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Documentation for Tiled Collision Editor Plugin

This plugins uses Tile Collision Editor Tool from Tiled Map Editor to edit shapes of objects in Corona SDK.

Link to plugin in Corona Marketplace.

Quick Start Guide

local tiledCollisionEditor = require 'plugin.tce'
local physics              = require 'physics'

local physicalData = tiledCollisionEditor.getPhysicalData( pathToMap )

local image = display.newImage( 'maps/imageName.png', 100, 300 )
physics.addBody( image, 'static', unpack( physicalData.collectionOfImagesNameInTiled['imageName.png'] ) )

local options =
    width = 192,
    height = 256,
    numFrames = 25
local sheet = graphics.newImageSheet( 'maps/ImageSheetName.png', options ) 
local image2 = display.newImage( sheet, tileID + 1 )
physics.addBody( image2, 'static', unpack( physicalData.ImageSheetNameInTiled[tileID] ) )

Note: You don't need create layers at all in Tiled to use plugin.


getPhysicalData( pathToMap )

pathToMap (required)(string) The path to file with saved map.


(table) A multi-dimensional table contaning all shape information and physical properties.

local json = require "json"
print( json.prettify( physicalData ) )

Console output

21:07:10.974  {
21:07:10.974    "images":{
21:07:10.974      "heart.png":[{
21:07:10.974          "friction":5,
21:07:10.974          "shape":[-21.6667,-22.3333,-0.3334,-24.3333,25,-21.3333,29,-4,19,12.6667,8.6666,21.6667,-0.3334,26.3334,-10,20.6667]
21:07:10.974        },{
21:07:10.974          "friction":5,
21:07:10.974          "shape":[-21.6667,-22.3333,-10,20.6667,-20.00003,9.6667,-28.6667,-6]
21:07:10.974        }]
21:07:10.974    },
21:07:10.974    "sprites":{
21:07:10.974      "0":[{
21:07:10.974          "friction":2,
21:07:10.974          "density":20,
21:07:10.974          "shape":[-33.3333,105.167,-10.8333,104.667,-4.8333,124.167,-34.3333,124.667],
21:07:10.974          "bounce":0.9
21:07:10.974        },{
21:07:10.974          "friction":2,
21:07:10.974          "density":20,
21:07:10.974          "shape":[0,-21.667,19,-3.667,27.6667,17.333,39.6667,38.333,45.6667,74.6663,47.3333,100,-43.6667,100,-43,75.9997],
21:07:10.974          "bounce":0.9
21:07:10.974        },{
21:07:10.974          "friction":2,
21:07:10.974          "density":20,
21:07:10.974          "shape":[0,-21.667,-43,75.9997,-38.6667,37.9997,-13.6667,-4.667],
21:07:10.974          "bounce":0.9
21:07:10.974        },{
21:07:10.974          "friction":2,
21:07:10.974          "density":20,
21:07:10.974          "shape":[11.333,104.167,33.833,103.667,39.833,123.167,10.333,123.667],
21:07:10.974          "bounce":0.9
21:07:10.974        }]
21:07:10.974    }
21:07:10.974  }


local physicalData = tiledCollisionEditor.getPhysicalData( '' )

Note: PLugin accept only maps exported to LUA format.

Physical properties

You can specify basic properties using custom propeties in Tiled. That can be done by adding them to map itself or tile/object. Properties added to tile/object overrides map properties.

Plugin supports the following physical properties:

  • friction (number),
  • density (number),
  • bounce (number),
  • enableChainBody (boolean)(false),
  • connectFirstAndLastChainVertex (boolean)(use for chain body),
  • isSensor (boolean).

Additionally plugin supports non-physical properties:

  • xScale (number)(1),
  • yScale (number)(1).

Shape Limitations

  • Polygonal shapes must be entirely convex,
  • Vertex points must be defined in clockwise order,
  • You should not construct an edge shape body with self-intersecting segments.

See more details.


settings = 
	plugins =
		['plugin.tce'] = 
	    	publisherId = 'com.wordpress.ldurniat'

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