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KumuluzEE Fault Tolerance extension for implementing fault tolerance mechanisms, including circuit breakers, fallbacks, retries, timeouts and other mechanisms for decoupling microservices.


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KumuluzEE Fault Tolerance

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KumuluzEE Fault Tolerance project for the KumuluzEE microservice framework.

KumuluzEE Fault Tolerance is a fault tolerance project for the KumuluzEE microservice framework. It provides support for fault tolerance and latency tolerance with circuit breaker, bulkhead, timeout, retry and fallback patterns. KumuluzEE Fault Tolerance supports basic fault tolerance configuration using annotations. Additionally, configuring via KumuluzEE Config is supported.

KumuluzEE Fault Tolerance has been designed to support modularity with pluggable fault tolerance frameworks. Currently, Hystrix implemented by SmallRye is supported. Contributions for other fault tolerance providers are welcome.

KumuluzEE Fault Tolerance fully supports the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance specification.


You can add the KumuluzEE Fault Tolerance with Hystrix (implemented by SmallRye) by adding the following dependency:


To enable fault tolerance patterns using KumuluzEE Fault Tolerance, method in CDI class has to be annotated with annotations for desired fault tolerance pattern. Currently @CircuitBreaker, @Bulkhead, @Timeout, @Retry, @Fallback and @Asynchronous are supported. If annotation is added on class, the pattern will be applied on all methods within the class.

Fault Tolerance patterns


Asynchronous is an complementary annotation used alongside other fault-tolerance patters. Any method annotated with @Asynchronous will be executed asynchronously on a seperate thread. If the method is annotated with @Asynchronous it must return a Future or a CompletionStage. When the method is invoked it immediately returns a Future or a CompletionStage and the method body gets executed in another thread. When possible it is recommended to return a CompletionStage instead of Future since this improves the integration with other fault-tolerance annotations. For more details see the MP Fault Tolerance specification.

The @Asynchronous annotation does not have any parameters.

Timeout pattern

Timeout pattern is applied with @Timeout annotation. If used on class, all methods will be executed with timeout pattern. If the execution of the annotated method takes longer than configured in the @Timeout annotation the method will throw a TimeoutException. This exception can be additionally handled with other fault-tolerance patterns.

Annotation parameters are as follows:

  • value - Timeout value (use with unit for specifing time unit when using annotation). Default value: 1000
  • unit - Unit of timeout value. Default value: ChronoUnit.MILLIS

Retry pattern

Retry pattern is applied with @Retry annotation. If used on class, all methods will be executed with retry pattern.

Annotation parameters are as follows:

  • maxRetries - Number of retries if execution does not succeed. If set to -1, it will retry to infinity. Default value: 3
  • delay - Constant delay added between each retry attempt (use with unit for specifing time unit). Default value: 0
  • delayUnit - Unit of constant delay. Default value: ChronoUnit.MILLIS
  • maxDuration - Max duration to perform the retry for. Default value: 180000
  • jitter - Random jitter added between each retry attempt on top of constant delay (use with unit for specifing time unit when using annotation). Default value: 200
  • jitterDelayUnit - Unit of jitter. Default value: ChronoUnit.MILLIS
  • retryOn - array of Throwable classes at which retry pattern will be applied in case of failed execution. Default value: { Exception.class }
  • abortOn - array of Throwable classes at which retry pattern will be immediately aborted in case of failed execution. Default value: {}

Fallback pattern

Fallback pattern is applied with @Fallback annotation. If used on class, all methods will be executed with same defined fallback.

Two usage options of @Fallback are available:

  1. Usage with class - Set class implementing FallbackHandler as an annotation value. Method handle must return same type as intercepted method. Class must be a part of CDI. Example:
public class CustomersBean {

    @Timeout(value = 2, unit = ChronoUnit.SECONDS)
    public List<Customer> findCustomers(String query) {
        // ...
public class FindCustomerFallback implements FallbackHandler<List<Customer>> {
    public List<Customer> handle(ExecutionContext executionContext) {
        return new ArrayList<>();
  1. Usage with fallbackMethod - provide fallback method name as an annotation fallbackMethod parameter. Method must exists in same class as intercepted method. Return type and parameter types must be the same as in intercepted method. Example:
public class CustomersBean {

    @Timeout(value = 2, unit = ChronoUnit.SECONDS)
    @Fallback(fallbackMethod = "findCustomersFallback")
    public List<Customer> findCustomers(String query) {
        // ...
    public List<Customer> findCustomersFallback(String query) {
        return new ArrayList<>();


Circuit breaker pattern

Circuit breaker pattern is applied with @CircuitBreaker annotation. If used on class, all methods will be executed with circuit breaker pattern.

