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In TFS it's possible to create "faked" builds, without actually running them. You can read about it in this blog post by Jason Prickett.

TfsBuildResultPublisher allows you to create a Fake build, and publish test results to both the build in TFS and also a test run into Microsoft Test Manager


TfsBuildResultPublisher.exe /collection:http://tfsserver:8080/tfs/MyCollection 
                   /builddefinition:"Daily Build"

-c, --collection=VALUE                 The collection
-p, --project=VALUE                    The team project
-b, --builddefinition=VALUE            The build definition
-n, --buildnumber=VALUE                The build number to assign the build\
-s, --status=VALUE                     Status of the build  (Succeeded, Failed, Stopped, PartiallySucceeded, default: Succeeded)
-f, --flavor=VALUE                     Flavor of the build (to track test results against, default: Debug)
-l, --platform=VALUE                   Platform of the build (to track test results against, AnyCPU)
-t, --target=VALUE                     Target of the build (shown on build report, default: default)
  --localpath=VALUE                    Local path of solution file. (default: Solutio                               n.sln)
  --serverpath=VALUE                   Version Control path for solution file. (e.g. $/Solution.sln)
  --droplocation=VALUE                 Location where builds are dropped (default: \\server\drops\)
  --buildlog=VALUE                     Location of build log file. (e.g. \\server\folder\build.log)
  --testResults=VALUE                  Test results file to publish (*.trx, requires MSTest installed)
  --create                             Should the build definition be created if it does not exist
  --trigger                            Instead of creating a manual build, we should trigger the build
  --keepForever                        Does the build participates in the retention policy of the build definition or to keep the                                build forever
  --buildController=VALUE              The name of the build controller to use when creating the build definition (default, first controller)
  --publishTestRun                     Creates a test run in Test Manager (requires tcm.exe installed)
  --fixTestIds                         If the .trx file comes from VSTest.Console.exe, the testId's will not be recognised by Test Runs (for associated automation)
  --testSuiteId=VALUE                  The Test Suite to publish the results of the test run to [tcm /suiteId]
  --testConfigid=VALUE                 The Test Configuration to publish the results of the test run to [tcm /configId]
  --testRunTitle=VALUE                 The title of the test run [tcm /title]
  --testRunResultOwner=VALUE           The result owner of the test run [tcm /resultOwner]
  --changeSets=VALUE                   The changeset Id's to associate the build with (value is comma delimited: 1,2,3)
  --workItems=VALUE                    The workiem Id's to associate the build with (value is comma delimited: 1,2,3)
  --autoAssocChangesetWorkItems=VALUE  Whether to auto-associate changeset workitems to the build (true if a value is present)
  --buildQueueDisabled=VALUE           Whether the build definition's queue is created disabled (true if a value is present)


Original Blog post:
Inspiration for creating a 2012 command line tool: