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An Ansible role for managing High Availability Clustering.


  • Compatible OS
    • RHEL 8.3+, Fedora 31+
    • SLES 15 SP5+ with HA extension, SLES4SAP 15 SP5+
  • Systems running RHEL are expected to be registered and have High-Availability repositories accessible, and ResilientStorage repositories accessible if using ha_cluster_enable_repos_resilient_storage
  • The role replaces the configuration of HA Cluster on specified nodes. Any settings not specified in the role variables will be lost.
  • The role is capable of configuring:
    • single-link or multi-link cluster
    • Corosync transport options including compression and encryption
    • Corosync totem options
    • Corosync quorum options
    • Corosync quorum device (both qnetd and qdevice)
    • SBD
    • Pacemaker cluster properties
    • stonith and resources
    • resource defaults and resource operation defaults
    • stonith levels, also known as fencing topology
    • resource constraints
    • Pacemaker node attributes
    • Pacemaker Access Control Lists (ACLs)
    • node and resource utilization
    • Pacemaker Alerts


See below

Collection requirements

The role requires the firewall role and the selinux role from the fedora.linux_system_roles collection, if ha_cluster_manage_firewall and ha_cluster_manage_selinux is set to true, respectively. Please see also ha_cluster_manage_firewall and ha_cluster_manage_selinux.

If the ha_cluster is a role from the fedora.linux_system_roles collection or from the Fedora RPM package, the requirement is already satisfied.

If you need to manage rpm-ostree systems, you will need to install additional collections. Please run the following command line to install the collections.

ansible-galaxy collection install -r meta/collection-requirements.yml

Role Variables

Defined in defaults/main.yml


boolean, default: true

RHEL and CentOS only, enable repositories containing needed packages


boolean, default: false

RHEL and CentOS only, enable repositories containing resilient storage packages, such as dlm or gfs2. For this option to take effect, ha_cluster_enable_repos must be set to true.


boolean, default: false

Manage the firewall high-availability service as well as the fence-virt port. When ha_cluster_manage_firewall is true, the firewall high-availability service and fence-virt port are enabled. When ha_cluster_manage_firewall is false, the ha_cluster role does not manage the firewall.

NOTE: ha_cluster_manage_firewall is limited to adding ports. It cannot be used for removing ports. If you want to remove ports, you will need to use the firewall system role directly.

NOTE: The version of the ha_cluster role is 1.7.5 or older, the firewall was configured by default if the firewalld was available when the ha_cluster role was executed. In the newer version, it does not happen unless ha_cluster_manage_firewall is set to true.


boolean, default: false

Manage the ports belonging to the firewall high-availability service using the selinux role. When ha_cluster_manage_selinux is true, the ports belonging to the firewall high-availability service are associated with the selinux port type cluster_port_t. When ha_cluster_manage_selinux is false, the ha_cluster role does not manage the selinux.

NOTE: The firewall configuration is prerequisite for managing selinux. If the firewall is not installed, managing selinux policy is skipped.

NOTE: ha_cluster_manage_selinux is limited to adding policy. It cannot be used for removing policy. If you want to remove policy, you will need to use the selinux system role directly.


boolean, default: true

If set to true, HA cluster will be configured on the hosts according to other variables. If set to false, all HA Cluster configuration will be purged from target hosts.


boolean, default: true

If set to true, cluster services will be configured to start on boot. If set to false, cluster services will be configured not to start on boot.


boolean, default: false

The role automatically installs needed HA Cluster packages. However, resource and fence agents for cloud environments are not installed by default on RHEL. If you need those to be installed, set this variable to true. Alternatively, you can specify those packages in ha_cluster_fence_agent_packages and ha_cluster_extra_packages variables.


list of fence agent packages to install, default: fence-agents-all, fence-virt


list of additional packages to be installed, default: no packages

This variable can be used to install additional packages not installed automatically by the role, for example custom resource agents.

It is possible to specify fence agents here as well. However, ha_cluster_fence_agent_packages is preferred for that, so that its default value is overridden.


string, no default - must be specified

Password of the hacluster user. This user has full access to a cluster. It is recommended to vault encrypt the value, see for details.


string, no default - optional

Needed only if a ha_cluster_quorum is configured to use a qdevice of type net AND password of the hacluster user on the qdevice is different from ha_cluster_hacluster_password. This user has full access to a cluster. It is recommended to vault encrypt the value, see for details.


path to Corosync authkey file, default: null

Authentication and encryption key for Corosync communication. It is highly recommended to have a unique value for each cluster. The key should be 256 bytes of random data.

If value is provided, it is recommended to vault encrypt it. See for details.

If no key is specified, a key already present on the nodes will be used. If nodes don't have the same key, a key from one node will be distributed to other nodes so that all nodes have the same key. If no node has a key, a new key will be generated and distributed to the nodes.

If this variable is set, ha_cluster_regenerate_keys is ignored for this key.


path to Pacemaker authkey file, default: null

Authentication and encryption key for Pacemaker communication. It is highly recommended to have a unique value for each cluster. The key should be 256 bytes of random data.

If value is provided, it is recommended to vault encrypt it. See for details.

If no key is specified, a key already present on the nodes will be used. If nodes don't have the same key, a key from one node will be distributed to other nodes so that all nodes have the same key. If no node has a key, a new key will be generated and distributed to the nodes.

If this variable is set, ha_cluster_regenerate_keys is ignored for this key.


path to fence-virt or fence-xvm pre-shared key file, default: null

Authentication key for fence-virt or fence-xvm fence agent.

If value is provided, it is recommended to vault encrypt it. See for details.

If no key is specified, a key already present on the nodes will be used. If nodes don't have the same key, a key from one node will be distributed to other nodes so that all nodes have the same key. If no node has a key, a new key will be generated and distributed to the nodes.

If this variable is set, ha_cluster_regenerate_keys is ignored for this key.

If you let the role to generate new key, you are supposed to copy the key to your nodes' hypervisor to ensure that fencing works.

ha_cluster_pcsd_public_key_src, ha_cluster_pcsd_private_key_src

path to pcsd TLS certificate and key, default: null

TLS certificate and private key for pcsd. If this is not specified, a certificate - key pair already present on the nodes will be used. If certificate - key pair is not present, a random new one will be generated.

If private key value is provided, it is recommended to vault encrypt it. See for details.