Annotation parameters are as follows:

  • failOn - Array of Throwable classes marking execution as failed. Default value: { Throwable.class }
  • delay - Wait time circuit breaker will wait before executing next request when circuit is open (use with delayUnit for specifing time unit when using annotation). Default value: 5000
  • delayUnit - Unit of delay. Default value: ChronoUnit.MILLIS
  • requestVolumeThreshold - Number of minimum executions within rolling window needed to trip the circuit. Default value: 20
  • failureRatio - Failure ratio that causes circuit to trip open. Default value: 0.5
  • successThreshold - Number of successful executions required to close the circuit back. Default value: 1

Bulkhead pattern

Bulkhead pattern is applied with @Bulkhead annotation. If bulkhead pattern is applied on class, all methods will be executed with bulkhead patterns.

By default, bulkhead pattern is semaphore executed. If used in combination with @Asynchronous annotation, thread execution is applied. Thread execution allows the configuration of the waiting queue size in addition to the number of concurrent parallel executions whereas semaphored execution supports only the latter.

Annotation parameters are as follows:

  • value - sets number of concurrent parallel executions. Default value: 10
  • waitingTaskQueue - sets queue size (only in thread execution). Default value: 10

KumuluzEE Configuration

KumuluzEE Fault Tolerance can be configured via KumuluzEE Config. To learn more about KumuluzEE Config please visit KumuluzEE Config wiki page and the KumuluzEE Config project.

Any property of any fault tolerance annotation can be adjusted using the KumuluzEE configuration. For example if annotation @Retry is present on the method exampleMethod in class com.example.beans.ExampleBean the following configuration will set the maxRetries property of the annotation to 15.


      - class: com.example.beans.ExampleBean
        method: exampleMethod
        annotation: retry
          max-retries: 15

The rules are as follows:

  • The class property should be the fully-qualified name of the class.
  • The annotation property should be hyphen-case annotation name (e.g. circuit-breaker).
  • The parameter names should be hyphen-case.

In addition to annotation parameters the enabled parameter can be specified too. If set to false the annotation is disabled. For example in order to disable the @Retry annotation in the example above use the following configuration:

      - class: com.example.beans.ExampleBean
        method: exampleMethod
        annotation: retry
          enabled: false

In order to override parameters of an annotation present on class simply leave out the method key. For example in order to set the delay property to 100 for the annotation @Retry declared on the com.example.beans.ExampleBean class use the following configuration:

      - class: com.example.beans.ExampleBean
        annotation: retry
          delay: 100

NOTE: In order to override annotation parameters the annotation must actually exist. For example if the com.example.beans.ExampleBean didn't have the @Retry annotation in the example above the configuration would not work (even if the methods defined in the class had the @Retry annotation).

Another option available is specifying global overrides. For example the following config will disable all @Fallback annotations and set the maxRetries argument of all @Retry annotations to 10. Again, note that annotation and parameter names in keys need to be in hyphen-case.

      enabled: false
      max-retries: 10

Presented configuration keys are one-to-one mapping to the keys defined in MP Fault Tolerance specification. Mapping is being done in order to better fit the KumuluzEE configuration model. If desired the keys defined in the specification can still be used and will work as expected.

Integration with KumuluzEE Metrics

KumuluzEE Fault Tolerance includes integration with the Metrics extension and adds important metrics of the fault tolerance patterns to the registry. To enable this integration, simply add the following dependency to your pom.xml:


Some of the metrics included are:

  • histogram of execution times of methods annotated with @Timeout
  • number of times the method annotated with @Retry was retried
  • number of calls prevented by the circuit breaker
  • number of executions in queue for methods, annotated with @Bulkhead and @Asynchronous
  • number of times the fallback method has been executed

For description of all metrics, check out the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance specification.


Recent changes can be viewed on Github on the Releases Page

Note that since 2.0 release the in-house developed Hystrix extension was replaced by the extension implemented by SmallRye. The previous in-house developed extension will not receive any more updates except fixes for critical bugs. The documentation for older releases is still accessible here.


See the contributing docs

When submitting an issue, please follow the guidelines.

When submitting a bugfix, write a test that exposes the bug and fails before applying your fix. Submit the test alongside the fix.

When submitting a new feature, add tests that cover the feature.




KumuluzEE Fault Tolerance extension for implementing fault tolerance mechanisms, including circuit breakers, fallbacks, retries, timeouts and other mechanisms for decoupling microservices.








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