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Official repository for Solana smart contracts used by the Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol


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Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP) on Solana



Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP) is a permissionless on-chain utility that facilitates USDC transfers securely between blockchains networks via native burning and minting. Circle created it to improve capital efficiency and minimize trust requirements when using USDC across blockchain networks. CCTP enables developers to build multi-chain applications that provide secure, 1:1 transfers of USDC across blockchains for their users.

Developer Documentation

To learn more about how to integrate with CCTP, please see our developer documentation here.


MessageTransmitter CCTPmbSD7gX1bxKPAmg77w8oFzNFpaQiQUWD43TKaecd
TokenMessengerMinter CCTPiPYPc6AsJuwueEnWgSgucamXDZwBd53dQ11YiKX3
MessageTransmitter CCTPmbSD7gX1bxKPAmg77w8oFzNFpaQiQUWD43TKaecd
TokenMessengerMinter CCTPiPYPc6AsJuwueEnWgSgucamXDZwBd53dQ11YiKX3

Program Verification

Mainnet on-chain progams can be verified with the following steps:

# Checkout deployed commit
git checkout 4e8f1d7bd4c95c3e1f4cb8ba2118897b7163c7c4
# Build a verifiable build 
anchor build --verifiable
# Verify MessageTransmitter
anchor verify --program-name message_transmitter --provider.cluster mainnet --skip-build CCTPmbSD7gX1bxKPAmg77w8oFzNFpaQiQUWD43TKaecd
# Verify TokenMessengerMinter
anchor verify --program-name token_messenger_minter --provider.cluster mainnet --skip-build CCTPiPYPc6AsJuwueEnWgSgucamXDZwBd53dQ11YiKX3

Contract Design

Solana offers a different smart contract model to traditional EVM-based blockchains. In traditional EVM-based chains, contract code/logic and state are combined into a single contract deployed on-chain. With Solana, a smart contract is read-only or stateless and contains just program logic. This creates a logical separation of state (accounts) and contract logic (programs). This model allows for a single generic Solana program to operate across various accounts without requiring additional deployments. This is the crucial difference between Solana and EVM-based smart contracts.

CCTP protocol on EVM chains consists of three contracts:

  • MessageTransmitter: Generic message passing. Sends all messages on the source chain, and receives all messages on the destination chain.
  • TokenMessenger: Entrypoint for cross-chain token transfer. Routes messages to burn a token on source chain, and mint it on destination chain.
  • TokenMinter: Responsible for minting and burning tokens. Contains chain-specific settings used by minters and burners.

On Solana, the CCTP protocol implementation is split into two programs: MessageTransmitter and TokenMessengerMinter. Where TokenMessengerMinter encapsulates the functionality of both TokenMessenger and TokenMinter contracts. To ensure alignment with EVM contracts' logic and state and to facilitate future upgrades and maintenance, the code and state of Solana programs reflect the EVM counterparts as closely as possible.

Solana CCTP programs are written in Rust and leverage the Anchor framework that makes it easier and more efficient for developers to create, deploy, and manage smart contracts on the Solana blockchain. Along with the program, an IDL (Interface Description Language) can be generated and deployed on-chain making it much easier for developers to interact with the CCTP program. See Deployment guide for more details.

Each CCTP program instruction emits one or more events upon execution. Depending on the purpose of instruction, events are emitted via Anchor's CPI events functionality or by creating new stand-alone accounts where such events are stored. Stand-alone account addresses are randomly generated on a client and passed to the program. The program initializes the account, writes the event, and sets itself as the owner. Replace instructions don't update previously created event accounts but create new ones. This is done to make it easier for the client to generate a replace instruction because it doesn't need to look up the original account address. At this time, only MessageSent events are emitted via stand-alone accounts.

Backend services can observe new account-based events by introspecting instructions and extracting event account addresses. Once the event has been processed, the account could be deleted and rent SOL reclaimed with reclaimEventAccount instruction. Rent SOL can only be returned to the original rent payer.

MessageTransmitter Module



Initialize MessageTransmitter. This operation needs to be performed prior to using any other instructions. During the initialization, authorities are set to the upgrade authority.

