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Command line code generation (job export) plugin for talend

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Command line code generation (job build/export) plugin for talend

Compiling & Configuring


#to build the latest version available
> make

#ls in the out directory
>ls jar/talend-codegen_5.6.0.jar

#build an older version
>make build_jar_5.4.1

#build directly with ant:
> cat Makefile
	ant build -Dtalend_version=5.6.0 -Dtalend_revision=20141024_1545
	ant clean -Dtalend_version=5.6.0 -Dtalend_revision=20141024_1545

#select your version
> ant build -Dtalend_version=5.5.1 -Dtalend_revision=r118616

And copy jar/talend-codegen<version>.jar to the plugins directory of Talend.

Usage with talend-codegen helper

This project is shipped with an helper script available in ./bin/talend-codegen.

This script must be modify to reflect your Talend installation (TALEND_DIR and TALEND_BIN at the beginning of the script)


# create out directory
$ mkdir -p './out'

# With all '-need' options enabled 
$ talend-codegen -p './MyProjectDir/' -o './out/' -j './MyJobName' -a

# With custom options
$ talend-codegen -p './MyProjectDir/' -o './out/' -j 'MyJobName' -O '-needLauncher=true -needContext=true'


# help
$ talend-codegen -h
usage: talend-codegen -p <project dir> -o <out dir> -j <job name> \
                    [-a] [-O <custom options>] [-T <talend dir>] [-c <comp dir>]

Build Talend project from command line

 * talend-codegen -p ./MyProjectDir/ -o out/ -j MyJobName -a
 * talend-codegen -p ./MyProjectDir/ -o out/ -j MyJobName -O '-needLauncher=true -needDependencies=true'

  -p <project dir>: directory containing the talend project
  -j <job id>: job to export
  -o <out dir>: output directory

optional arguments:
  -a:                  enable all -need* options
  -O <custom options>: custom options (cannot be used with -a)
  -T <talend dir>:     talend install directory (default: /home/pcarpent/TOS_DI-r95165-V5.2.1)
  -c <comp dir>:       location of any custom components used in the job

codegen options (for -O):
 * -version - version of job to be exported
 * -needLauncher - include launcher script (true/false)
 * -needSystemRoutine - include system outines (true/false)
 * -needUserRoutine - and so on..
 * -needTalendLibraries
 * -needJobItem
 * -needSourceCode
 * -needDependencies
 * -needJobScript
 * -needContext
 * -applyToChildren

Usage invoking TOS directly

Invoke talend with the following mandatory command line arguments:

  • -projectDir - the project directory where the project can be found
  • -jobName - name of the job to be exported
  • -targetDir - the directory where the exported job will be placed

Eclipse application arguments

  • -application - run the code generation plugin
  • -nosplash stops the display of the gui splash window
  • --launcher.suppressErrors stops errors being displayed in message boxes - output to stderr instead
  • -data specifies the talend workspace used for building the project - created automatically if it doesn't exist (recommended to ensure a clean build)
  • --clean_component_cache tells TOS to reload external components and rebuild the cache

Some optional command line arguments you can have:

  • -version - version of job to be exported
  • -componentDir - location of any custom components used in the job
  • -needLauncher - include launcher script (true/false)
  • -needSystemRoutine - include system outines (true/false)
  • -needUserRoutine - and so on..
  • -needTalendLibraries
  • -needJobItem
  • -needSourceCode
  • -needDependencies
  • -needJobScript
  • -needContext
  • -applyToChildren


export JOBNAME=MyJob
export WORKSPACE=/home/projectname/workspace
export PROJECTDIR=/home/projectname/workspace/MYPROJECT
export TARGETDIR=/home/projectname/workspace/.talend-build
export COMPONENTDIR=/home/projectname/custom_components

cp $PROJECTDIR/libs/* /home/TOS_DI-r118616-V5.5.1/lib/java/

/home/TOS_DI-20141024_1545-V5.6.0/TOS_DI-linux-gtk-x86_64 \
    -nosplash --launcher.suppressErrors -data $WORKSPACE \
    -application \
    -jobName $JOBNAME -projectDir $PROJECTDIR \
    -targetDir $TARGETDIR -componentDir $COMPONENTDIR