unpack
  • configure using e.g. `./ --unattended --url ${repoURL} --token ${githubToken} --replace --name ${runnerName}
  • Test using ./

Install as systemd service:

  • Use ./ install
  • Patch environment of service. The runner needs Environment="GITHUB_ACTIONS_RUNNER_TLS_NO_VERIFY=1", add this to service file like /etc/systemd/system/actions.runner.madgraph5-madgraph4gpu.vGPU-Alma9-1.service
  • systemctl daemon-reload
  • Fix SELinux context: chcon system_u:object_r:usr_t:s0 /home/CI/runner2/
  • Start service as above