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  • TODO



  • adoptopenjdk is recommended

Prepare k3d and provision local database

  • go to kaif-deploy, read include:
    • install mkcert and k3d
    • build kaif-web docker image
    • provision via terraform + helm

Prepare Dart for IDE

  • install Intellij Dart plugin
    • intellij need local copy of dart sdk, you can install it in your OS
  • open pubspec.yaml and click Get Dependencies

Prepare dev web server

  • go to kaif-web, execute gradle tomcat, and pub serve
   cd kaif-web
   ../gradlew webDevServe
   ../gradlew bootRun
  • bootRun will start a development embed tomcat, you can visit http://localhost:5980

  • webDevServe will start pub server in 15980 port, which used by dev server

  • you can use gradle in Intellij to run bootRun and webDevServe.

Intellij IDEA configuration

  • import code style in tools/idea_settings.jar (scheme select lambda_idea)
  • in run configurations, change Defaults JUnit working directory to $MODULE_DIR$
  • Intellij may prompt you use .less filewatcher, we don't use it, just dismiss.

Development tips

  • append ?kaif-locale=en can force change locale in bootRun server, default value is zh_TW

Deploy web app to local k3d

  • build kaif-web docker image then deploy to k3d
  kaif-deploy/ctl/ # open kaif_ctl console
  # within kaif_ctl, execute:
  cd kaif/kaif-deploy/kaif-local
  terraform init
  terraform apply 

Production provision and deployment

  • see kaif-deploy/ for detail