Parameter Type Description
localDomain u32 Solana domain id
attester [u8; 20] Attester to enable
maxMessageBodySize u64 Maximum size of message body, in bytes
version u32 Message Format version


Change the authority of MessageTransmitter.

Parameter Type Description
newOwner Pubkey New authority


Serves as a safety net after the authority has been changed. If an address has been inputted incorrectly, the former authority can rectify this by invoking the transferOwnership instruction once more.

Parameter Type Description


Change the pauser of MessageTransmitter.

Parameter Type Description
newPauser Pubkey New pauser


Change the AttesterManager of MessageTransmitter.

Parameter Type Description
newAttesterManager Pubkey New authority


Receive a message. Messages with a given nonce can only be broadcast successfully once for a pair of domains. The message body of a valid message is passed to the specified recipient for further processing.

Parameter Type Description
message Vec<u8> Message bytes
attestation Vec<u8> Signed attestation of message


Send a message to the destination domain and recipient. Emits a MessageSent event which will be attested by Circle’s attestation service.

Parameter Type Description
destinationDomain u32 Destination domain identifier
recipient Pubkey Address to handle message body on destination domain
messageBody Vec<u8> Application-specific message to be handled by recipient


Send a message to the destination domain and recipient, for a specified destinationCaller on the destination domain. Emits a MessageSent event which will be attested by Circle’s attestation service.

Parameter Type Description
destinationDomain u32 Destination domain identifier
recipient Pubkey Address to handle message body on destination domain
messageBody Vec<u8> Application-specific message to be handled by recipient
destinationCaller Pubkey Caller on the destination domain


Replace a message with a new message body and/or destination caller.

Parameter Type Description
originalMessage Vec<u8> Original message to replace
originalAttestation Vec<u8> Attestation of originalMessage
newMessageBody Vec<u8> New message body of replaced message
newDestinationCaller Pubkey The new destination caller, which may be the same as the original destination caller


Set the threshold of signatures required to attest to a message.

Parameter Type Description
newSignatureThreshold u32 New signature threshold


Enable an attester.

Parameter Type Description
newAttester [u8; 20] Attester to enable


Disable an attester.

Parameter Type Description
attester [u8; 20] Attester to disable


Set the max message body size.

Parameter Type Description
newMaxMessageBodySize u64 New signature threshold


Pause MessageTransmitter.

Parameter Type Description


Resume MessageTransmitter.

Parameter Type Description


Deletes the event account and reclaims rent SOL to the original rent payer. This instruction requires a valid attestation to be executed.

Parameter Type Description
attestation Vec<u8> Attestation of the message


View-only helper instruction to look-up usedNonces account for receiveMessage and isNonceUsed instructions.

Parameter Type Description
nonce u64 Message nonce
sourceDomain u32 Domain identifier


View-only helper instruction that returns true if the nonce is already used, i.e. the message is received on the destination chain.

Parameter Type Description
nonce u64 Message nonce



Stores MessageTransmitter configuration and next available nonce.

Field Type Description
owner Pubkey Main authority of the program
pendingOwner Pubkey New authority that needs to be accepted
attesterManager Pubkey Attester Manager of the program
pauser Pubkey Pause / unpause authority
paused bool Specifies whether MessageTransmitter is paused
localDomain u32 Solana domain id
version u32 Message Format version
signatureThreshold u32 Threshold of signatures required to attest to a message
enabledAttesters Vec<Pubkey> Enabled attesters (message signers)
maxMessageBodySize u64 Maximum size of message body, in bytes
nextAvailableNonce u64 Next available nonce from this source domain


On-chain account that stores used nonces.

Field Type Description
remoteDomain u32 Remote domain id
firstNonce u64 First nonce in the usedNonces array
usedNonces [bool; 500] Flags indicating if the nonce is used



Field Type Description
previousOwner Pubkey Previous owner
newOwner Pubkey New owner


Field Type Description
previousOwner Pubkey Previous owner
newOwner Pubkey New owner


Field Type Description
newAddress Pubkey New pauser


Field Type Description
previousAttesterManager Pubkey Previous AttesterManager
newAttesterManager Pubkey New AttesterManager


Emitted when a new message is dispatched.