If these variables are set, ha_cluster_regenerate_keys is ignored for this certificate - key pair.


If there is no pcsd private key and certificate, there are two ways to create them.

One way is by setting ha_cluster_pcsd_certificates variable. Another way is by setting none of ha_cluster_pcsd_public_key_src and ha_cluster_pcsd_private_key_src and ha_cluster_pcsd_certificates.

If ha_cluster_pcsd_certificates is provided, the certificate role is internally used and it creates the private key and certificate for pcsd as defined. If none of the variables are provided, the ha_cluster role will create pcsd certificates via pcsd itself.

The value of ha_cluster_pcsd_certificates is set to the variable certificate_requests in the certificate role. For more information, see the certificate_requests section in the certificate role documentation.

The default value is [].

NOTE: The certificate role, unless using IPA and joining the systems to an IPA domain, creates self-signed certificates, so you will need to explicitly configure trust, which is not currently supported by the system roles.

NOTE: When you set ha_cluster_pcsd_certificates, you must not set ha_cluster_pcsd_public_key_src and ha_cluster_pcsd_private_key_src variables.

NOTE: When you set ha_cluster_pcsd_certificates, ha_cluster_regenerate_keys is ignored for this certificate - key pair.


boolean, default: false

If this is set to true, pre-shared keys and TLS certificates will be regenerated. See also: ha_cluster_corosync_key_src, ha_cluster_pacemaker_key_src, ha_cluster_fence_virt_key_src, ha_cluster_pcsd_public_key_src, ha_cluster_pcsd_private_key_src ha_cluster_pcsd_certificates


structure and default value:

  - type: group
    name: haclient
      - grant
      - read
      - write

This configures permissions to manage a cluster using pcsd. The items are as follows:

  • type - user or group
  • name - user or group name
  • allow_list - Allowed actions for the specified user or group:
    • read - allows to view cluster status and settings
    • write - allows to modify cluster settings except permissions and ACLs
    • grant - allows to modify cluster permissions and ACLs
    • full - allows unrestricted access to a cluster including adding and removing nodes and access to keys and certificates


string, default: my-cluster

Name of the cluster.


structure, default: no settings

  type: knet
    - name: option1_name
      value: option1_value
    - name: option2_name
      value: option2_value
      - name: option1_name
        value: option1_value
      - name: option2_name
        value: option2_value
      - name: option1_name
        value: option1_value
      - name: option2_name
        value: option2_value
    - name: option1_name
      value: option1_value
    - name: option2_name
      value: option2_value
    - name: option1_name
      value: option1_value
    - name: option2_name
      value: option2_value
  • type (optional) - Transport type: knet, udp or udpu. Defaults to knet if not specified.
  • options (optional) - List of name-value dictionaries with transport options.
  • links (optional) - List of lists of name-value dictionaries. Each list of name-value dictionaries holds options for one Corosync link. It is recommended to set linknumber value for each link. Otherwise, the first list of dictionaries is assigned to the first link, the second one to the second link and so on. Only one link is supported with udp and udpu transports.
  • compression (optional) - List of name-value dictionaries configuring transport compression. Only available for knet transport.
  • crypto (optional) - List of name-value dictionaries configuring transport encryption. Only available for knet transport, where encryption is enabled by default. Encryption is always disabled with udp and udpu transports.

For a list of allowed options, see pcs -h cluster setup or pcs(8) man page, section 'cluster', command 'setup'. For a detailed description, see corosync.conf(5) man page.

You may take a look at an example.


structure, default: no totem settings

    - name: option1_name
      value: option1_value
    - name: option2_name
      value: option2_value

Corosync totem configuration. For a list of allowed options, see pcs -h cluster setup or pcs(8) man page, section 'cluster', command 'setup'. For a detailed description, see corosync.conf(5) man page.

You may take a look at an example.


structure, default: no quorum settings

    - name: option1_name
      value: option1_value
    - name: option2_name
      value: option2_value
    model: string
      - name: option1_name
        value: option1_value
      - name: option2_name
        value: option2_value
      - name: option1_name
        value: option1_value
      - name: option2_name
        value: option2_value
      - name: option1_name
        value: option1_value
      - name: option2_name
        value: option2_value

Cluster quorum configuration. The items are as follows:

  • options (optional) - List of name-value dictionaries configuring quorum. Allowed options are: auto_tie_breaker, last_man_standing, last_man_standing_window, wait_for_all. They are documented in votequorum(5) man page.
  • device (optional) - Configures the cluster to use a quorum device. By default, no quorum device is used.
    • model (mandatory) - Specifies a type of the quorum device. Currently, only net is supported.
    • model_options (optional) - List of name-value dictionaries configuring the specified quorum device model. For model net, options host and algorithm must be specified.
      • You may use the pcs-address option to set a custom pcsd address and port to connect to the qnetd host. Otherwise, the role connects to default pcsd port on the value of host.
    • generic_options (optional) - List of name-value dictionaries setting quorum device options which are not model specific.
    • heuristics_options (optional) - List of name-value dictionaries configuring quorum device heuristics.

Quorum device options are documented in corosync-qdevice(8) man page; generic options are sync_timeout and timeout, for model net options check the section, for heuristics options see the quorum.device.heuristics section.

To regenerate quorum device TLS certificate, set the ha_cluster_regenerate_keys variable to true.

You may take a look at a quorum example and a quorum device example.


boolean, default: false

Defines whether to use SBD.

You may take a look at an example.


list, default: []

List of name-value dictionaries specifying SBD options. See sbd(8) man page, section 'Configuration via environment' for their description. Supported options are:

  • delay-start
    • false or integer, defaults to false
    • documented as SBD_DELAY_START
  • startmode
    • string, defaults to always
    • documented as SBD_STARTMODE
  • timeout-action
    • string, defaults to flush,reboot
    • documented as SBD_TIMEOUT_ACTION
  • watchdog-timeout
    • integer, defaults to 5
    • documented as SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT

You may take a look at an example.

