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Knowing your basics

  • Downloading the SDKs, setting up the development environment and tools
  • Overview of the Android systems architecture
  • Application life-cycle
  • The Android Version and API Levels
  • Building blocks: Activities, Intents, Services, Broadcast Receivers, Content Providers
  • Android permission models
  • Setting up your first Virtual Device.

Hello Android!

  • Writing your first application and launching it on a Virtual Device
  • Setting up your phone/tablet for debugging
  • The anatomy of an Android application
  • UI components overview
  • Overview of the Android Manifest file
  • Logging and debugging
  • Working with multiple device form factors and screen densities
  • An introduction to the resource loading framework
  • Introduction to 9-patch image resources
  • Internationalization and string resources
  • Life-cycle methods and handling configuration changes
  • Introducing the Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS)

A closer look at Activities and Intents

  • Types of activities
  • Passing parameters via Intents
  • Interacting with other activities on the system.

ListViews and Adapters

  • ArrayAdapter and BaseAdapters
  • Designing Custom Listviews
  • Dealing with performance issues

Working with BroadcastReceivers

  • Introduction
  • Registering to be notified: via manifest and via code


  • Introduction to Service base class, life-cycle methods
  • Background and Foreground services
  • Avoiding the "forever service" anti-pattern: Introduction to AlarmService


  • An introduction to Android’s threading model
  • Application Not Responding (ANR) or: Why you never ever block the UI thread
  • Handlers and AsyncTask
  • Threading and device configuration changes

Network Services

  • Introducing the Apache HttpClient libraries
  • Parsing JSON

Power Management

  • Android's power management model
  • Staying awake: Introduction to WakeLocks
  • Types of wake locks, acquiring and releasing them.

Working with databases

  • Introduction to persistent storage: Working with SQLite.
  • SqliteHelpers
  • Working with Cursors
  • Binding cursors to Listviews via CursorAdapter

Shared Preferences

  • Introduction to Android's shared preference framework
  • Building preference UIs and working with PrefereceActivity

Taking to Sensors

  • Classes of supported sensors
  • Introduction to the SensorManager service
  • Dealing with performance issues
  • Talking to the Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Ambient Light and Proximity sensors

Geolocation and GeoCoding

  • Location sensors: GPS, Cell Triangulation and Wi-Fi Triangulation
  • Introduction to LocationManager services
  • Dealing with performance issues
  • Figuring out where you are: Geolocation and GeoCoding

Packaging and distributing your application

  • Generating signing keys and signing your application
  • Setting up 1-click build using Apache Ant
  • Publishing to Google Play (The App Store Formerly Known As Google Market)
  • Alternatives to Google Play


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