Field Type Description
rent_payer Pubkey Account rent payer
message Vec<u8> Raw bytes of message


Emitted when a new message is received.

Field Type Description
caller Pubkey Authorized caller of receiveMessage() on destination domain
sourceDomain u32 The source domain this message originated from
nonce u64 Unique message nonce
sender Pubkey The sender of this message
messageBody Vec<u8> Raw bytes of message


Emitted when threshold number of attestations (m in m/n multisig) is updated.

Field Type Description
oldSignatureThreshold u32 Old signature threshold
newSignatureThreshold u32 New signature threshold


Emitted when an attester is enabled.

Field Type Description
attester [u8; 20] Newly enabled attester


Emitted when an attester is disabled.

Field Type Description
attester [u8; 20] Newly disabled attester


Emitted when max message body size is updated.

Field Type Description
newMaxMessageBodySize u64 New maximum message body size, in bytes


Emitted when MessageTransmitter is paused.

Field Type Description


Emitted when MessageTransmitter is resumed.

Field Type Description

TokenMessenger Module



Initialize TokenMessenger. This operation needs to be performed prior to using any other instructions. During the initialization, authorities are set to the upgrade authority.

Parameter Type Description
tokenController Pubkey Token controller address
messageTransmitter Pubkey Local Message Transmitter
messageBodyVersion u32 Version of message body format


Change the authority of TokenMessenger.

Parameter Type Description
newOwner Pubkey New authority


Serves as a safety net after the authority has been changed. If an address has been inputted incorrectly, the former authority can rectify this by invoking the transferOwnership instruction once more.

Parameter Type Description


Deposit and burn tokens from sender to be minted on destination domain. Minted tokens will be transferred to mintRecipient.

Parameter Type Description
amount u64 Amount of tokens to deposit and burn
destinationDomain u32 Destination domain identifier
mintRecipient Pubkey Address of mint recipient on destination domain


Deposit and burn tokens from sender to be minted on destination domain. Minted tokens will be transferred to mintRecipient.

Parameter Type Description
amount u64 Amount of tokens to deposit and burn
destinationDomain u32 Destination domain identifier
mintRecipient Pubkey Address of mint recipient on destination domain
destinationCaller Pubkey Caller on the destination domain


Replace a BurnMessage to change the mint recipient and/or destination caller. Allows the sender of a previous BurnMessage (created by depositForBurn) to send a new BurnMessage to replace the original. The new BurnMessage will reuse the amount and burn token of the original, without requiring a new deposit.

This is useful in cases where the user specified an incorrect address and has no way to safely mint the previously burned tokens.

Parameter Type Description
originalMessage Vec<u8> Original message to replace
originalAttestation Vec<u8> Attestation of originalMessage
newMintRecipient Pubkey Address of mint recipient on destination domain
newDestinationCaller Pubkey Caller on the destination domain


Handle an incoming message received by the local MessageTransmitter, and take the appropriate action. For a burn message, mint the associated token to the requested recipient on the local domain.

Parameter Type Description
remoteDomain u32 The domain where the message originated from
sender Pubkey The sender of the message (remote TokenMessenger)
messageBody Vec<u8> The message body bytes


Add the TokenMessenger for a remote domain.

Parameter Type Description
domain u32 Domain of remote TokenMessenger
tokenMessenger Pubkey Address of remote TokenMessenger


Remove the TokenMessenger for a remote domain.

Parameter Type Description



Stores TokenMessenger configuration.

Field Type Description
owner Pubkey Main authority of the program
pendingOwner Pubkey New authority that needs to be accepted
localMessageTransmitter Pubkey Local Message Transmitter responsible for sending and receiving messages to/from remote domains
messageBodyVersion u32 Version of message body format


Stores information about TokenMessenger on remote domain.