Watchdog and SBD devices can be configured on a node to node basis in two variables:

  • ha_cluster_node_options is a single variable expected to have the same value for all cluster nodes. It is a list of dictionaries, each dictionary defines options for one node.
  • ha_cluster dictionary defines options for one node only. To set different values for each node, you define the variable separately for each node.


structure, default: no node options

  - node_name: node1
    pcs_address: node1-address
      - module1
      - module2
      - module3
    sbd_watchdog: /dev/watchdog2
      - /dev/disk/by-id/000001
      - /dev/disk/by-id/000002
      - /dev/disk/by-id/000003
      - attrs:
          - name: attribute1
            value: value1_node1
          - name: attribute2
            value: value2_node1
      - attrs:
          - name: utilization1
            value: value1_node1
          - name: utilization2
            value: value2_node1
  - node_name: node2
    pcs_address: node2-address:2224
      - module1
      - module3
    sbd_watchdog: /dev/watchdog1
      - /dev/disk/by-id/000001
      - /dev/disk/by-id/000002
      - /dev/disk/by-id/000003
      - attrs:
          - name: attribute1
            value: value1_node2
          - name: attribute2
            value: value2_node2
      - attrs:
          - name: utilization1
            value: value1_node2
          - name: utilization2
            value: value2_node2

This variable defines various settings which vary from cluster node to cluster node.

Note: Use an inventory or playbook hosts to specify which nodes form the cluster. This variable merely sets options for the specified nodes.

The items are as follows:

  • node_name (mandatory) - Node name. It must match a name defined for a node. See also ha_cluster.node_name.
  • pcs_address (optional) - Address used by pcs to communicate with the node, it can be a name, a FQDN or an IP address. Port can be specified as well.
  • corosync_addresses (optional) - List of addresses used by Corosync, all nodes must have the same number of addresses and the order of the addresses matters.
  • sbd_watchdog_modules (optional) - Watchdog kernel modules to be loaded (creates /dev/watchdog* devices). Defaults to empty list if not set.
  • sbd_watchdog_modules_blocklist (optional) - Watchdog kernel modules to be unloaded and blocked. Defaults to empty list if not set.
  • sbd_watchdog (optional) - Watchdog device to be used by SBD. Defaults to /dev/watchdog if not set.
  • sbd_devices (optional) - Devices to use for exchanging SBD messages and for monitoring. Defaults to empty list if not set. Always refer to the devices using the long, stable device name (/dev/disk/by-id/).
  • attributes (optional) - List of sets of Pacemaker node attributes for the node. Currently, only one set is supported, so the first set is used and the rest are ignored.
  • utilization (optional) - List of sets of the node's utilization. The field value must be an integer. Currently, only one set is supported, so the first set is used and the rest are ignored.

You may take a look at examples:


structure, default: no properties

  - attrs:
      - name: property1_name
        value: property1_value
      - name: property2_name
        value: property2_value

List of sets of cluster properties - Pacemaker cluster-wide configuration. Currently, only one set is supported, so the first set is used and the rest are ignored.

You may take a look at an example.


structure, default: no resources

  - id: resource-id
    agent: resource-agent
      - attrs:
          - name: attribute1_name
            value: attribute1_value
          - name: attribute2_name
            value: attribute2_value
      - attrs:
          - name: meta_attribute1_name
            value: meta_attribute1_value
          - name: meta_attribute2_name
            value: meta_attribute2_value
    copy_operations_from_agent: bool
      - action: operation1-action
          - name: operation1_attribute1_name
            value: operation1_attribute1_value
          - name: operation1_attribute2_name
            value: operation1_attribute2_value
      - action: operation2-action
          - name: operation2_attribute1_name
            value: operation2_attribute1_value
          - name: operation2_attribute2_name
            value: operation2_attribute2_value
      - attrs:
          - name: utilization1_name
            value: utilization1_value
          - name: utilization2_name
            value: utilization2_value

This variable defines Pacemaker resources (including stonith) configured by the role. The items are as follows:

  • id (mandatory) - ID of a resource.
  • agent (mandatory) - Name of a resource or stonith agent, for example ocf:pacemaker:Dummy or stonith:fence_xvm. It is mandatory to use stonith: for stonith agents. For resource agents, it is possible to use a short name, such as Dummy instead of ocf:pacemaker:Dummy. However, if several agents with the same short name are installed, the role will fail as it will be unable to decide which agent should be used. Therefore, it is recommended to use full names.
  • instance_attrs (optional) - List of sets of the resource's instance attributes. Currently, only one set is supported, so the first set is used and the rest are ignored. The exact names and values of attributes, as well as whether they are mandatory or not, depends on the resource or stonith agent.
  • meta_attrs (optional) - List of sets of the resource's meta attributes. Currently, only one set is supported, so the first set is used and the rest are ignored.
  • copy_operations_from_agent (optional) - Resource agents usually define default settings for resource operations (e.g. interval, timeout) optimized for the specific agent. If this variable is set to true, then those settings are copied to the resource configuration. Otherwise, clusterwide defaults will apply to the resource. You may want to set this to false if you also define resource operation defaults for the resource. Defaults to true.
  • operations (optional) - List of the resource's operations.
    • action (mandatory) - Operation action as defined by Pacemaker and the resource or stonith agent.
    • attrs (mandatory) - Operation options, at least one option must be specified.
  • utilization (optional) - List of sets of the resource's utilization. The field value must be an integer. Currently, only one set is supported, so the first set is used and the rest are ignored.

You may take a look at examples:


structure, default: no resource groups

  - id: group-id
      - resource1-id
      - resource2-id
      - attrs:
          - name: group_meta_attribute1_name
            value: group_meta_attribute1_value
          - name: group_meta_attribute2_name
            value: group_meta_attribute2_value

This variable defines resource groups. The items are as follows:

  • id (mandatory) - ID of a group.
  • resources (mandatory) - List of the group's resources. Each resource is referenced by its ID and the resources must be defined in ha_cluster_resource_primitives. At least one resource must be listed.
  • meta_attrs (optional) - List of sets of the group's meta attributes. Currently, only one set is supported, so the first set is used and the rest are ignored.

You may take a look at an example.


structure, default: no resource clones

  - resource_id: resource-to-be-cloned
    promotable: true
    id: custom-clone-id
      - attrs:
          - name: clone_meta_attribute1_name
            value: clone_meta_attribute1_value
          - name: clone_meta_attribute2_name
            value: clone_meta_attribute2_value

This variable defines resource clones. The items are as follows:

  • resource_id (mandatory) - Resource to be cloned. The resource must be defined in ha_cluster_resource_primitives or ha_cluster_resource_groups.
  • promotable (optional) - Create a promotable clone, true or false.
  • id (optional) - Custom ID of the clone. If no ID is specified, it will be generated. Warning will be emitted if this option is not supported by the cluster.
  • meta_attrs (optional) - List of sets of the clone's meta attributes. Currently, only one set is supported, so the first set is used and the rest are ignored.

