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Kayler edited this page Mar 1, 2017 · 12 revisions

This wiki provides insight on how to use certain features inside the Arma Intellij Plugin. This wiki also shows how some internal features work, like syntax checking, to provide further clarification of why some things work and some things don't.

Video Walk-through

A video showcasing how to get started with the plugin and a demo of some of it's features is available.
Watch it here.


Create A Project

This page shows how to create a project from an existing Arma 3 Mission.

Content Assist

Content assist provides suggestions on what Intellij thinks you will want to type next. Content assist is applied for getting functions from CfgFunctions and stringtable entries from Stringtable.xml when typing localize.

Usages & Renaming

Finding usages and rename refactoring are outlined in this page.

Documentation Overview

Learn about function documentation and wiki command documentation lookup in this section.

Create A Live Template

Learn how to utilize Intellij's live template api and create your own template code for things like for loops.

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