Field Type Description
domain u32 Domain of remote TokenMessenger
tokenMessenger Pubkey Valid TokenMessenger on remote domain



Field Type Description
previousOwner Pubkey Previous owner
newOwner Pubkey New owner


Field Type Description
previousOwner Pubkey Previous owner
newOwner Pubkey New owner


Emitted when a DepositForBurn message is sent.

Field Type Description
nonce u64 Unique nonce reserved by message
burnToken Pubkey Mint address of token burnt on Solana
amount u64 Deposit amount
depositor Pubkey Address where deposit is transferred from
mintRecipient Pubkey Address receiving minted tokens on destination domain
destinationDomain u32 Destination domain
destinationTokenMessenger Pubkey Address of TokenMessenger on destination domain
destinationCaller Pubkey Authorized caller of receiveMessage() on destination domain


Emitted when tokens are minted.

Field Type Description
mintRecipient Pubkey Recipient address of minted tokens
amount u64 Amount of minted tokens
mintToken Pubkey Mint address of minted token


Emitted when a remote TokenMessenger is added.

Field Type Description
domain u32 Domain of remote TokenMessenger
tokenMessenger Pubkey Address of remote TokenMessenger


Emitted when a remote TokenMessenger is removed.

Field Type Description
domain u32 Domain of remote TokenMessenger
tokenMessenger Pubkey Address of remote TokenMessenger

TokenMinter Module



Change the token controller address.

Parameter Type Description
newTokenController Pubkey New token controller


Change the pauser address.

Parameter Type Description
newPauser Pubkey New pauser


Set the maximum burn amount per message.

Parameter Type Description
burnLimitPerMessage u64 Maximum burn amount per message


Add a new local token.

Parameter Type Description


Remove local token.

Parameter Type Description


Link supported pair of local and remote tokens.

Parameter Type Description
remoteDomain u32 Remote domain
remoteToken Pubkey Remote token address
localToken Pubkey Local token address


Unlink a pair of local and remote tokens.

Parameter Type Description


Pause TokenMinter.

Parameter Type Description


Resume TokenMinter.

Parameter Type Description


Burn tokens in the custody. If the specified amount is greater than the current balance, then the entire balance is burned, i.e., no error is returned in such case.

Parameter Type Description
amount u64 Amount of tokens to burn



Stores TokenMinter configuration and records stats.

Field Type Description
tokenController Pubkey Authority to manage token address mappings, and per-message burn limits
pauser Pubkey Pause / unpause authority
paused bool Specifies whether the TokenMinter is paused


Supported mintable tokens on remote domains, mapped to their corresponding local token.

Field Type Description
remoteDomain u32 Remote domain
remoteToken Pubkey Remote token address
localToken Pubkey Local token mint address


Supported tokens on the local domain.

Field Type Description
custody Pubkey Custody token account
mint Pubkey Token mint address
burnLimitPerMessage u64 Maximum burn amount per message
messagesSent u64 Total number of messages sent
messagesReceived u64 Total number of messages received
amountSent u64 Amount of tokens sent (burned)
amountReceived u64 Amount of tokens received (minted)



Field Type Description
tokenController Pubkey New token controller


Field Type Description
newAddress Pubkey New pauser


Emitted when a mint request is processed.

Field Type Description
amount u64 Minted amount


Emitted when a burn request is processed.

Field Type Description
amount u64 Burned amount


Emitted when a burn limit per message is set.

Field Type Description
token Pubkey Token mint address
burnLimitPerMessage u64 New burn limit per message


Emitted when a new local token is added.

Field Type Description
custody Pubkey Custody token account
mint Pubkey Token mint address


Emitted when a local token is removed.

Field Type Description
custody Pubkey Custody token account
mint Pubkey Token mint address


Emitted when a token pair is linked.

Field Type Description
localToken Pubkey Local token mint address
remoteDomain u32 Remote domain
remoteToken Pubkey Remote token address


Emitted when a token pair is linked.

Field Type Description
localToken Pubkey Local token mint address
remoteDomain u32 Remote domain
remoteToken Pubkey Remote token address


Emitted when TokenMinter is paused.

Field Type Description


Emitted when TokenMinter is resumed.