You may take a look at an example.


structure, default: no bundle resources

- id: bundle-id
  resource_id: resource-id
    type: container-type
      - name: container_option1_name
        value: container_option1_value
      - name: container_option2_name
        value: container_option2_value
      - name: network_option1_name
        value: network_option1_value
      - name: network_option2_name
        value: network_option2_value
      - name: option1_name
        value: option1_value
      - name: option2_name
        value: option2_value
      - name: option1_name
        value: option1_value
      - name: option2_name
        value: option2_value
      - name: option1_name
        value: option1_value
      - name: option2_name
        value: option2_value
      - name: option1_name
        value: option1_value
      - name: option2_name
        value: option2_value
      - attrs:
          - name: bundle_meta_attribute1_name
            value: bundle_meta_attribute1_value
          - name: bundle_meta_attribute2_name
            value: bundle_meta_attribute2_value

This variable defines resource bundles. The items are as follows:

  • id (mandatory) - ID of a bundle.
  • resource_id (optional) - Resource to be placed into the bundle. The resource must be defined in ha_cluster_resource_primitives.
  • container.type (mandatory) - Container technology, such as docker, podman or rkt.
  • container.options (optional) - List of name-value dictionaries. Depending on the selected container.type, certain options may be required to be specified, such as image.
  • network_options (optional) - List of name-value dictionaries. When a resource is placed into a bundle, some network_options may be required to be specified, such as control-port or ip-range-start.
  • port_map (optional) - List of lists of name-value dictionaries defining port forwarding from the host network to the container network. Each list of name-value dictionaries holds options for one port forwarding.
  • storage_map (optional) - List of lists of name-value dictionaries mapping directories on the host's filesystem into the container. Each list of name-value dictionaries holds options for one directory mapping.
  • meta_attrs (optional) - List of sets of the bundle's meta attributes. Currently, only one set is supported, so the first set is used and the rest are ignored.

Note, that the role does not install container launch technology automatically. However, you can install it by listing appropriate packages in ha_cluster_extra_packages variable.

Note, that the role does not build and distribute container images. Please, use other means to supply a fully configured container image to every node allowed to run a bundle depending on it.

You may take a look at an example.


structure, default: no resource defaults

    - id: defaults-set-1-id
      rule: rule-string
      score: score-value
        - name: meta_attribute1_name
          value: meta_attribute1_value
        - name: meta_attribute2_name
          value: meta_attribute2_value
    - id: defaults-set-2-id
      rule: rule-string
      score: score-value
        - name: meta_attribute3_name
          value: meta_attribute3_value
        - name: meta_attribute4_name
          value: meta_attribute4_value

This variable defines sets of resource defaults. You can define multiple sets of the defaults and apply them to resources of specific agents using rules. Note, that defaults do not apply to resources which override them with their own defined values.

Only meta attributes can be specified as defaults.

The items of each defaults set are as follows:

  • id (optional) - ID of the defaults set. If not specified, it will be autogenerated.
  • rule (optional) - Rule written using pcs syntax specifies when and for which resources the set applies. See pcs(8) man page, section resource defaults set create for details.
  • score (optional) - Score sets weight of the defaults set.
  • attrs (optional) - Meta attributes applied to resources as defaults.

You may take a look at an example.


structure, default: no resource operation defaults

This variable defines sets of resource operation defaults. You can define multiple sets of the defaults and apply them to resources of specific agents and / or specific resource operations using rules. Note, that defaults do not apply to resource operations which override them with their own defined values. Note, that by default, the role configures resources in such a way that they define their own values for resource operations. See copy_operations_from_agent in ha_cluster_resource_primitives for more information.

Only meta attributes can be specified as defaults.

The structure is the same as for ha_cluster_resource_defaults, except that rules are described in section resource op defaults set create of pcs(8) man page.


structure, default: no stonith levels

  - level: 1..9
    target: node_name
    target_pattern: node_name_regular_expression
    target_attribute: node_attribute_name
    target_value: node_attribute_value
      - fence_device_1
      - fence_device_2
  - level: 1..9
    target: node_name
    target_pattern: node_name_regular_expression
    target_attribute: node_attribute_name
    target_value: node_attribute_value
      - fence_device_1
      - fence_device_2

This variable defines stonith levels, also known as fencing topology. They configure the cluster to use multiple devices to fence nodes. You may define alternative devices in case one fails, or require multiple devices to all be executed successfully in order to consider a node successfully fenced, or even a combination of the two.

The items are as follows:

  • level (mandatory) - Order in which to attempt the levels. Levels are attempted in ascending order until one succeeds.
  • target (optional) - Name of a node this level applies to.
  • target_pattern (optional) - Regular expression (as defined in POSIX) matching names of nodes this level applies to.
  • target_attribute and target_value (optional) - Name and value of a node attribute that is set for nodes this level applies to.
  • Exactly one of target, target_pattern, target_attribute must be specified.
  • resource_ids (mandatory) - List of stonith resources that must all be tried for this level.


structure, default: no constraints

This variable defines resource location constraints. They tell the cluster which nodes a resource can run on. Resources can be specified by their ID or a pattern matching more resources. Nodes can be specified by their name or a rule.

Structure for constraints with resource ID and node name:

  - resource:
      id: resource-id
    node: node-name
    id: constraint-id
      - name: score
        value: score-value
      - name: option-name
        value: option-value
  • resource (mandatory) - Specification of a resource the constraint applies to.
  • node (mandatory) - Name of a node the resource should prefer or avoid.
  • id (optional) - ID of the constraint. If not specified, it will be autogenerated.
  • options (optional) - List of name-value dictionaries.
    • score - Score sets weight of the constraint.
      • Positive value means the resource prefers running on the node.
      • Negative value means the resource should avoid running on the node.
      • -INFINITY means the resource must avoid running on the node.
      • If not specified, score defaults to INFINITY.

You may take a look at an example.

Structure for constraints with resource pattern and node name:

  - resource:
      pattern: resource-pattern
    node: node-name
    id: constraint-id
      - name: score
        value: score-value
      - name: resource-discovery
        value: resource-discovery-value
  • This is the same as the previous type, except the resource specification.
  • pattern (mandatory) - POSIX extended regular expression resource IDs are matched against.

