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UI Development: Getting started

Kin Ueng edited this page Nov 5, 2019 · 7 revisions


Instructions on how to run the NodeJS server (aka UI server) without deploying the UI container in Kubernetes (k8).

Why would you want to do this?

  • When testing code change, you can avoid redeploying the UI docker container in k8.
  • Gives you choice to use different k8 clusters with the same local UI server


Step One: Build API server

Step Two: Start API server

  • echo > ./target/liberty/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/jvm.options
  • echo KAPPNAV_CONFIG_NAMESPACE=<namespace> > ./target/liberty/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/server.env
    • Replace <namespace> with the namespace where you installed kAppNav on your k8 environment
  • ./target/liberty/wlp/bin/server start defaultServer --clean

Step Three: Build UI Server

Step Four: Start UI Server

  • KUBE_ENV=minikube KAPPNAV_CONFIG_NAMESPACE=<namespace> npm start
    • Replace <namespace> with the namespace where you installed kAppNav on your k8 environment

Step Five: Proxy k8 calls from local machine to k8 environment

  • oc login -u username -p password https://<ipaddress>:<port>/