Field Type Description


The following table shows the permissions for calling each instruction:

module instruction permissionless pauser attester manager token controller owner upgrade authority program (e.g. TokenMessenger) MessageTransmitter
MessageTransmitter initialize x
MessageTransmitter transferOwnership x
MessageTransmitter acceptOwnership x
MessageTransmitter updatePauser x
MessageTransmitter updateAttesterManager x
MessageTransmitter receiveMessage x
MessageTransmitter sendMessage x
MessageTransmitter sendMessageWithCaller x
MessageTransmitter replaceMessage x
MessageTransmitter setSignatureThreshold x
MessageTransmitter enableAttester x
MessageTransmitter disableAttester x
MessageTransmitter setMaxMessageBodySize x
MessageTransmitter pause x
MessageTransmitter unpause x
TokenMessenger initialize x
TokenMessenger transferOwnership x
TokenMessenger acceptOwnership x
TokenMessenger depositForBurn x
TokenMessenger depositForBurnWithCaller x
TokenMessenger replaceDepositForBurn x
TokenMessenger handleReceiveMessage x
TokenMessenger addRemoteTokenMessenger x
TokenMessenger removeRemoteTokenMessenger x
TokenMinter setTokenController x
TokenMinter updatePauser x
TokenMinter setMaxBurnAmountPerMessage x
TokenMinter addLocalToken x
TokenMinter removeLocalToken x
TokenMinter linkTokenPair x
TokenMinter unlinkTokenPair x
TokenMinter pause x
TokenMinter unpause x

Deployment guide

Setup Environment

  1. Clone the repository from
  2. Install the latest Solana tools from If you already have Solana tools, run solana-install update to get the latest compatible version.
  3. Install the latest Rust stable from If you already have Rust, run rustup update to get the latest version.
  4. Install the latest Anchor framework from If you already have Anchor, run avm update to get the latest version.

Rustfmt is used to format the code. It requires nightly features to be activated:

  1. Install nightly rust toolchain.
  2. Execute git config core.hooksPath .githooks to activate pre-commit hooks.

[Optional] Vscode setup

  1. Install rust-analyzer extension
  2. If formatting doesn't work, make sure that rust-analyzer.rustfmt.extraArgs is set to +nightly


First, generate new keys for the program addresses with solana-keygen new -o <PROG_ID_JSON>. Then, replace the existing program IDs with the newly generated addresses in Anchor.toml, programs/message-transmitter/src/, and programs/token-messenger-minter/src/

Also, ensure the path to your wallet in Anchor.toml is correct. Alternatively, when running Anchor deploy or test commands, you can specify your wallet with --provider.wallet argument. The wallet's pubkey will be set as an upgrade authority upon initial deployment of the program. It is strongly recommended to use multisig upgrade authority when deploying to the mainnet.

To build the program run anchor build command from the root solana-cctp-contracts directory:

cd solana-cctp-contracts
anchor build

Cargo Dependencies

To ensure with certainty that packages are not changed unexpectedly as well as to enable reproducible, verifiable builds, all Cargo dependencies are vendored locally in the vendor directory and enabled via the .cargo/config.toml file.


Unit tests are executed with the cargo test command:

cargo test -- --nocapture

Integration tests can be started as follows:

npm install
anchor test -- --features test

By default, integration tests are executed on a local validator, so it won't cost you any SOL.


To deploy the program to the devnet and upload the IDL use the following commands:

anchor deploy --provider.cluster devnet --program-name message_transmitter --program-keypair <PROG_ID_JSON>
anchor deploy --provider.cluster devnet --program-name token_messenger_minter --program-keypair <PROG_ID_JSON>
anchor idl init --provider.cluster devnet --filepath ./target/idl/message_transmitter.json <PROGRAM ID>
anchor idl init --provider.cluster devnet --filepath ./target/idl/token_messenger_minter.json <PROGRAM ID>


Before the first use of the CCTP programs they must be initialized with the MessageTransmitter#initialize and TokenMessenger#initialize instructions.

License: LICENSE


Official repository for Solana smart contracts used by the Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol



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  • Rust 71.1%
  • TypeScript 28.8%
  • Shell 0.1%