You may take a look at an example.

Structure for constraints with resource ID and a rule:

  - resource:
      id: resource-id
      role: resource-role
    rule: rule-string
    id: constraint-id
      - name: score
        value: score-value
      - name: resource-discovery
        value: resource-discovery-value
  • resource (mandatory) - Specification of a resource the constraint applies to.
    • id (mandatory) - Resource ID.
    • role (optional) - You may limit the constraint to the specified resource role: Started, Unpromoted, Promoted.
  • rule (mandatory) - Constraint rule written using pcs syntax. See pcs(8) man page, section constraint location for details.
  • Other items have the same meaning as above.

You may take a look at an example.

Structure for constraints with resource pattern and a rule:

  - resource:
      pattern: resource-pattern
      role: resource-role
    rule: rule-string
    id: constraint-id
      - name: score
        value: score-value
      - name: resource-discovery
        value: resource-discovery-value
  • This is the same as the previous type, except the resource specification.
  • pattern (mandatory) - POSIX extended regular expression resource IDs are matched against.

You may take a look at an example.


structure, default: no constraints

This variable defines resource colocation constraints. They tell the cluster that the location of one resource depends on the location of another one. There are two types of colocation constraints: a simple one for two resources, and a set constraint for multiple resources.

Structure for simple constraints:

  - resource_follower:
      id: resource-id1
      role: resource-role1
      id: resource-id2
      role: resource-role2
    id: constraint-id
      - name: score
        value: score-value
      - name: option-name
        value: option-value
  • resource_follower (mandatory) - A resource that should be located relative to resource_leader.
    • id (mandatory) - Resource ID.
    • role (optional) - You may limit the constraint to the specified resource role: Started, Unpromoted, Promoted.
  • resource_leader (mandatory) - The cluster will decide where to put this resource first and then decide where to put resource_follower.
    • id (mandatory) - Resource ID.
    • role (optional) - You may limit the constraint to the specified resource role: Started, Unpromoted, Promoted.
  • id (optional) - ID of the constraint. If not specified, it will be autogenerated.
  • options (optional) - List of name-value dictionaries.
    • score (optional) - Score sets weight of the constraint.
      • Positive values indicate the resources should run on the same node.
      • Negative values indicate the resources should run on different nodes.
      • Values of +INFINITY and -INFINITY change "should" to "must".
      • If not specified, score defaults to INFINITY.

You may take a look at an example.

Structure for set constraints:

  - resource_sets:
      - resource_ids:
          - resource-id1
          - resource-id2
          - name: option-name
            value: option-value
    id: constraint-id
      - name: score
        value: score-value
      - name: option-name
        value: option-value
  • resource_sets (mandatory) - List of resource sets.
    • resource_ids (mandatory) - List of resources in a set.
    • options (optional) - List of name-value dictionaries fine-tuning how resources in the sets are treated by the constraint.
  • id (optional) - Same as above.
  • options (optional) - Same as above.

You may take a look at an example.


structure, default: no constraints

This variable defines resource order constraints. They tell the cluster the order in which certain resource actions should occur. There are two types of order constraints: a simple one for two resources, and a set constraint for multiple resources.

Structure for simple constraints:

  - resource_first:
      id: resource-id1
      action: resource-action1
      id: resource-id2
      action: resource-action2
    id: constraint-id
      - name: score
        value: score-value
      - name: option-name
        value: option-value
  • resource_first (mandatory) - Resource that the resource_then depends on.
    • id (mandatory) - Resource ID.
    • action (optional) - The action that the resource must complete before an action can be initiated for the resource_then. Allowed values: start, stop, promote, demote.
  • resource_then (mandatory) - The dependent resource.
    • id (mandatory) - Resource ID.
    • action (optional) - The action that the resource can execute only after the action on the resource_first has completed. Allowed values: start, stop, promote, demote.
  • id (optional) - ID of the constraint. If not specified, it will be autogenerated.
  • options (optional) - List of name-value dictionaries.

You may take a look at an example.

Structure for set constraints:

  - resource_sets:
      - resource_ids:
          - resource-id1
          - resource-id2
          - name: option-name
            value: option-value
    id: constraint-id
      - name: score
        value: score-value
      - name: option-name
        value: option-value
  • resource_sets (mandatory) - List of resource sets.
    • resource_ids (mandatory) - List of resources in a set.
    • options (optional) - List of name-value dictionaries fine-tuning how resources in the sets are treated by the constraint.
  • id (optional) - Same as above.
  • options (optional) - Same as above.

You may take a look at an example.


structure, default: no constraints

This variable defines resource ticket constraints. They let you specify the resources depending on a certain ticket. There are two types of ticket constraints: a simple one for two resources, and a set constraint for multiple resources.

Structure for simple constraints:

  - resource:
      id: resource-id
      role: resource-role
    ticket: ticket-name
    id: constraint-id
      - name: loss-policy
        value: loss-policy-value
      - name: option-name
        value: option-value
  • resource (mandatory) - Specification of a resource the constraint applies to.
    • id (mandatory) - Resource ID.
    • role (optional) - You may limit the constraint to the specified resource role: Started, Unpromoted, Promoted.
  • ticket (mandatory) - Name of a ticket the resource depends on.
  • id (optional) - ID of the constraint. If not specified, it will be autogenerated.
  • options (optional) - List of name-value dictionaries.
    • loss-policy (optional) - Action that should happen to the resource if the ticket is revoked.

You may take a look at an example.

Structure for set constraints:

  - resource_sets:
      - resource_ids:
          - resource-id1
          - resource-id2
          - name: option-name
            value: option-value
    ticket: ticket-name
    id: constraint-id
      - name: option-name
        value: option-value
  • resource_sets (mandatory) - List of resource sets.
    • resource_ids (mandatory) - List of resources in a set.
    • options (optional) - List of name-value dictionaries fine-tuning how resources in the sets are treated by the constraint.
  • ticket (mandatory) - Same as above.
  • id (optional) - Same as above.
  • options (optional) - Same as above.

You may take a look at an example.


structure, default: no ACLs

    - id: role-id-1
      description: role description
        - kind: access-type
          xpath: XPath expression
        - kind: access-type
          reference: cib-element-id
    - id: role-id-2
        - kind: access-type
          xpath: XPath expression
    - id: user-name
        - role-id-1
        - role-id-2
    - id: group-name
        - role-id-2

This variable defines ACLs roles, users and groups.

The items of acl_roles are as follows:

  • id (mandatory) - ID of an ACL role.
  • description (optional) - Description of the ACL role.
  • permissions (optional) - List of ACL role permissions.
    • kind (mandatory) - The access being granted. Allowed values are read, write, and deny.
    • xpath (optional) - An XPath specification selecting an XML element in the CIB to which the permission applies. It is mandatory to specify exactly one of the items: xpath or reference.
    • reference (optional) - The ID of an XML element in the CIB to which the permission applies. It is mandatory to specify exactly one of the items: xpath or reference. Note: the ID must exist.

The items of acl_users are as follows:

  • id (mandatory) - ID of an ACL user.
  • roles (optional) - List of ACL role IDs assigned to the user.

The items of acl_groups are as follows:

  • id (mandatory) - ID of an ACL group.
  • roles (optional) - List of ACL role IDs assigned to the group.

Note: Configure cluster property enable-acl to enable ACLs in the cluster:

  - attrs:
      - name: enable-acl
        value: 'true'

You may take a look at an example.


structure, default: no alerts

  - id: alert1
    path: /alert1/path
    description: Alert1 description
      - attrs:
        - name: alert_attr1_name
          value: alert_attr1_value
      - attrs:
        - name: alert_meta_attr1_name
          value: alert_meta_attr1_value
      - value: recipient_value
        id: recipient1
        description: Recipient1 description
          - attrs:
            - name: recipient_attr1_name
              value: recipient_attr1_value
          - attrs:
            - name: recipient_meta_attr1_name
              value: recipient_meta_attr1_value

This variable defines Pacemaker alerts.

The items of alerts are as follows:

  • id (mandatory) - ID of an alert.
  • path (mandatory) - Path to the alert agent executable.
  • description (optional) - Description of the alert.
  • instance_attrs (optional) - List of sets of the alert's instance attributes. Currently, only one set is supported, so the first set is used and the rest are ignored.
  • meta_attrs (optional) - List of sets of the alert's meta attributes. Currently, only one set is supported, so the first set is used and the rest are ignored.
  • recipients (optional) - List of alert's recipients.

The items of recipients are as follows:

  • value (mandatory) - Value of a recipient.
  • id (optional) - ID of the recipient.
  • description (optional) - Description of the recipient.
  • instance_attrs (optional) - List of sets of the recipient's instance attributes. Currently, only one set is supported, so the first set is used and the rest are ignored.
  • meta_attrs (optional) - List of sets of the recipient's meta attributes. Currently, only one set is supported, so the first set is used and the rest are ignored.

Note: The role configures the cluster to call external programs to handle alerts. It is your responsibility to provide the programs and distribute them to cluster nodes.

You may take a look at an example.


structure and default value:

  present: boolean
  start_on_boot: boolean
  regenerate_keys: boolean

This configures a qnetd host which can then serve as an external quorum device for clusters. The items are as follows:

  • present (optional) - If true, configure a qnetd instance on the host. If false, remove qnetd configuration from the host. Defaults to false. If you set this to true, you must set ha_cluster_cluster_present to false.
  • start_on_boot (optional) - Configures whether the qnetd should start automatically on boot. Defaults to true.
  • regenerate_keys (optional) - Set this variable to true to regenerate qnetd TLS certificate. If you regenerate the certificate, you will need to re-run the role for each cluster to connect it to the qnetd again or run pcs manually to do that.

Note that you cannot run qnetd on a cluster node as fencing would disrupt qnetd operation.

You may take a look at an example.


Nodes' names and addresses

Nodes' names and addresses can be configured in ha_cluster variable, for example in inventory. This is optional. Addresses configured in ha_cluster_node_options override those configured in ha_cluster. If no names or addresses are configured, play's targets will be used.

Example inventory with targets node1 and node2:

        node_name: node-A
        pcs_address: node1-address
        node_name: node-B
        pcs_address: node2-address:2224
  • node_name - the name of a node in a cluster
  • pcs_address - an address used by pcs to communicate with the node, it can be a name, FQDN or an IP address and it can contain port
  • corosync_addresses - list of addresses used by Corosync, all nodes must have the same number of addresses and the order of the addresses matters

SBD watchdog and devices

When using SBD, you may optionally configure watchdog and SBD devices for each node in ha_cluster variable, for example in inventory. Even though all SBD devices must be shared to and accessible from all nodes, each node may use different names for the devices. The loaded watchdog modules and used devices may also be different for each node. SBD settings defined in ha_cluster_node_options override those defined in ha_cluster. See also SBD variables.

Example inventory with targets node1 and node2:

          - module1
          - module2
        sbd_watchdog: /dev/watchdog2
          - /dev/disk/by-id/000001
          - /dev/disk/by-id/000001
          - /dev/disk/by-id/000003
          - module1
          - module2
        sbd_watchdog: /dev/watchdog1
          - /dev/disk/by-id/000001
          - /dev/disk/by-id/000002
          - /dev/disk/by-id/000003
  • sbd_watchdog_modules (optional) - Watchdog kernel modules to be loaded (creates /dev/watchdog* devices). Defaults to empty list if not set.
  • sbd_watchdog_modules_blocklist (optional) - Watchdog kernel modules to be unloaded and blocked. Defaults to empty list if not set.
  • sbd_watchdog (optional) - Watchdog device to be used by SBD. Defaults to /dev/watchdog if not set.
  • sbd_devices (optional) - Devices to use for exchanging SBD messages and for monitoring. Defaults to empty list if not set. Always refer to the devices using the long, stable device name (/dev/disk/by-id/).

Example Playbooks

Following examples show what the structure of the role variables looks like. They are not guides or best practices for configuring a cluster.

Configuring firewall and selinux using each role

To run ha_cluster properly, the ha_cluster ports need to be configured for firewalld and the SELinux policy as shown in this example. Although they are omitted in each example playbook, we highly recommend to set them to true in your playbooks using the ha_cluster role.

- name: Manage HA cluster and firewall and selinux
  hosts: node1 node2
    ha_cluster_manage_firewall: true
    ha_cluster_manage_selinux: true

    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

Creating pcsd TLS cert and key files using the certificate role

This example creates self-signed pcsd certificate and private key files in /var/lib/pcsd with the file name FILENAME.crt and FILENAME.key, respectively.

- name: Manage HA cluster with certificates
  hosts: node1 node2
      - name: FILENAME
        common_name: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
        ca: self-sign
    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

Creating a cluster running no resources

- name: Manage HA cluster with no resources
  hosts: node1 node2
    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password

    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

Advanced Corosync configuration

- name: Manage HA cluster with Corosync options
  hosts: node1 node2
    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
      type: knet
        - name: ip_version
          value: ipv4-6
        - name: link_mode
          value: active
          - name: linknumber
            value: 1
          - name: link_priority
            value: 5
          - name: linknumber
            value: 0
          - name: link_priority
            value: 10
        - name: level
          value: 5
        - name: model
          value: zlib
        - name: cipher
          value: none
        - name: hash
          value: none
        - name: block_unlisted_ips
          value: 'yes'
        - name: send_join
          value: 0
        - name: auto_tie_breaker
          value: 1
        - name: wait_for_all
          value: 1

    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

Configuring cluster to use SBD

Using ha_cluster_node_options variable

- hosts: node1 node2
      # This variable is not used by the role directly.
      # Its purpose is to define SBD devices once so they don't need
      # to be repeated several times in the role variables.
      # Instead, variables directly used by the role refer to this variable.
      - /dev/disk/by-id/000001
      - /dev/disk/by-id/000002
      - /dev/disk/by-id/000003
    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    ha_cluster_sbd_enabled: true
      - name: delay-start
        value: 'no'
      - name: startmode
        value: always
      - name: timeout-action
        value: 'flush,reboot'
      - name: watchdog-timeout
        value: 30
      - node_name: node1
          - iTCO_wdt
          - ipmi_watchdog
        sbd_watchdog: /dev/watchdog1
        sbd_devices: "{{ my_sbd_devices }}"
      - node_name: node2
          - iTCO_wdt
          - ipmi_watchdog
        sbd_watchdog: /dev/watchdog1
        sbd_devices: "{{ my_sbd_devices }}"
    # Best practice for setting SBD timeouts:
    # watchdog-timeout * 2 = msgwait-timeout (set automatically)
    # msgwait-timeout * 1.2 = stonith-timeout
      - attrs:
          - name: stonith-timeout
            value: 72
      - id: fence_sbd
        agent: 'stonith:fence_sbd'
          - attrs:
              - name: devices
                value: "{{ my_sbd_devices | join(',') }}"
              - name: pcmk_delay_base
                value: 30

    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

Using ha_cluster variable

The same result can be achieved by specifying node-specific options in inventory like this:

          - iTCO_wdt
          - ipmi_watchdog
        sbd_watchdog: /dev/watchdog1
          - /dev/disk/by-id/000001
          - /dev/disk/by-id/000002
          - /dev/disk/by-id/000003
          - iTCO_wdt
          - ipmi_watchdog
        sbd_watchdog: /dev/watchdog1
          - /dev/disk/by-id/000001
          - /dev/disk/by-id/000002
          - /dev/disk/by-id/000003

Variables specified in inventory can be omitted when writing the playbook:

- hosts: node1 node2
    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    ha_cluster_sbd_enabled: true
      - name: delay-start
        value: 'no'
      - name: startmode
        value: always
      - name: timeout-action
        value: 'flush,reboot'
      - name: watchdog-timeout
        value: 30
    # Best practice for setting SBD timeouts:
    # watchdog-timeout * 2 = msgwait-timeout (set automatically)
    # msgwait-timeout * 1.2 = stonith-timeout
      - attrs:
          - name: stonith-timeout
            value: 72
      - id: fence_sbd
        agent: 'stonith:fence_sbd'
          - attrs:
              # taken from host_vars
              # this only works if all nodes have the same sbd_devices
              - name: devices
                value: "{{ ha_cluster.sbd_devices | join(',') }}"
              - name: pcmk_delay_base
                value: 30

    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

If both the ha_cluster_node_options and ha_cluster variables contain SBD options, those in ha_cluster_node_options have precedence.

Configuring cluster properties

- hosts: node1 node2
    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
      - attrs:
          - name: stonith-enabled
            value: 'true'
          - name: no-quorum-policy
            value: stop

    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

Creating a cluster with fencing and several resources

- hosts: node1 node2
    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
      - id: xvm-fencing
        agent: 'stonith:fence_xvm'
          - attrs:
              - name: pcmk_host_list
                value: node1 node2
      - id: simple-resource
        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
      - id: resource-with-options
        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
          - attrs:
              - name: fake
                value: fake-value
              - name: passwd
                value: passwd-value
          - attrs:
              - name: target-role
                value: Started
              - name: is-managed
                value: 'true'
          - action: start
              - name: timeout
                value: '30s'
          - action: monitor
              - name: timeout
                value: '5'
              - name: interval
                value: '1min'
      - id: example-1
        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
      - id: example-2
        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
      - id: example-3
        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
      - id: simple-clone
        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
      - id: clone-with-options
        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
      - id: bundled-resource
        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
      - id: simple-group
          - example-1
          - example-2
          - attrs:
              - name: target-role
                value: Started
              - name: is-managed
                value: 'true'
      - id: cloned-group
          - example-3
      - resource_id: simple-clone
      - resource_id: clone-with-options
        promotable: true
        id: custom-clone-id
          - attrs:
              - name: clone-max
                value: '2'
              - name: clone-node-max
                value: '1'
      - resource_id: cloned-group
        promotable: true
      - id: bundle-with-resource
        resource-id: bundled-resource
          type: podman
            - name: image
              value: my:image
          - name: control-port
            value: 3121
            - name: port
              value: 10001
            - name: port
              value: 10002
            - name: internal-port
              value: 10003
            - name: source-dir
              value: /srv/daemon-data
            - name: target-dir
              value: /var/daemon/data
            - name: source-dir-root
              value: /var/log/pacemaker/bundles
            - name: target-dir
              value: /var/log/daemon
          - attrs:
              - name: target-role
                value: Started
              - name: is-managed
                value: 'true'

    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

Configuring resource and resource operation defaults

- hosts: node1 node2
    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    # Set a different `resource-stickiness` value during and outside work
    # hours. This allows resources to automatically move back to their most
    # preferred hosts, but at a time that (in theory) does not interfere with
    # business activities.
        - id: core-hours
          rule: date-spec hours=9-16 weekdays=1-5
          score: 2
            - name: resource-stickiness
              value: INFINITY
        - id: after-hours
          score: 1
            - name: resource-stickiness
              value: 0
    # Default the timeout on all 10-second-interval monitor actions on IPaddr2
    # resources to 8 seconds.
        - rule: resource ::IPaddr2 and op monitor interval=10s
          score: INFINITY
            - name: timeout
              value: 8s

    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

Configuring stonith levels

- hosts: node1 node2
    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
      - id: apc1
        agent: 'stonith:fence_apc_snmp'
          - attrs:
              - name: ip
              - name: username
                value: user
              - name: password
                value: secret
              - name: pcmk_host_map
                value: node1:1;node2:2
      - id: apc2
        agent: 'stonith:fence_apc_snmp'
          - attrs:
              - name: ip
              - name: username
                value: user
              - name: password
                value: secret
              - name: pcmk_host_map
                value: node1:1;node2:2
    # Nodes have redundant power supplies, apc1 and apc2. Cluster must ensure
    # that when attempting to reboot a node, both power supplies are turned off
    # before either power supply is turned back on.
      - level: 1
        target: node1
          - apc1
          - apc2
      - level: 1
        target: node2
          - apc1
          - apc2

    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

Creating a cluster with resource constraints

- hosts: node1 node2
    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    # In order to use constraints, we need resources the constraints will apply
    # to.
      - id: xvm-fencing
        agent: 'stonith:fence_xvm'
          - attrs:
              - name: pcmk_host_list
                value: node1 node2
      - id: example-1
        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
      - id: example-2
        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
      - id: example-3
        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
      - id: example-4
        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
      - id: example-5
        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
      - id: example-6
        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    # location constraints
      # resource ID and node name
      - resource:
          id: example-1
        node: node1
          - name: score
            value: 20
      # resource pattern and node name
      - resource:
          pattern: example-\d+
        node: node1
          - name: score
            value: 10
      # resource ID and rule
      - resource:
          id: example-2
        rule: '#uname eq node2 and date in_range 2022-01-01 to 2022-02-28'
      # resource pattern and rule
      - resource:
          pattern: example-\d+
        rule: node-type eq weekend and date-spec weekdays=6-7
    # colocation constraints
      # simple constraint
      - resource_leader:
          id: example-3
          id: example-4
          - name: score
            value: -5
      # set constraint
      - resource_sets:
          - resource_ids:
              - example-1
              - example-2
          - resource_ids:
              - example-5
              - example-6
              - name: sequential
                value: "false"
          - name: score
            value: 20
    # order constraints
      # simple constraint
      - resource_first:
          id: example-1
          id: example-6
          - name: symmetrical
            value: "false"
      # set constraint
      - resource_sets:
          - resource_ids:
              - example-1
              - example-2
              - name: require-all
                value: "false"
              - name: sequential
                value: "false"
          - resource_ids:
              - example-3
          - resource_ids:
              - example-4
              - example-5
              - name: sequential
                value: "false"
    # ticket constraints
      # simple constraint
      - resource:
          id: example-1
        ticket: ticket1
          - name: loss-policy
            value: stop
      # set constraint
      - resource_sets:
          - resource_ids:
              - example-3
              - example-4
              - example-5
        ticket: ticket2
          - name: loss-policy
            value: fence

    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

Configuring a cluster using a quorum device

Configuring a quorum device

Before you can add a quorum device to a cluster, you need to set the device up. This is only needed to be done once for each quorum device. Once it has been set up, you can use a quorom device in any number of clusters.

Note that you cannot run a quorum device on a cluster node.

- hosts: nodeQ
    ha_cluster_cluster_present: false
    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
      present: true

    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

Configuring a cluster to use a quorum device

- hosts: node1 node2
    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
        model: net
          - name: host
            value: nodeQ
          - name: algorithm
            value: lms

    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

Configuring node attributes

- hosts: node1 node2
    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
      - node_name: node1
          - attrs:
              - name: attribute1
                value: value1A
              - name: attribute2
                value: value2A
      - node_name: node2
          - attrs:
              - name: attribute1
                value: value1B
              - name: attribute2
                value: value2B

    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

Configuring ACLs

- hosts: node1 node2
    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    # To use an ACL role permission reference, the reference must exist in CIB.
      - id: not-for-operator
        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
    # ACLs must be enabled (using the enable-acl cluster property) in order to
    # be effective.
      - attrs:
          - name: enable-acl
            value: 'true'
        - id: operator
          description: HA cluster operator
            - kind: write
              xpath: //crm_config//nvpair[@name='maintenance-mode']
            - kind: deny
              reference: not-for-operator
        - id: administrator
            - kind: write
              xpath: /cib
        - id: alice
            - operator
            - administrator
        - id: bob
            - administrator
        - id: admins
            - administrator

    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

Configuring utilization

- hosts: node1 node2
    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
    # For utilization to have an effect, the `placement-strategy` property
    # must be set and its value must be different from the value `default`.
      - attrs:
          - name: placement-strategy
            value: utilization
      - node_name: node1
          - attrs:
              - name: utilization1
                value: 1
              - name: utilization2
                value: 2
      - node_name: node2
          - attrs:
              - name: utilization1
                value: 3
              - name: utilization2
                value: 4
      - id: resource1
        # wokeignore:rule=dummy
        agent: 'ocf:pacemaker:Dummy'
          - attrs:
              - name: utilization1
                value: 2
              - name: utilization2
                value: 3

    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

Configuring Alerts

- hosts: node1 node2
    ha_cluster_cluster_name: my-new-cluster
    ha_cluster_hacluster_password: password
      - id: alert1
        path: /alert1/path
        description: Alert1 description
          - attrs:
              - name: alert_attr1_name
                value: alert_attr1_value
          - attrs:
              - name: alert_meta_attr1_name
                value: alert_meta_attr1_value
          - value: recipient_value
            id: recipient1
            description: Recipient1 description
              - attrs:
                  - name: recipient_attr1_name
                    value: recipient_attr1_value
              - attrs:
                  - name: recipient_meta_attr1_name
                    value: recipient_meta_attr1_value

    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster

Purging all cluster configuration

- hosts: node1 node2
    ha_cluster_cluster_present: false

    - linux-system-roles.ha_cluster





Author Information

Tomas Jelinek